Friday, 3 August 2012

The Global Mantle

The Global Mantle
On the 10th of December 2009 in Oslo-Norway, the Nobel Peace Prize committee awarded the United States President-Mr.Barack Obama with a Nobel Laurel alongside a certificate and a cash prize of 1.5million dollars. All of these accolades were granted to Mr.Barack Obama without what the skeptics and the critic alike called a speak-able deserving work-record.
Unlike former Nobel Peace laureates such as Nelson Madiba Mandela, martin Luther King Jr., and men like Sir, Albert Einstein who worked and struggled tirelessly half the entire course of their lives-to deserve the award.
Right before he even received  the laurel, Mr.Barack Obama was caught in an interview with a group reporters stating “they were plenty of nameless, faceless and voiceless candidates more deserving of the award but  none the less, my receiving  of this prestigious award is only going to motivate, and encourage me to continue on my path of advocating and pursing a world free of nuclear weapons , and to strengthen the mechanism geared towards the establishment of a better and peaceful new world order”.
 Conversely, throughout the day and throughout the world outside of the grand ceremony in Olso-Norway where Mr. Barack Obama was being honored, decorated with the Nobel Peace Laurel was an ensuing Debate, and the purpose of the resolve in the debate was aimed at dissecting the grounds upon which the Nobel peace prize committee decided to award and honor Mr.Barack Obama with the Nobel Peace Laurel, when in all reality he did not have a speak-able  and a reputable work record to deserve the award.
Of course as you would expect, the negative side of the debate drove the right nails inside the palms of Mr.Barack Obama-their victim – but the one thing they forgot to consider due to the limited level of understanding with regard to the dynamics of the era that we all find ourselves entrapped therein, was Mr.Barack Obama’s position and purpose in the history of mankind, a position, and a purpose to pursue and advocate for a world free of nuclear arsenal and consequently a world of peace, and freedom for all.
And in order for Mr. Barack Obama to live up to the full mandate of his position and purpose he needed the encouragement and the right motivation that matches up with the task ahead of him. This motivation and encouragement did not come any better than in a Nobel Peace Laurel. In response to young Arica’s position and purpose in the history of man-kind, and in regards to this glorious era also known as the 6th new world order, and as opposed to your in-experience, immature work-record and human effort, ever since the time you were born, The Lord God has none the less awarded you with the most coveted Nobel possession ever awarded to anyone living-and that is the Global Mantle.
 Its not the Nobel Peace prize laurel like that which was awarded to a Mr. Barack Obama in 2009, a man that is sited comfortably in the white House. The same house Mr.Barack Obama has failed to paint the beautiful African colors of Black, Green, and Red-but your award is the Global mantle and with it you are going to paint the whole world Green, Black and Red. In plain definition, this Global mantle that HaShem-God- has just awarded you with is called is most coveted because it’s the world’s most desired, its Nobel because  its not for  self –service but  for divine service. It’s a possession because it’s the expressive copy of your divinely assured position and purpose in the history of man-kind. This award is all of that because your position and purpose in life is all that.
I’m talking now to my formless and desolate people. A people who were called formless and desolate by their environment but they refused to walk and talk like what the environment of their stay labeled and tagged them. But they stayed focused to their aspiration, goals, dreams and desires because they knew it for the life of themselves hat their position and purpose and substance in life was laid on the face of the deep for only but a little while and afterwards, the environment around about them could soon be made aware of the potential in them.
Just like the earth was labeled and tagged formless and desolate for as long as it was surrounded by ignorance (darkness), But the moment the light was switched on, that was when the identity of the earth took on a new image. In this era, all the formless and desolate people shall embrace a new image.
Everything that the good Lord covered on the inside of your belly is going to see the light of your surface, the time is now, for people to see you walk an operate in your dream and when they see you, they shall commune with themselves “when in the world did he work for all of this and to deserve all of that. Not in this world, I say because what you are about to poses is not what you have been working for but rather what has been prepared for you.
By who? The Lord God in Jesus’ Holy precious name……………The Lord God is awarding you with all these incredible, nerve cracking possession that your work record does not deserve so that he can prepare you and encourage , and motivate you to be able to accomplish and fulfill the tremendous level of task ahead of your life. As well as your position and purpose in the history of Man-kind