Wednesday, 13 November 2013

A Situation of Humility

Genesis: 2-21

Every time that God Almighty calls and summons an individual to instruction and obedience the setup of that particular occasion is to bring that specific individual to a level and a degree as much as into a situation of humility in order for that individual to be able to gain access and information as regards the plans of God, the will of God and glory of God as prepared by God for that specific individual throughout the course of his or her lifetime.

However, it has to be said that often times than not, there is always a proclivity by those whom God has brought into a situation of humility to feel humiliated by their humility.
And in order for them to be able to overcome their proclivity to feel humiliated in the very place that has been ordained by God for them to gain access to the glory of God for their lives, there is a need to acquire and acquaint themselves with the revelatory knowledge of God Almighty.


 Because without the knowledge of God which comes by revelation then the individual who has obeyed and followed after the instruction of God will be without a doubt overcome by his/her proclivity to feeling humiliated .
In order for you to walk through the process of overcoming humiliation is by learning how to reaffirm and confess to yourselves that, “I ‘am not humiliated by this situation of humility because its God’s ordained place for my life to gain access to his promise made to himself to achieve and accomplish in my life.”
As much as the place ordained by God for me to see and to fully grasp and understand what level of glorious providence that God only and alone is going to establish in my life and in its course.
 My dear friends Jesus had to go past the garden of Gethsemane unto the hill of Calvary to hang on a cross of wood like a criminal and a murderer so as to gain access to the glory God only and alone had prepared for him, He that knew no sin suffered the humiliation of sinners because he had foresight that his place was only but a situation of humility designed by God for him to enter into God’s prepared glory for Jesus.
Jacob had to find a good place to camp for the right and why he was resting in the place and in the position as much as in the posture of humility God revealed to Jacob the glory that was going to occur in his life.

He was given a revelatory experience of the glory that God was going to cause in his life-time so that when it happens Jacob will give praise and glory back to God.

To the hearing of several generations that will in turn seek the face of God for a blessing.

A wife is a crown on top of a husband’s head but just like it’s impossible to grow tall on your feet so it’s impossible for one to recognize and appreciate their crown while on their feet.

Henceforth God had to perpetually imbue Adam in a situation of humility in order to gain a revelatory experience concerning his wife-Eve- who eventually was brought before him.

Sometimes God will place you in a situation of humility as a launch pad to shoot you over and above a lifestyle that is beyond your intellectual capacity, knowledge, understand, and wisdom, and if it’s beyond your description and definition.

At this point God will have me to tell you that the lifestyle you are about to operate in is beyond the reach of anybody living.

As a matter of fact you are going to be the first to operate in that lifestyle thereof.

No one has ever lived as excellent and perfect as you are about to live.

But the reason why you find yourself in the place of humility now is so that the glory of God may come running towards you as you open your arms to embrace it and welcome it and believe it for your life

The Instruction of God

Genesis: 12
Once the instruction of EL-Shaddai-God Almighty calls upon any given individual life, the essence of that call is fundamentally designed to give the “instructed one” possession over the blessings of God over those that he much loves.

However many a times than not, the instruction of El-Shaddai-God Almighty has a very uncanny way of exposing the “instructed one “of God  to many unexpected experiences.

For instance when the Lord called Abram to instruction in the book of Genesis chapter 12, little did Abram anticipate and expect that his life would be interfaced by a sever famine that struck the land of Canaan.
Consequently forcing Abram to go “down to Egypt” where he lived as a foreigner.

If I would deal with the aforementioned occurrence I can tell you that one of the most disgraceful experiences that you can interface immediately after obeying the instruction of God is going down and beginning to scrap at the very bottom of the bellow when indeed and in fact you understand that they is a kingdom in your belly that guarantees that you ought to be feeding and sleeping like a king as a much as operating on the top of life instead of down.

Abram received an instruction from the Lord and he expected the reward to be a higher-life but now we see him struggling against a famine to the extent of going down-to operate on a level of life that is actually below his organic standards.

And to add salt to injury he is forced to live as a foreigner because his status is not that of a citizen but that of a refugee.

Surely this is not what he expected upon obeying EL-Shaddai’s instruction.

However amidst all the unexpected the beauty of sarai-Abram’s wife is noted.

She is noticed and she suddenly draws praise all the way into the palace of the pharaoh who immediately decides to reward Abram for Sarai’s beauty.

There is something to be said about obeying the Lord’s instruction.

When you obey the instruction of God somehow and somewhere, the beauty of his countenance begins to walk with you and often times than not it casts its imagery unto your physical appearance hence fostering men and women to take note of God’s blessing on your life.

And once men and women take note of the beautiful countenance of the Lord on your life it puts them into a very unfamiliar mood of singing praises concerning the blessings of God in your life and before you know it wealthy resources and finances begin flowing into your life henceforth turning your fortunes around.

I want to talk to all of you gifted sons and daughters of the most High God, creator of Heaven and the earth plus everything that dwells therein.

God is about to cause wealthy resources and finances into your life as you obey his instructions because by obeying his instructions, your gifts will instantly begin to shine and men, and women from all over the world will take note, hence sing praises of your gift that is as a beautiful countenance of the Lord’s face.

And once the praises go up then the blessings will come flowing towards you.

Sometimes following the instruction of God will expose you to fight wars that you have no business engaging thereof and God will give you victory and a greatly awesome reward.

When God instructs you to do something you better do it because it will actually take you low and prepare you for greater heights.

As a result of the very fact that immediately after obeying God’s instruction you begin to see what you cannot see on your own.

 You begin to access realms and levels that your physical capacity cannot contain because they are actually higher and bigger than your life’s background and propensity.

God has prepared for you a life on the top but your access and possession over that life is through responding to his instruction.

In fact you can never know what God can reveal to you till you obey his instruction.

In addition, the revelatory experience of God is obtained immediately after obeying his instruction.

The Revelatory Experience of God

Genesis 28:10

The revelation of God is the sudden appearance of the hidden knowledge of God concerning an individual’s life.
In Genesis 28:10, Jacob is leaving Beersheba, from Gerar probably after sojourning there for some extensive reasons that many Hebrew theologians have endeavored to dissect consequently coming up with many conclusions whose discussion I prefer to preserve for later.

 He is leaving Beersheba traveling towards Haran and if we are to remember Haran is the same place that Terah-Jacob’s great grandfather arrived, rested stayed and died.

And immediately after Terah ‘s death God called Abraham-Jacob’s grandfather out of Haran-the place where Terah Abraham’s father, arrived, rested, stayed, and died.

And now it’s pretty obvious that Jacob is exhausted and tired by the time he arrives in Haran and in order to make sure that he does not rest, stay, and die in the same place Terah died.

God suddenly appears to Jacob and gives him knowledge of plans he has for his mortal life, plans that were hidden to Jacob till this very experience.

And just like destiny should have it, the place where God appears unto Jacob in form of a dream is the kind of place whose identity is hidden to Jacob.

In fact all that Jacob knows and understands is that it’s a good place to set up for the night.

Without realizing that it was actually a good place because it was consecrated and sanctified unto God as a dwelling place when Abram set up an altar and dedicated it to the Lord and he worshiped the Lord in Genesis 12:8.

So when Jacob awakes he calls the locality the house of God by his Hebrew dialect translating “Bethel”.

From this point on, whether you believe it or not but many times than not if not all the time the instruction by God will lead to a place of revelatory experience.

Which experience ultimately exposes you to the revelation of God and by now you should actually understand that the revelation of God is the knowledge of God concerning what he promised himself to accomplish and achieve in an individual’s life-time.

Consequently whatever God promised himself to accomplish in the course of an individual’s life-time becomes God’s plan for that given individual.

As a matter of fact, the revelation of God is clear fore-running knowledge that whatever plan God has for your life is near completion, and close to coming to pass in your life.

It’s as a shout and a cry like one which was made in Matthew 25:6”At midnight there was a cry made 
,”Behold the bridegroom comes go ye out  meet him, awakening the promised one of God that the plan of God for his life is coming to pass.

It is as a siren that goes a head of a presidential entourage while giving warning for many to make way.

See my dear friends the plan of God cannot be hindered and it can’t be stopped, anyone who tries to be in its way t will be forced out of the way and even run over.

Whatever God promised him-self to do in your life he will accomplish and achieve.

He is coming to Get Me

Genesis 1:26-30, 2 Kings 2:12

Every anointed entity requires someone who will stick with them not only when the seasons is good but even when seasons are bad.

If you know you have been anointed of God, you will have to appreciate the urgency of requiring someone around you who will stick with you even when you are broke, Someone who will stick with you even when people who do not know you all too well are up in your business without a clue about the truth about you.

Once you get anointed for the holy service of God you will need someone who will stick with you because they understand and fully grasp the power of God on your life from an experiential point of view.

In 2 Kings 2:12 Elisha would not walk away from Elijah even when Elijah was entreating him to do so simply because Elisha understood the power of God over Elijah’s life.

If you know you have been anointed of God you will need someone who will still desire your presence and the hearing of your voice and sound even when you are not producing anything good, someone who will desire your personality even when everything is breaking a way from your life.

Elijah went through Bethel-(the blessed place), and still Elisha was with him.

Elijah went through Jericho-(the cursed place) and still Elisha was with him.
Elijah went through the river Jordan-(the breaking point) and still Elisha was with him.

Elisha was with Elijah through it all because Elisha knew that the power of God on Elijah’s life did not weaken at the face of demeaning challenges of life but it only got all the more intense, relevant, and all the more powerful.

He understood that even though Elijah was going through what he was going through, whatever was on Elijah’s life was still desirable.

And once Elisha got it, it elevated his life to the next level.

Elisha knew that the Lord God of Elijah was coming to get him from whence he was to another level and another dimension of glory in God.

And at this juncture, there are some who have tallied for a long time on a certain level in God and yet God promised them a better a level and a standard of living that has not manifested yet.

And they wonder or rather you wonder how long you are going to tarry on this demeaning level.

My answer to you is of such that God is coming to get you from where your right now to the ninth level of his divine glory.
He is coming to get you and your life will never remain the same.

Many times than not, you keep on reminding yourself that God is not a liar he has not forgotten about you, he has not forsaken you.

He said he will left you up and you’re waiting for him to come get you.

You find yourself unable to move anymore steps forwards because you are waiting for God to come and get you from whence you are right now.

You are waiting for him to show you your next direction in life, and without a doubt I have come to believe by divine revelation that your next direction in life is on the ninth level.

God created man on the sixth day with power, authority, and dominion but its was all invisible till he formed the man from the dust of the earth into that shape of the numerical figure nine-which when translated it is a man with power, authority and dominion, in a morph-physical and tangible reality.

God will have me to tell you that your next level in life is going to be that level where your power, authority and dominion in God are going to be tangible and a physical reality, where you will be on top of great resources and in charge of tangible wealth (people and money).

Your next level is going to be a manifestation of the impossible.
 What is impossible to men will be made possible in your life by the power of God Almighty.

Some people they are looking at you and they think you are on the same level with them but you don’t belong here with them.

This level may be too big for them but its too small for you to live here.

 I BELONG SOME WHERE BIGGER AND BETTER and that’s on the level where God is over me and I am over everything else.

Elijah was taken up to another dimension of life by chariots of fire.

God is coming to elevate me up to another dimension of life by way of his divine revelation flowing with mercy and grace .Amen