Genesis: 2-21
Every time that God Almighty calls and summons an individual
to instruction and obedience the setup of that particular occasion is to bring that
specific individual to a level and a degree as much as into a situation of
humility in order for that individual to be able to gain access and information
as regards the plans of God, the will of God and glory of God as prepared by
God for that specific individual throughout the course of his or her lifetime.
However, it has to be said that often times than not, there
is always a proclivity by those whom God has brought into a situation of
humility to feel humiliated by their humility.
And in order for them to be able to overcome their
proclivity to feel humiliated in the very place that has been ordained by God
for them to gain access to the glory of God for their lives, there is a need to
acquire and acquaint themselves with the revelatory knowledge of God Almighty.
Because without the
knowledge of God which comes by revelation then the individual who has obeyed
and followed after the instruction of God will be without a doubt overcome by
his/her proclivity to feeling humiliated .
In order for you to walk through the process of overcoming humiliation
is by learning how to reaffirm and confess to yourselves that, “I ‘am not
humiliated by this situation of humility because its God’s ordained place for
my life to gain access to his promise made to himself to achieve and accomplish
in my life.”
As much as the place ordained by God for me to see and to
fully grasp and understand what level of glorious providence that God only and
alone is going to establish in my life and in its course.
My dear friends Jesus
had to go past the garden of Gethsemane unto the hill of Calvary to hang on a
cross of wood like a criminal and a murderer so as to gain access to the glory
God only and alone had prepared for him, He that knew no sin suffered the
humiliation of sinners because he had foresight that his place was only but a
situation of humility designed by God for him to enter into God’s prepared
glory for Jesus.
Jacob had to find a good place to camp for the right and why
he was resting in the place and in the position as much as in the posture of
humility God revealed to Jacob the glory that was going to occur in his life.
He was given a revelatory experience of the glory that God
was going to cause in his life-time so that when it happens Jacob will give praise
and glory back to God.
To the hearing of several generations that will in turn seek
the face of God for a blessing.
A wife is a crown on top of a husband’s head but just like it’s
impossible to grow tall on your feet so it’s impossible for one to recognize
and appreciate their crown while on their feet.
Henceforth God had to perpetually imbue Adam in a situation
of humility in order to gain a revelatory experience concerning his wife-Eve-
who eventually was brought before him.
Sometimes God will place you in a situation of humility as a
launch pad to shoot you over and above a lifestyle that is beyond your
intellectual capacity, knowledge, understand, and wisdom, and if it’s beyond
your description and definition.
At this point God will have me to tell you that the lifestyle
you are about to operate in is beyond the reach of anybody living.
As a matter of fact you are going to be the first to operate
in that lifestyle thereof.
No one has ever lived as excellent and perfect as you are
about to live.
But the reason why you find yourself in the place of
humility now is so that the glory of God may come running towards you as you
open your arms to embrace it and welcome it and believe it for your life