Monday, 6 January 2014

2014: The Next Level

Genesis 37:11

Only But A Number

The Bible is best described as the library of books pertaining of the knowledge, understanding , and the wisdom of God in regards to the existence of the universe, everything in it, and the entire human race.

Conversely, the Bible is the library of God containing several books talking about the glory, and the power of God. Among the many books to be found in the library of God is the book of Numbers.

 The existence and availability of this book in the library of God goes far long in explaining to us that God is indeed and in fact the God of numbers.

What always manifests itself as a year to the human race is only but a number to God. It’s the year 2014 and the most fundamental question that is being asked silently within the rolodex of everyone’s mind is:

What kind of a year is 2014? However before you ask what kind of a year is 2014; you would rather firstly ask what kind of number is 2014?

 And because we now know that God is the God of numbers we ought to deal with the issue deeper by asking what manner of relationship does God have with 2014?

 And if we are to talk about the relationship between God and 2014, then we ought to be digging up for the interpretation of God in regards to 2014.

 2014 is God’s ordained occasion, time, season, and opportunity to showcase and to show-off his most excellent of works out of the man, in the man, and on the man with whom he has blessed with the works of his voice.

And if you are reading this then you are that man and that woman whose life is going to experience the next level in 2014.

On top of the Universe-During the course and the time when the nation of Israel was emerging to become a fully fledged nation, the people of Israel dwelt and lived in temporary shelters known as Sukkoth/booths as they camped in the valley of Hebron.

 While they lived in the valley of Hebron, the nation of Israel perceived and indeed regarded her-self as the most powerful nation in the universe.

 And its people the most advanced as much as the most civilized.

Each individual was special in someway with no ability to exercise leadership and ruler ship over the other because that were all under the leadership, direction, and guidance of the Lord God Almighty.

 So much little did they know that even though they both individually and communally thought of themselves as the most powerful entity in the universe there was another nation in the universe that was more resourceful even though it was not in the fellowship of the Lord God Almighty and this nation was Egypt.

My dear friends it really does not matter what level of life you find yourself upon at this juncture. Whether its good or bad, you have to get it and understand it that there is a next level.

 It’s good where you’re but it’s not the best, you may be having the best right now but remember there is a next level that is bigger and larger.

As a matter of fact that next level is far more excellent than where you’re right now, you may think you have the best shelter in the world without realizing that if its to be compared to the next level, your good house may end up falling short.

 There is a next level and I wonder if you can go to the next level.

 Let me say it to you right now, once you get to 2014, you would have arrived at the next level.

The next level is not only good, its not only the best but it’s the most excellent level.

 Egypt was resourcefully prominent, superior, relevant, and important than the rest of the nations of the universe. And anybody who operated within the boundaries of the nation of Egypt was destined to be prosperous and to live the park.

 Conversely if Hebron was a valley then Egypt was right on the top of the universe.

If Hebron was down at the end of the universe then Egypt was the top of the universe and the highest universal degree of human-life operation.

Consequently the reason why Joseph’s dream evokes jealousy among his brothers and confusion within the mental borders of his father is based on the simple sanctified theory which states that Joseph’s dreams were not Hebron based but rather Egypt based.

Joseph was dreaming from an Egyptian point of view while sharing his dreams with a people who were not top-of-the-mountain minded but rather valley minded thus they wouldn’t handle Joseph’s giftedness.

Unstoppable Possibilities

Every now and then you tell on your dreams to the folk that can’t handle the vastness and the greatness of your dream they are just going to end-up hating on you because your dreams are just too big for their minds to comprehend.

 Henceforth some people are not just hating on you but rather they are just hating on the possibilities of your life.

 At this juncture, we ought to understand that your dreams are the possibilities of your life, If you can dream about it then its no longer impossible but possible.

This is why Joseph’s brothers tried to kill the dreamer in Joseph.

They tried to kill Joseph because they could not kill the dream of his life.

In other wards nobody has the power to cut your possibilities away from you.

They can try stopping you but they can’t stop your possibilities.

If God can change the destiny of an entire nation dwelling in a valley in just one single night using one single person’s dream.

 A dream that the dreamer was never afraid to share even though he knew it would expose him to great trouble.

 If God can left-up a nation from a valley unto the top of the mountain in a single night so is he going to do it all over again tonight in your life, as we settle in 2014, the first few moments will mark your entrance into your next level of life which is symbolic to the top of the world/ the universe.

The Sudden Rise

And this occasion will all be but sudden like when the bundle of Joseph suddenly stood up and all his brothers’ bundles gathered around that of Joseph and bowed down.

None of your contemporaries will receive a fore warning of your sudden rise to the next level.

 And on this next level you will be ruler over many because before 2014 you were nothing but faithful over a few things.

To be ruler over many is symbolic to being in-charge of prominent, superior, relevant, and important resources.

 Resources that have the propensity to move and shake the entire universe, thus in 2014 you’re going to be able to both do and to produce ideas, concepts, and initiatives that will move and shake the universe as much as the attention of same.

The dream that Joseph dreamt while in his father’s house situated in the valley of Hebron was a dream about him becoming prime minister of the most politically, economically, socially, culturally, and educationally powerful nation of the universe at that time.

So that he can be able to use the office of the prime minster to carry out his assignment which entailed him to preserve the universe from a cataclysmic event by way of his giftedness.

Henceforth your gifted is the reason for your sudden rise and the substance that will preserve you from ruin and disaster.

The Gathering of Universal Resources

My brothers and sisters as you settle into 2014, so you will find out that you are the next level of the universe, people who are your seniors in experience and age will gather around you and bow before you because they understand that their survival hinges upon their capacity to heed to your instruction, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, guidance, leadership, and direction in God.

In the dream there was a prophesy that one day Joseph’s brothers will have to revere him in order to survive and save their lives.

 In 2014 your haters and enemies will gather around you and bow down before you as away of admitting that you are far more superior, and advanced than they are in order for them to be preserved.

In 2014 your enemies will come to accept that the hand of God is rested on your life. 2014 will be a year for you to stand out of the crowd and to live a glamorous lifestyle.

 In 2014 people from divers cultures , nations, languages will come gather around you and bow down so as to take a portion from you that will in turn ensure and assure them of their next level of effective operation.

The clock is ticking and as the time changes towards 2014 so do you move from one life-style to anther life –style of greatness. Its all goes down to what God is doing in your life.

 It has nothing to do with your capacity to climb-up top the top but is all about God orchestrating the right moves for you so that you can find yourself at the next level.

 A level symbolic of 2014 where everything shall be laid out for you.

No more suffering and wondering how you are going to accomplish your dreams, desires, goals, and assignment because every resource that you need has been gathered and dropped down on your laps by God Almighty.

A place of prosperity and Wealth-Its in 2014 that your enemies will know that you’re large, big, and in-charge.

They will without a doubt acknowledge that you’re blessed because in 2014 your blessings shall be tangible, visible, and financially equitable.

 In just one night Joseph had a dream whose telling evoked jealousy amongst his brothers.

Joseph’s brothers were jealousy of him when they should not have been jealousy had they known that Joseph’s dreams were not a blessing for Joseph alone but their blessing as well as.

 A blessing that would in fact bring them into a place of prosperity and wealth that their individuality would not bring them into.

 Thus my brothers and sisters your entrance into 2014 marks your entry to the next level which level is a place of prosperity and wealth.

 And God expects you to be in a position to open a door for somebody else to come to the nest level. God expects you to bring up somebody else in 2014 whose individuality can’t afford him/her to go to the next level.

The Excellence of God

In genesis 37:9, it states that Joseph had another dream and apart from telling the dream to his brothers, this time he told the dream to his father as well as his brothers, but his father scolded him saying, “what kind of dream is that he said, "will your mother and I ,and your brothers actually come and bow to the ground before you? "But while his brothers were jealousy of Joseph, his father wondered what the dream meant.

Its here, and now that I want to state that they are people who have erroneously concluded that what they have experienced God accomplish in their life-time has been the best of God.

 And they think God can’t or he is not in a position to do anything else or another remarkable work on the next level. They think the best of God ended with what he was able to do in their life-time.

 This is erroneous just like Jacob thought that he had witnessed the best of God and that God was not going to do anything else on the next level whose interpretation was mind-boggling.

 Its mind boggling because in Jacob’s mind the nation of Israel was raised up to bow down to nothing else except the Lord God and Joseph’s dream is saying that the nation of Israel will bow down to Joseph.

What Jacob doesn’t understand at this exact moment in Bible history is that there was going to come a time in Bible future when all the nations of the universe will be humbled by God through a cataclysmic event whose survival depended on the world’s ability to recognize the wisdom, knowledge , and understanding of God upon Joseph’s life and then heed towards the God of Israel himself.

What you are about to experience in 2014 will leave many people perplexed, contemplating, wondering in confusion about the goodness and kindness of God Almighty.

 What you are about to experience in 2014 has never been experience before by no man. It’s good, its miraculous, its amazing, it’s the top –of the line.

What you are about to experience in 2014 is not the best of God but the excellence of God and the perfect plan and will of God for your life.

 And because your life is of universal impact, and influence, what you are about to experience in 2014 will change, shape, influence, and impact the world’s take and perception on the goodness of the Lord God.

What you’re about to experience in 2014 has never been experienced before as a matter of fact the people who have walked away from your life were only but a representation of the mileage covered in order for you to get to 2014, where heaven is going to kiss the earth. And every time the heavens kiss the earth, an explosion of blessings ensue.

2014 is not the best of God at work in your life but it’s the excellent work of God in your life.

2014 is the next level of your life and hence consequently you are God’s next level of the universe.