Friday, 28 February 2014

Fill the Earth and govern it

Genesis 1:24

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters, and the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.

Anybody with a thought, an opinion and a dream that can’t be expressed in plain understand-able terms is as good as somebody with no vision at all.

 Every vision, dream, opinion, and thinking demands to have a voice in order for it to materialize in the most effective way possible.

The manifestation of any dream and the fulfillment of any vision begin, immediately at the point when the bearer thereof makes the bold step to confess and to speak forth his/her vision and dream even in the face of tremendous opposition.

On the 28th of August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. confessed his dream to thousands of listening men and women from different creeds and various walks of life.

And upon his confession the present sons and daughters of black America enjoy the fruits of liberty, equality, and freedom in the same lands that they were once enslaved.

In Genesis 1-3, God imagined and envisioned the heavens and the earth but the problem was of such that what he dreamt imagined and envisioned was formless and empty.

This may be because God’s dream of the universe was one of a kind, it was fundamentally unique and extraordinary.

Nothing like it had ever existed before henceforth the vision was void of a role model.

Someone from whom the vision of God was to be shaped and formed around, However allow me to tell you that the vision, the dream and the imagination of God in regards to the universe was formless and empty because it fundamentally lacked an expression and a voice.

We know this because the universe did not begin to come into shape till God spoke out of a spontaneous resolution-“Let there be light, and there was light”.

Genesis 4: argues, “And God saw the light was good, which means that from that very instance, God realized that the only thing that created a Gap between his fantasy and desired reality was a voice whose works bear both creative and formative capacity.

And that the more he spoke in relationship to how he wanted his dream to look like the more it took shape.

He continued to speak and everything took shape in the arena of the earth. He spoke everything into being upon the earth while the earth stayed on the same level.

It stayed on the same level because the earth was to form the basis upon which everything else strived, but simply because it formed the basis upon which everything else was to strive did not mean that it was never going to rise up to the next level and course.

When God was speaking everything into being it so appears that he was speaking in the Hebrew dialect, 

And according to the Hebrew dialect the word used for’ man’ is the same as the word used to describe the earth.

Therefore when God said in Genesis 1:24 that,’ Let the earth produce every sort of animal each producing offspring of the same kind, livestock, small animal that scurry along the ground and wild animals he was actually speaking to the man.

At this juncture there is a generation of men and women who have devoted themselves to responding to the voice of God every now and then it calls out unto them.

And I due course the desires, the dreams, the plans and the will of God have been manifested upon the earth on their account but for some uncanny reason or another their lives have remained on the same level.

Many people have used your knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to advance and make major progress in life but none of them came back to appreciate you and to reward you.

It seems as if everybody you helped go up has gone up and forgotten about the investment that you made in their lives.

However the Lord God will have me to tell you now that even though men benefitted greatly off your assignment in God.

It was not for them to reward you but it was for God to reward you. And now is that time for you to be lifted up above your contemporaries.

God has shifted roles from being served by you to him serving you so that at your next level in life you do nothing but to fill the earth and to govern it.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Why was I born?

For some uncanny reason or another, you have just arrived at the circumference of your life-hood and somehow, you have made a reflection on everything your life has experienced ever since your birth.

And it so seems that ever since the time of your birth, your life has been beat against by one unfortunate event –to-another-your life has seen so many bad days compared to the good days.

Your life has endured more misery than joy, more failure than success, more disappointment than opportunities, more hatred than love, more defects than victories, more shame than honor.

And now you have made a stop amidst your routine to pose the question why was I born? Was I born o suffer and to be a symbol of disgrace or what?

 Because it seems like no kindness overcomes your way and nothing seems to work in your favor and to even go out of your way and to ask yourself why?

Sometimes when you can’t find the answer to your questions it feels like the only sensible thing to do is to take matters into your own hands.

As a matter of fact you are always bombarded by the proclivity and the idea to end your life because you do not see and feel like your life is worth anything meaningful and worthy of interpretation.

It feels like your life is void of  a purpose-filled definition, sometimes you think it’s because you’re broke-busted and hence your life finds no kindness and fortune.

Many times than not you have added one plus one and yet still things did not add up, and you finally ask yourself:
What is the matter with your life-and out of deep thought and long hours of reflection you have even tried to think that may be you were born in the wrong era and at the wrong time.

However there is something to be said about the favor of your father-God-resting upon an individual’s life.

When God’s favor is resting upon your life just like Jacob’s favor rested upon Joseph’s life and his brothers showed him no kindness, the same applies to you because the world seems not to show you no- kindness because God’s favor is rested on your dear life.

As a matter of fact the reason why the forces of nature and the law of the same, seem to be acting together against your life is embedded in the fact that God is rested upon your life with his favor, loving kindness, revelation, truth, gift, grace, and enduring mercy.

That is why some people do you wrong and you have the propensity to do the right thing because the mercy of God that endures all things is rested upon your life.

Everything under the sun seems and as a matter of reason: is working against you because God is with you by his favor so that the status-quo of the universe may begin to experience a revolution.

The world is getting ready never to be the same again because of you.

The world is working against you by hating you harming you, and by trying to hurt you because you carry something on your life of divine measure whose goal and will is to flip the course of the world and the universe in it.

The world is trying to stop the inevitable no matter how it tries-the world cannot stop you from achieving the unique assignment of God over your life, For you were born to revolutionize the world by a divine measure that comes to bear many times than not inform of the grace and mercy of God operating in your life.
The reason why you were born is to accomplish what has never been done before.

When Joseph unveils his second dream to his family; his father scolded him, while his brothers were jealousy of him. His father scolded him and he remained wondering what the dream meant.
Jacob would not comprehend Joseph’s dream and hence he failed to figure out how it will come to pass.

His brothers were jealousy because they were a certain inevitability that lingered around Joseph’s dreams upon having been communicated.

What you were born for has never been accomplished and simply because it cannot be comprehended by men it does not mean it will not be achieved.

It’ll be achieved because it’s the reason why you were born and because the favor of the Lord is upon you even though the world is working against you.

What has never been done before will be accomplished in you for this is why you were born.

When you walk around the surface of the earth it’s not just you walking but the assignment of God upon the earth is hovering around waiting the time to flip the status-quo.

When people take a close look at you all they see is an assignment of God never done before in the history of the world that is wrapped in a pile of flesh-tissues.

That is why you were born, to change the world; the hatred against your life is crystal clear evidence that God made you for a special reason, season, purpose, and assignment which can’t fail

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

You’re Special

Genesis 37-3 

My dear friends God always saves the best for the last and the last for the best. As the universe together with the world in it grows older so do its citizens thereof become younger, tender and frail all the more.

And as we awaken to the awareness that the entire universe is standing right in the middle of the last and oldest era of the universe/ the oldest age of the world so do we embrace the best from the lord God almighty.
The scripture stipulates in Genesis 37:3 that the reason why Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children is because Joseph was born to him in his old age.
Its here and now that I would like to inform you that there is no era in which God is about to showcase his love upon the sons and daughters of the earth like in the era we find ourselves entangled thereof as of now.

This era apart from being the most glorious era of all time is also the era of God’s love like no other. Simply because this era has been birthed from the womb of the earth at the world and the universe’s old age, No wonder it says somewhere in the scripture that in the last days(in these days) God will pour out his spirit on all flesh.

One of the most effective medium by which God expresses his love for an individual is by pouring out his spirit upon that specific individual.

The spirit came upon Jesus in the river Jordan under John the Baptist’s watch in the form of a dove as an expression of God’s love towards Jesus whom he called his beloved son in whom he is well pleased.

Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children and in an effort to express his love for Joseph- Jacob had a beautiful gift made for Joseph (a robe of many colors).

This expression indeed and in fact without a doubt impressed Joseph but it evoked jealousy, envy, and hatred among the brothers of Joseph.

The hatred was not stirred by the love that Jacob had for Joseph but rather it was evoked by the fact that Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children and he expressed his love for Joseph publically and openly.
At this juncture, I would like to invite you to carefully consider that the reason why your contemporaries along with the world that you live thereof hate you that much is embedded in the simple fact that God loves you so much that HE has gone ahead to even express his love for you openly and publically by blessing you in the very presence of the people who think that you are no good.

 Indeed with the beautiful robe that Jacob made for Joseph as a gift we have to understand that it was but just a robe but it was a special robe being adorned with multiple colors, this being symbolic of the assignment of Joseph that was to be in the near future, Multiple colors mean multiple expressions, languages, cultures, nations and many dreams.
See my dear friends Joseph’s robe of many colors was a special gift from father-Jacob-which was an expression of the great love he had for Joseph but because Jacob was a prophet his gift was also prophetic in a way that it spoke to Joseph about the future that God had prepared for him.

Prophetically the gift meant that Joseph was to bear the destiny of not only Israel but also the destiny of the universe.

That through his special assignment whose roots emanate from the special gift that was given to Joseph by the father, the universe would be saved, sustained, and be able to overcome a drastic season of its course designed to wipe its very own existence completely out of the way.
In other wards, its here that I need you to carefully consider that the gift and assignment of God on your life is very special because it’s the purpose and reason why the world is going to be sustained against a drastic season whose purpose is to wipe the world away.

Joseph’s brothers hated him so much that they could not say any kind word to him.
May be you’re like Joseph;
You’re like Joseph because the world shows you no kindness at all.
 Do you not understand that your love for God and everything else about God is shaped and defined by God’s love for you; See God loved you first before you ever loved him.
Furthermore, do you not understand that the world hates you because God loved you first even though you have only but manifested upon the face of the earth while the earth finds itself at an old age.
God loved you first before your haters even ever came into existence.

So they can hate you all that they want but you will be still smiling and standing because God loves you and he loved you first. If God be for you who then can be against you, no weapon formed and fashioned against you is going to be able to prosper.

No kind gesture do you ever receive from the world because you are of a different kind. You are not like everybody else, your gift is special, your assignment is also fundamentally special as a matter of fact you are in a special era whose definition comes from your special assignment. You are the reason why this era is such called special.

 And out of your very assignment is going to emerge a special generation and a special people who will utterly do and achieve heroic wonders that will be instrumental in shaping the last days of God’s glory.
At the time when Jacob made a special gift for Joseph in form of a beautiful robe, robes did not just come all by themselves but they came fashioned with a hood-head covering that played the role of a prayer shawl and as well as a prayer mantle.

 If the robe was special it meant that the prayer mantle was also special. It’s through prayer that man discovers the will of God for their life, the gift of God on their life, the secret of God for their life, the grace, the mercy of God for their life and its all through prayer that men and women see the countenance of God’s glory for their life.

Just as Joseph had a special divine covering on his life and so is God covering you with something special because you are special and whatever God is covering you with is not just a covering but its also a protective gear so that your haters will not be able to come to you and even reach out to you in diabolic terms.

God is covering you and protecting you so that you fulfill your special assignment upon the earth with no interruptions and any body that comes into your space must get permission from God Almighty, So that whoever is not fit to be in your life does not have to come into your life.

You know someone is not fit to come into your life when they cannot handle you appropriately and respectfully. When they cannot be happy for you genuinely every now and then you go to the next level. 

When they feel it important to call your accomplishments their own yet they have not even contributed anything. You’re special and whoever can’t handle it better step out of your life