Thursday, 27 March 2014

It has a deadline

 Every creature that carries within itself a life has got a dead line.

It has got beginning and an end. Humans have a time to be born and to die.
Conversely, every situation, and circumstance in your life has a time to begin, endure, and come to an excruciating end.

Additionally I want to park right here and no, so that I can be in an articulate and accurate position to tell every child of Gods covenant and promise that the struggles for the life of you have got an expiry date.

A time line and deadline ordained by God Almighty.

I do not care how bad life is treating you right now because the worse the struggle gets the closer it gets to its expire date, timeline and deadline.

The struggle that you are seemingly mired in thereof is coming to an end.

And I say all of this with prophetic assurance, accuracy, and articulation.

Your struggle has fast approached its deadline.

 In the book of Genesis 32 between verses 24-32, Jacob wrestles with a man until the dawn began to break when the man saw that he could not win the match he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of socket.

 In this incidence, the man wrestling with Jacob represents and is symbolic to the struggles against the children of Gods covenant, and promise.

Every child of God with whom he intends to achieve greatness upon the face of the earth has got a struggle that they wrestle with but many times than not if not always the struggle is with a deadline.

Thus every struggle in your life has looked at time and realized that its time in your life is approaching its deadline and if the struggle has not been able o defeat you by no, it simply means it will never defeat you because it’s fighting a losing battle.

 Every now and then your adversary and your struggle finds out that it cannot defeat you just like the man wrestling with Jacob found out that he would not in the match, touched Jacobs hip and wrenched it out that e would not win the match, touched Jacobs hip and wrenched it out of its socket your struggle will also intended to inflict, injury, hurt, and pain upon your life immediately after finding out that its deadline is due and it’s impossible to defeat you, But just like in the American military, God ill have me to tell you that every wound, injury, insult, hurt, shame, and lose that you have suffered because of your love for God, your trust in God, your humility in God, your obedience to the instruction of God will bring you honor among the sons and daughter of men immediately after the struggle which has approached its deadline.

God will not forget neither fails to compensate you for everything that you have suffered in the struggle. God will compensate you with victory, honor, and glory to last you till eternity.
You deserve a medal made out of precious metal for every insult, lose and injuries while in the struggle that came up against you immediately after you accepted to follow the plan and will of God for your life whose impact will shift and bring the entire universe to a place closer to God.
To a place where the universe will stand in the awe and in the fear of God like never before. But because Gods reward is better than that of men how give medal of precious stone to their wounded heroes after surviving a given struggle. God will reward you with a precious anointing of wealth.
Health, and prosperity so that your prosperity will indeed and in fact be second to none, Immediately after this struggle that is approximately one hour away from coming to an end, God will exchange your injuries with honor, your insults with glory and your hurts with many victories.

Your struggles are a sign that you are just about to enter into your wealthy place and into your destiny.
I know it’s just an hour away before your struggle leaves your life and walks out of your life, because the man wrestling with Jacob demanded of Jacob to let him go for the dawn is breaking.

And according to nature’s way dawn breaks between 5am and 6am. Conversely every struggle in your life can only but endures until the dawn begins to break because when the morning comes, joy has come and joy is only but an expression of victory.

And victory is a sign of that you have overcome the struggle has a deadline and its one hour away from the deadline and henceforth its packing its bag to leave your life alone, But as it leaves so is your victory preparing to come into your life.

 However your struggle will not leave till you have got a revelation of the meaning of the struggle that you have been entangled into.

 And the revelation is that God ordained your life with victory, glory, and honor so that he can use your life to bring, and to attract the attention of the whole of the universe to a place of humility, Gods love, trust, faith, obedience, and sacrifice whose consequence is Gods victory, honor, and glory in a universe that enjoys oneness with God.

Now walk into your wealthy place because nothing can stop you after having been blessed.

The struggle is no more because it has met its deadline.
Victory is now your portion

Saturday, 22 March 2014

You’re A Name

In order for you to boost of an identity you must have a name, names together with the procedure of acquiring a name have a long standing history.
Names are a definition and a description of one’s life and character.

 In the Old Testament, names were bestowed according to the environment and the circumstances that surround one’s birth.
Conversely in the New Testament names were bestowed in relationship to one’s assignment in life.

And as New Testament believers of God’s word we all ought to have names that are a true reflection of our God given assignment in life.
Strangely that is not the case in many people’s lives

However if you are a child of great destiny your name will and is playing a great deal in how you deal with life and via-à-vis how life is dealing with you.

Hence at this juncture, I would like you to carefully consider that the reason why you are struggling in life has got to do with your identity.

For instance if your name was not earmarked by God for greatness and goodness before the beginning of time then may be hell would not have been an experience in your life.

The devil is attacking you with every weapon in hell because he understands that your name is great.
It’s great because God had your name in mind when he vowed to make the believers’ name great.

Your by its self is threat to the kingdom of darkness because it carries the message of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If indeed and in fact the struggle of your life is not with the kingdom of darkness then I want to suggest that your struggle is with God.
God is wrestling with your name and I know this because when Jacob demands to be blessed so as to let go of the man with whom he is wrestling with at penile, the man asks Jacob,” what is your name?
Which means the struggle between Jacob and the man who turns out to be God was about the name of 

Jacob translates to mean trickster, deceiver, and hell.
Before Jacob would enter his GOD-PREPARED DESTINY God had to take away his old identity and give him a new identity.

It’s now and here that you should carefully consider on whether the name that you carry can stand the glory of God. Whether it can or not then that is up to the test to decide.
Conversely your struggle is a test to gauge whether your life and character is well able to walk and stand in the glory that God has prepared for you.

Every struggle that you have been enduring has been God’s test to see whether you can stand and continually trust God even in the face of great adversity.

The reason why you passed the test and overcome the struggle is in the fact that God declares you victor after all that you have to embrace a name change as God will guide, direct, and lead you to do so.

After the struggle between Jacob and God, Jacob becomes Israeli, after your struggle whose end is now, you have become a nation that is supported of God and your identity is no longer of a local individual but that of a global icon.
Because you have been tested and tried with global issues and struggles, and you have won.

The Essence

I wonder on whether you have ever been up against a crucible and a life frustrating ordeal as much as a life threatening event that endured for several periods of time?

Maybe you have been there or nor but just in case you have been through a struggle , like many of us who have been wrestling with some things in our lives and we did not know why everything seemed to be fighting our progress and movement to the next level of life.

If you have been thinking like i have been thinking may be the struggle that you have been enduring for an extended period of time is coming to an end pretty soon.

Yes, as  a matter  of fact your struggle is coming to an end because you feel that your spiritual and faith muscles  are gaining strength and more momentum while your struggles are all the more weakening and losing strength by the passing of each day.

You do not have money but you are not  resorting to cheap ways of getting it because you understand that soon or later you going to become an instant trillionaire by the grace of God.

You have  been through a lot but your faith is getting sharper and your hope as well as your expectations in God are getting stronger.

 You have every good reason to complain in the face of your struggle but none the less you have chosen to praise God.

 To be precise, you have lost too many material things but none of the things that you have lost have been able to drive you into a place of pity and chronic depression.

This is so because  your hopes of getting seven times better quantity and quality material wealth is at its all-time best height.

As we speak your survival is supported by bare essentials but your head is still flying up and your gaze  is still a definition of courage and utter confidence.

No wonder your struggles have lost  all hope of gaining victory over your life.

And their weak state should inform you that they are matching  out of your life.

As a matter of fact they have matched out of your life but the reason why you have not yet  realized it is based on the reason that what you have been enduring is similar to the struggle Jacob wrestled with in the book of Genesis 3:22.

It started as a struggle between a man but while Jacob was seeking redress and justification from the struggle, he found out that God was behind the human face of Jacob’s struggle and that he was not wrestling with a man but with God.

And this is so because everytime you seek God’s favor he gives you an instruction.

 Once you follow the instruction it drives you into a place of a lone where you are required  to trust God.
While you are trusting God he ushers you into a test by exposing  you to a struggle inorder to see whether your trust in God will outlast your struggles.
When God realizes that your faith, hope and trust in his capacity to favor and to bestow his goodness and greatness upon your life is unfailing, God then throws your balance out of place and replaces it with his balance.


 This is so because if you don’t fail to trust in God even amidst struggle, God will never fail to be faithful, merciful, gracious, loving, protective, and blissful to your life.

And as well as fulfilling everything he promised to achieve in your life.

As well as bringing you into the wealthy, healthy, and prosperous place that he only and alone prepared for you before the beginning of time.

Finally the struggle was so that you can be established on God’s supernatural capacity where you can never be defeated and where your enemies seek to make peace with you.

 I know this because immediately after Jacob wrestles with God, he meets Esau-a longtime enemy of his, And upon meeting Jacob, Esau immediately willing to make peace with Jacob.

When your enemies eventually desire to make peace with you it means that they are willing to agree with your destiny.

 Its here and now, that I want to inform you in the divine mandatory authority of Christ bestowed unto me by the spirit of God through Christ Jesus that from henceforth money will agree with your destiny, people will agree with your destiny, and all the natural resources that you need to achieve the plan of God upon the earth will agree with you.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

This Struggle is No-Match for you

Genesis 32:25

Everybody and everyone that goes into a fight go with the expectation to win.

 However what happens when you are entangled in a struggle for five straight hours and yet the fight is one hour away from it and your opponent is getting stronger and not weaker by the moment.

Obviously if you are the one, you’re natural intellect will tell you that you are up against someone that is not your match. 

Indeed and in fact you are in a struggle and in a fight that you will not win.

In the book of Genesis 32:25, we find a man wrestling with Jacob and suddenly the man realizes that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket.

My dear friends every now and then you find yourself in a fight and then your opponent finds out that you are way stronger than them.

In so much that they can’t much your fighting propensity and competitiveness and that they won’t be able to walk away from the fight with victory.

Your opponents will then decide to hurt you, harm you, and inflict injury on you.

 With the understanding that if in fact I can go away with victory from this struggle then I will take something away that my adversary can’t function without.

 In every struggle your adversary always seeks to take away something that will cost you normalcy and something vital to your well being and balance.

So that they can leave a mark on you and go away from the struggle against you with something to talk about, to brag about and to boost about.

The man with whom Jacob is wrestling with realizes that he is no match for Jacob and he touches Jacob’s hip and wrenches it out of its socket so that Jacob cannot be able to stand, walk move and progress uprightly because of a lack of natural balance.

Strangely however, after breaking Jacob’s hip the man demands of Jacob to let him go because Jacob was apparently holding the man so tight without the intention of letting the man go without the man blessing Jacob.

So the question is then how can that which has the ability to harm you, hurt you, injure you and inflict pain on your life turn around to bless you except God is behind it.

Indeed God was behind the face of the man wrestling with Jacob because after blessing Jacob, the man reveals that its been God fighting with Jacob and God declares Jacob victorious.

Its here and now that I want to tell you that it does not matter the degree and magnitude at which you are struggling because God declares you are victorious in every  struggle.

Conversely its here and now that I want to tell you that God is operating undercover by the way of the struggle that you are wrestling with in your life and if you don’t let go of God at the end of your struggle which is approximately now.

God will bless you with victory, Glory and honor.

 Indeed and in fact the mandate of your natural abilities to stand on your own and exchange your natural abilities with his supernatural abilities so that when you move, talk, walk, progress its all being done in the power of God’s anointing and grace.

 My dear friends do not forget that behind your struggles is the face and the presence of God as a matter of Truth God is using your struggles to disguise himself.

Behind your many struggle is the presence of God and the only way you are able to find out this truth is n the fact that your struggles are matching out of your life.

When the struggles of your life are matching out of your life God appears before you and revelation comes to your understanding.

And the revelation blesses you for eternity.

When God is behind your struggles the purpose is to execute an undercover operation designed to break something in your life away from your life that you thought you can never be able to operate without.

And immediately replace it with something of his own-kind that you thought was never going to come into your life.

Finally it’s here and now that I want to tell you God is about to replace your poverty with too much money beyond your ability to count by yourself.

God is replacing your sorrow with joy unexplainable.
God is replacing your  loneliness with constructive company.
God is replacing your misery with happiness your lack with super exceeding abundance.

The difference between your struggle and you is the blessing on the other side.