Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Game changers and History Makers

Through out the annals of world history, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who is also by no coincidence the God of Time, History, and eternity has always been careful and strategic enough to make sure that he raises –up a certain some of individuals who don’t only change the game, flip new pages upon the panapri of human history but a group of individuals with the propensity to change and revolutionize the landscape upon which the game is played and upon which history plays out.

These individuals when you try to observe them on the very onset seem to be ordinary folk but do not be fooled at any one moment because they are in no doubt extra-ordinary individuals.

One of the uncanny ways by which you can fathom their uniqueness is by in fact by way of applying William James, understanding of the underlying skills of philosophy upon their personalities.

And when you apply these philosophical tools of observation, and reflection, you will in fact come to realize that these individuals are extraordinary and unique by the evidence that is in the measure of challenges, obstacles, odds, problems, struggles that they encounter on the daily basis.

They’re unique because they are able to remain sane despite the insanity and the pressure against their calling and assignment.
God has always raised up men and women of this unique, revolutionary, visionary, and extraordinary stature to challenge the universe to greatness and to expose the marvelous glory of God that reside in a man if at all that man surrenders himself fundamentally and whole-heartedly to the will of his Lord God.

In Bible belt there were game changers and history makers such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, Samson, Elijah, David, Solomon, Jacob, Isaac, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus and the list goes on and on.

Conversely according to times immemorial, they were men and women that God used to change the game and history, men like Richard Allen, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, Maya Angelou, Benjamin Elijah Maze, Henry David Thoreau, W.E.B Du Bois, and the list is endless.

 Presently we are living and walking in the 6th new world era with in the 4th year and also physiologically in 2014.

And my dear friends whether you believe it or not the landscape of the universe is changing at a rate faster than a bullet shooting out of an Ak 47.

 And whether you have enough faith to believe it or not the truth of the matter is that the landscape is changing along with the game as well as history.

God Almighty is flipping a new page in the annals of history and the game changers as well as the history makers are the sons and daughters of Sunkist mother Africa.

We are the generation of African people changing the world and how the world does things, see things, and eventually how the world thinks is going to change because we are the game changers and history makers.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

The seed of God in the Earth

Matthew 9:20

Of all the grandiose titles that Jesus would have chosen to call himself he did not but he rather called himself the son of man.

Although in other places like in Matthew 9:20 we come across two men that are demon possessed screaming and in their screaming they refer to Jesus as the son of God.

It’s strange and foreign because it’s here and now that we understand that demons know Jesus better than his disciples know about him.
Conversely it can also be said that every now and then you have been called by God and anointed of the same it will also seem as though the people closest to you are ignorant about your calling and anointing.
They may think you like them but the truth is that you are uniquely endowed by God and extra-ordinarily blessed of God.
Yes you may be living in the same house as that of your contemporaries you have got angels following you around and you even do not know it.
The angels of the Lord are fighting for you right now to make sure that you keep your eyes on the promises of God because the God who promised is able to fulfill.
 Some of you have an entourage of angels getting things out of your ways and keeping evil from your reach and you are not aware of the same yet.
Every struggle and everything that has been trying to separate you from the will of God for your life is not going to be able to do so because that is not its assignment.
The assignment of your opposition, struggle, challenge, adversary, conflict, and trouble was designed for only one purpose and that is to confirm to you that everything that God said was going to come to pass in your life was not going to be able to be stopped by anything under the sun.
The coming to pass of the promises of God made unto your life are unstoppable, no man, and no woman cam alter the course of God for your life.
Everything that God said will come to pass is going to come to pass.
The conflict of mind that you are enduring right now is only but a testimony that what God said will be in your life is going to be.

The trouble that you find yourself in to the extent of questioning the promises of God over your life right now was ushered into your life in this season by God to strengthen your faith and your firm grip on the promises of God for your life.

And the evidence is in the fact that despite the troubles, conflicts, the doubts you have not been able to  let go  of the promises of God over your life, Shaken but not broken because somehow God keeps  on telling you it shall  come to pass because you are the seed of God in the earth.

And every seed of God in the earth has the propensity to over come the world. Jesus called himself by the title “son of man “translating in the Hebraic dialect as “Bnei Adamah-meaning the seed of God in the earth. 

Every seed of God in the earth knows how to obey and to heed unto the voice and unto the sound of God.

And the more the seed of God in the earth obeys the voice of God the more it dies unto its own human will. 

And when the human will dies the will of God comes to life thus bearing the fruit of righteousness.

As the seed of God in the earth Jesus obeyed God unto death, he resurrected and bore children unto God.

And among the children of God in this era so do we have sons of God. Whose mandate is to bear testimonies of God’s goodness, and the fulfillment of the promises of God, So that generation yet unborn will come and worship God in truth and spirit knowing that he faithfully rewards them that faithfully seek him.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Your Boat will not drown

The titanic was such a magnificent cruise liner that many times than not prided itself in its safety, comfort, durability.

However despite of all the aforementioned advantages and attributes that came along with the titanic it one day drowned.

 It drowned to the disappointment of many.

And when it drowned many hopes, visions, dreams, and aspirations drowned along with it. In simple understand the titanic was a giant boat sailing the affluent of its day on luxurious voyages and fun-trips. 

Conversely every child of great destiny has their own personal and private boat in this school of life.
Your boat can actually be a given relationship whether it is a personal business, and a spiritual relationship.

And it can be considered a boat as long at it brings you comfort, safety, and peace. A boat is an element or a facility which enables water transport to actually take place.

And in Matthew 9:20 Jesus replies a religious teacher with a passion to follow him by arguing that, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests,” but the son of man, has no place even to lay his head.

However in Matthew 9:24, Ii paints the picture of Jesus sleeping in a boat that is up against a fierce storm with waves breaking into the boat.

Sleeping as we may all know is a position of rest with one’s head lying down.

So how come Jesus said previously that the son of man has no place to lay his head while we see him in a 
storm battered boat laying his head down.

During the course of his assignment upon the earth, Jesus did not call himself many things except for the title “son of man”. In Hebrew the title son of man translates to mean,”Bnei Adamah “whose root interpretation means,’ the seed of God in the earth/ upon the earth.

In other wards if there is any place that the son of man can comfortably, safely, and peacefully lay his head then that place is to be found in the faith of his father or rather in the word of his father whose transportation is by way of the spirit of the father.
Water is a spirit hence the word of God (the boat) sails upon the spirit of God (the water).

 In Matthew 9:18, Jesus instructed his disciples to cross to the other side of the lake well aware that they will be a storm coming that will threaten the safety , comfort, and the peace of the boat by which the disciples were to use in order to make it to the other side of the lake.

 But none the less he let them sail because he knew the storm will not drown the boat.

They sailed and suddenly a fierce storm struck the lake with waves breaking into the boat, but Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting Lord, save us, we’re going to drown.
Jesus responded, why you are afraid, you have so little faith.    

Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves and suddenly all was calm.

 The disciples were amazed. Who is this man, they asked, even the winds and the waves obey him.’ In the aforementioned text, the disciples of Jesus are scares of the boat drowning and them perishing yet it seems that their captain Jesus is sleeping.

 However the truth is that if the disciples had only remembered the words that Jesus spoke to them when he was calling them then they would have been able to speak to against the storm and it would have obeyed them without them feeling afraid.

If the disciples had remembered that Jesus had taught them that with faith they would speak to a mountain and then it would be relocated then they would not have been afraid.

May be your whole life is battling and being battered by a fierce storm whose waves are breaking you down and you afraid thinking that your boat is going to drown.

Fear not because all you have to remember are the powerful words of Jesus that inspired you to follow his direction and calling.

And when you remember those words stand up against your storm and rebuke it. And when you rebuke it peace calm, comfort and safety shall be restored in your marriage, family, relationship, business and even in your careers.

The storm that is battering your boat will not drown your hopes dreams, visions and aspirations in God Almighty

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Moving with God

Psalm 116:

To walk with God and to move with God are two of the most remarkable processes that a man can ever experience during the course of their life –time.

However to move with God even though its remarkable it never falls short of controversy especially from those that are outside the realm of your operation.

 They are two counter-distinctive: to move with the word and to move with the world.

In order for one to move with God they must always be in-tune and up-to-date with the word of God. 

Conversely in order for one to move with the world they must always be in-tune and up-to-date with the materialistic ambitions of the world along with the affairs that pertain the world.

In addition to the aforementioned, for one to move with God they must be able to execute within themselves a deliberate effort to ignore the materialistic ambitions of the world and focus on the solitary ambition of God Almighty.

Focusing on the solitary ambitions of God for one’s life designed for one’s lifetime is the principle that keeps you on the move with God.

They is universal blessing that comes with keeping the laws of God and as well as in the way that God 
Almighty has earmarked for your success.

Simply because the world has achieved remarkable accomplishment by following after their own mind designed ways doesn’t mean that is the God –way.

The God way is in opposition with the human-way, so in this regard it’s only a wise man that takes home and goes home with what God has chosen because God’s choice is always the best even though it may seem not to be so in the alpha stages.

Wisdom is not received and acquired overnight but over a certain period of time.

The people who seem to be wise today may easily end-up with the label of fools after some time.

This why you think am crazy

Dr. Albert Einstein who is the 2oth century’s greatest of all scientists argued in an interview one day “I tried to get saved but the idea of faith in an invisible God was met with so much mental opposition for the life of me to the extent that everything about salvation in Christ Jesus did not make much logical sense”.

Jamal Bryant-the senior pastor and founder of the empowerment temple AME church in Baltimore Maryland while preaching a revolutionary word one Sunday morning, paused out of breath and then quipped,” it takes crazy people to believe God for what they can’t do for themselves.” 

On observation and through much experience, I have come to appreciate that majority of the citizens of the universe believe in God and apparently there is nothing crazy about that wonderful effort.

However minority groups you may want to call them radical believers in Christ Jesus believe God for something specifically unique and revolutionary and then the majority stereotypically call them insane and crazy.

One of the most famous and radical prognosticators of the era by gone argued that “Jesus is a hungry man gone several days without bread telling another group of hungry men gone several hours without bread where to get their bread.

As crazy as the aforementioned statement may seem, it’s true.
It’s crazy to hear that a man who feed 5,000 people in the wilderness with only 7 loaves of bread and two small fish has to curse a fig tree that can’t give him the fruit that he urgently needs to numb his hunger pangs

It’s crazy to hear that a man who resurrected the dead ended up hanging on a tree upon the hill of Calvary with arms stretched wide, feet prinked with thick nails and with blood flowing down from every inch of his body just because he believed God for something that nobody had enough mental capacity to comprehend.
Sometimes it takes the capacity to endure crazy experiences in order to believe God for something that he himself has promised.

Imagine Sarah in the southern end of the family tent upon eavesdropping on a secret conversation that was ensuing between Abraham-the man of crazy faith-and the messengers of the Lord God Almighty in the northern end of the same tent.

She laughed at the crazy nature of the promise and revelation as it was uttered by the messengers of the Lord God (promises and fails not to fulfill that which he promises and reveals)-that next year the same time Sarah was to give birth to child.

If you have been called to change the world as a result of the gift of God on the inside of you then holding unto the gift and the promises of God as well as the revelations of God unto your life is going to take crazy faith.

And after the insanity has passed you will surely be labeled as one of the wisest people in your era and even through out every era of mankind the story of your life will lift –up many from the dungeons of despair.
To God be the glory.