Thursday, 19 June 2014

The Purpose of Your Opposition

Daniel 3:24-25

But suddenly Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to his advisers.

”Did not we tie up three men, and throw them into the furnace? Yes, your majesty, we certainly did, “they replied. Look, Nebuchadnezzar shouted, I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed and the fourth looks like a god?

My dear friends indeed and in fact, its here and now that I would like you to carefully consider that the fundamental reason as to why everything seems to be going against you in this circumference of time is based on the nugget truth for the life of you in regards to the power of the Almighty God that is enshrouded, enshrined, and enveloped around you, in you, and on you.

There is no power without opposition.

 Every body that has power / is in power must have opposition.

Opposition is evidence of power.

Show me a place and a person interfaced with tremendous intense opposition and I will show you a person that walks, thinks, and operates in the power of the Almighty God.

Every manner of opposition against one’s life is a witness whose purpose is to testify to the impact, efficiency, influence, superiority, prominence, importance and significance of the power of God rested upon whom he has called, chosen anointed, appointed , and assigned.

My dear friends you will know that you have been chosen and anointed of God, and that the power of God is rested upon you when you make up your mind despite your opposition that come what may you are going to obey, worship and trust God all the way.

You know that the power of God is intensely upon your life when you can argue in the face of your opposition saying, ‘if I have to go through the fires of hell let me go through worshipping, praising, trusting God and standing on the word of his promise.

And if God save me so let it be but even if he does not save me, I will yet trust him.”

The power of God never takes control of your life until opposition comes against you and instead of running for cover, instead of walking away from the place God  called you to stand, instead of giving up on the assignment of God.

 You decide to stand on his promise and on his word.

On the promise and on the word that he gave to you before the opposition come against you, Every now and then the power of God on your life becomes a visible reality then the opposition comes against you.

As long as the power of God is far from a visible and tangible reality in your life you will never be opposed by anything significant to the point of contemplating walking away from the vision of God and even to the extent of trying to abort the promise and the destiny of God for your life.

The reason why you want to quit on everything that you have believed God for in many years is simply because the opposition against what you believing God for has become intense and if you can only care to understand you will with no doubt discover that the opposition is only but a testimony that the power of God is working with intensity to bring your promise to pass, your dream to pass and your vision into a reality.

Every now and then you begin to feel opposition coming mightily and powerfully against what you believe and trust God to deliver not because you asked him to deliver it unto you but because he promised to deliver a blessing of no small measure if you can only trust him.

When the opposition mounts its pressure mercilessly against you that is not the time throw in the towel but that is the time to stand with confidence and boldness, and while you still standing you will see the deliverance of God and the power of God fighting for you.

There some of you that are under tremendous pressure from your opposition but the power of God is fighting for you and your opposition is suffering causalities right now you may not see it but it’s the truth and you can evidence it by the fact that despite the pressure and the opposition your still standing.

 The opposition against your life is frustrated and disappointed because it thought it would be easy to overcome you and to conquer you but its becoming way impossible despite the high investment your opposition has spent on taking you out and convincing you that the promise of God for your life will not come to pass.

In the book of Daniel via the 3rd chapter verse 24-25, we come across three young men, whose obedience and fear of God is so radical to be true.

They stand up against Nebuchadnezzar by refusing to worship/ bow down to any other god except the Lord God Almighty.

And upon their defiance, they are thrown into the blazing furnace and while in the furnace a fourth man joins then and automatically the three that were bound and thrown in the furnace become unbound and begin to walk around in the fire unharmed.

God is a God that works his plan and purpose often times than not by way of numbers.

Number four means divine mystery. Henceforth the power of God operates mysteriously yet giving birth to tangible and radical results.

In the story of the blazing furnace, the fourth man who joins the three men, represents the power of God , which many times than not is inform of a mysteriously figure.

The point here is found in the fact that every now and then you stand upon the promise / the word of God in the face of intense of opposition the power of God comes quickly and joins you to stand against your opposition.

And when the power of God comes to join you in standing against your opposition it comes as a fourth man, he is called the fourth man because a human being is made up of three beings or three lives, the physical life, the mental life, and the spiritual life.

 Every now you come under the pressure of your opposition in line with what you believe and trust God for.
Your physicality will be told it’s impossible, your mentality will not make sense of what is happening and you spirituality will eliminate the idea of God.

So its necessary for the fourth man / the mysterious power of God to come and aid , and enshroud your physicality, mentality, and spirituality so that you stand on the promises of God without letting go.

And when the power of God covers you in the face of your opposition you begin to realize that your opposition is registering causalities while you registering understanding, wisdom, knowledge, revelation, and power.

That’s why before the opposition you will find out you were of less understanding in regards to the promise of God but now you have increased in understanding and in the knowledge God regarding your destiny, purpose, and assignment.

The opposition is registering causalities as you stand on the promises of God. While you register power, in any given war the more causality you register the weaker you become.

 The weaker you become the more you defeated you become.

So your opposition has lost the fight and out of the fear of God now they are testifying to the power of God on your life.

And that’s the purpose of your opposition: to testify that the power of God is upon you.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


The plan of God for your life is the power of God in your life, there is no power without opposition everything that is in opposition with God's revealed plan for your life is not only trying or merely trying to frustrate you but it’s the evidence of God power in your life.

 The importance and significance of the plan of God for your life is tested and proven by the opposition that you encounter in believing the plan of God for your life.

The bible stipulates that all things work for good to those that are called according to the purpose /plan/ will of God Almighty.

In other wards when the opposition comes it comes to  consolidate the plan of God for your life, it comes to strengthen the plan of God for your life, however it does not strengthen the recipient of the promise/ the plan of God but it strengthens the plan of God that came from the spirit into the natural.

The opposition many times weakens our sensual perception to the point of considering letting go. In order for you to stand even in the face of opposition then you need the grace of God.

Which grace emanates from the fact that when God was done creating his plan for your life what fundamentally belongs to you to possess in this world and in your life-time inline with the desires of God for your life.

God knew that once he gives you knowledge of his plan for your life it will be met with tremendous opposition especially towards the recipient of God’s plan.

So God understood that if the recipient of the knowledge of God’s plan would only be in position to stand by grace, So God gave you grace to receive his plan for your life and to stand in the face of opposition without giving up, throwing in the towel and walking away because of the grace.

The Plan of God

Matthew 16:17-19 

You are blessed Simon son of John, because my father in heaven has revealed this to you.

You did not learn from any human being.

Now I say to you that you are peter (which means), rock) and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell, will not conquer it.

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven.

Whatever you permit, on earth will be permitted in heaven.

One of the most probed questions of all times is the question in regards to the plan of God for one’s life.

When God created you and me the single most important motivation behind his intention to create me and you was in the desire to reveal his glory and magnificent honor and victory to us.

In other wards God created us with the ultimately plan of revealing his glory to us.
We are the target of God’s glory and indeed and in fact God creates and he immediately reveals.
Conversely every thing God reveals to us belongs to us what does not belong to us.

However before he reveals to us the thing he has created for us to posses, God puts into consideration everything that is a threat to what he has created to reveal.

So that once his creation comes into the natural every thing that comes to threaten its existence will not be able to conquer what God has created because before he revealed it God made sure that it has the propensity to withstand any foreign attacks that have the intention to alter its course.

Indeed and in fact no thing has God created spiritually and revealed naturally can be conquered by anything in the natural.

In order to even compete against what God has revealed one has to be spiritual and as long as there is a faithful man standing on the revelation-rock- of God then what God has created and revealed can’t be conquered nor can it see be defeated.

Every attack of the enemy against the revealed will/plan of God for your life can’t conquer the plan of God if you can only receive the plan of God in your heart, believe it with the same and stand upon it irrespective and regardless of everything that you see, hear going against it.

Victory is yours as long as you stand and confess with your mouth in agreement with the revealed plan of God for your life.

The plan of God is not easily understood by many. Many think the plan of God ought to feel good all the time.

Look good all the time and talk as much as perform well all the time.

Many times than not when God reveals his plan to us we know it’s the plan of God because it does not project our desires and what we held in our carnal mind.

It’s not in line with our sensual perception.

 Sometimes its off in a wrong direction, sometimes it will put you in an embarrassing and shameful spot, but you know it’s the will of God when you can’t help yourself but to stand on it because you do not stop hearing the spirit of God as it encourages you to keep on believing for it without considering to even to let go of it because it’s the plan of God.

Its utterly impossible to receive the plan of God while in the natural, for every one who receives the plan of God for their lives has got to be standing in the spiritual realm.

For it’s in the spiritual realm where the plan of God for your life is revealed, the plan of God for your life begins as a revelation and you must be in God to receive it, It may mot be all splashy and flashy in the natural but once God reveals it then it’s his plan for your life.

When the plan of God is revealed in your life it may take a while before it manifests but it will never fail to come to pass.

No devil and no man can alter the plan of God for your life, its here and now that I will tell you that everything that has been fighting you from possessing what God created for you to possess in this world will not fight you no more because its lost its vision and strength and motivation to fight you from walking into the wonderful plan of God for your life.

In Matthew 16:17-19, Jesus is asking the question to his disciples in regards to who they think he really is, and Simon peter responds “you’re the son of the living God. And Jesus says to peter”.

You are blessed because my father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn from any human being.

Now I say to you that you are peter (which means), rock) and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell, will not conquer it.

In other wards revelation ushers a blessing into your life, a blessing that causes you to stand on the plan of God even when everything is against the plan of God for your life so that you may finally conquer.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

I will Pull You Out

Luke 4:14

To please God is the power of God. In Luke 4:14, it argues that Jesus returned to Galilee filled with the Holy Spirit’s power.

However in Luke 4:1, it argues that Jesus full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan River.

He was led by the spirit in the wilderness and what this means is that by the time Jesus was led by the holy spirit, he was full of the holy spirit but not filled of the power of the same but when he had finished walking in the will of God while in the wilderness, he was filled with the holy spirit’s power.

It’s utterly impossible to walk in the will of God for your life without the leading of the Holy Spirit and it’s impossible to please God without faith-the knowledge of God- and where does the knowledge of God/ the will of God emanates from?

 It emanates from the Holy Spirit which is more like the mind of God.
Thus in order to follow the Holy Spirit you must have the knowledge of God which is the medium by which the Holy Spirit leads the sons of God.

There are some of those whom the Holy Spirit has led and in following the Holy Spirit they did not find themselves in heaven but rather they found themselves dealing with hell.

 They have obeyed the spirit of God and nothing good has happened to them but they keep on dealing with one bad situation after another and the devil who seemingly is the supervisor of hell expected you to complain, to curse the name of God, to become bitter, to be frustrated and to loose your confidence and self-esteem but the surprise is that while you where wondering as why you followed the holy spirit and instead of good happening to you bad stuff confronted you.

Then in that circumference of time God gave you a revelation and then before you knew it, your spirit was strengthened to praise the name of God and worship the same.

See my dear friends it’s not an accident that you find yourself dealing with the elements of hell after obeying the Holy Spirit.

It’s only because God expects you to confuse the enemy whose expectations are that you are going to lose heart and a sense of God after all the hell that you are experiencing.

He is confused because instead of walking around crest-fallen, and bitter, you are full of worship and praise because God just gave you a revelation amidst the chaos of your life. 

The devil and the enemy of your life, purpose and assignment in God is confused because instead of giving up you just keep on doing the will of God even with all the hell that confronts you.

Now you like a thorn in the devil’s flesh, a thorn that has put the devil in a place of pain, hurt, and hence forth the devil is restless.

The devil has no rest because you are in his territory praising and worshipping God.

 You are in a dark season but yet you still moving forward being guided by the great light of God that comes by revelation.

Now the dynamics have shifted the devil is no longer trying to stop you from walking in the will of God which stipulates that you are the head not the tail, that you are rich and not poor, that you are great and powerful.

But now that the devil wants you out of his dominion and out of his influence.

He wants you out of poverty, out of lack, out of obscurity, out of under achieving, out of frustration, out of pain, out of hurt and out of disappointment.

It’s fundamentally out of this world when your enemy wants you to be blessed when the person who has been working for your downfall begins to work for your going to the next level.

The devil wants you out of poverty and out of pain, frustration and out of lack because you are a pain in his neck even with no friends, with no money, with no wife, with no contacts, with no house, with no success.

You are a threat to the devil even when you do not live a decent life.

The devil wants you out because his life depends on you going out of hell.

And because he wants you out, people who have what belongs to you, what you believing God for are about to give all that belongs to you unto you because if they do not give you what belongs to you then their lives will come under attack and they will be threatened.

If people do not give you what you want then they risk losing their mind and their comfort as much as their peace.

Everyone loves to please God but in this time in God no one will please God if they are afraid of getting hurt and experiencing pain.

It hurts and it’s painful to please God because the carnal mind is enmity with God.

God put you in hell in order for you to frustrate the devil with your praise and worship and now he is pulling you out of hell to a place of pleasure where you are operating in the power of the Holy Spirit, Where the promises of God are tangible you.

He is pulling you out because you have suffered too much hell yet all you did was to obey God.

This hell you  will see no more because you have set an example for generation you praise and worship God in hell as though you were in heavenly splendor.

And now that you have been pulled out of hell by God heaven has come to you.

When heaven comes to you power has come to you.

When power comes toy you change and influence come to you as much as fulfillment.