Wednesday, 30 December 2015

2016: A moment of Great Fulfillment, Satisfaction, & Accomplishment.



2016 is not a year, its not a time, its not a season, its not a place, its not a position, its not a transition but its a moment.

A moment is an impartation of eternity by God across the scape of time and the scope of time.

Time can't measure a moment because its a portion of eternity.

Time is temporary while eternity is a permanent reality and henceforth the temporal cant stand to measure that which is permanent.

Whenever God makes an impartation of eternity in the scape of time and the scope of time, the impartation thereof comes with an overwhelming effect which disarms time of its capacity to have and to exercise the freedom of choice.

Whatever effects time consequently effects mankind, this is so because mankind is time bound. There is a time for mankind to be born and a time for mankind to die.

Thus at the very exposition of a moment, time and mankind is so overwhelmed to the degree that he is void of the capacity to exercise the freedom of choice.

The overwhelming effect of the impartation of eternity in the scape and scope of time always leaves time and mankind awestruck, spellbound, and in reverence towards God Almighty.

In genesis 20:16, immediately after experiencing a moment with God, King Abimelech is overwhelmed, awestruck, spellbound, and reverently left with no room to negotiate and exercise personal freedom of choice but to execute the choice of God which is to compensate Abraham of the possible wrong treatment endured during his stay in the kingdom of Gerar.

As a result of a moments overwhelming effect towards time and mankind, both time and mankind will have no choice in 2016 but rather to facilitate the fulfillment,satisfaction,and the accomplishment of the will of God, the promises of God, the desires of God for your life.

Amidst the impartation of eternity across the scape and scope of time, time and everything in time stands by reverently, honorably, and gloriously towards the one operating in the moment of eternity's impartation.

Henceforth because 2016 is not a year, not time, not a season, not a place and not a position but a moment, everything will begin to evolve suddenly for you and the question of how, and when it all evolved will only be answered by the term"suddenly".

The offended will be overwhelmed in a moment(2016) because at one point before this moment, the expression of God through you was treated with resentment but in this moment your expression of God will overwhelm multitudes.

This overwhelming effect that you will carry upon your life shall verily be facilitated by the reality of the fact that those operating in the awareness of time will have no choice of freedom to choose: on whether to embrace you or deny you.

2016 is not a year, a time, a season, a place, a position but rather 2016 is a moment of fulfillment, satisfaction, and accomplishment.

God will fulfill, satisfy, and accomplish every need and requirement of your life in just a moment.

Everything that God promised to do in your life prior the moment of 2016, He-God is going to fulfill, accomplish and satisfy suddenly.

There many unfortunate, wrong, negative, frustrating, and disappointing events that have occurred in your life as you endeavored to seek God, follow God, please God, sacrifice unto God, and to obey God.

As a matter of fact you have been tremendously bruised, wounded, betrayed, back stabbed, ill-talked about, walked over by even the very people who were supposed to hold you down.

To the extent that many times than not you have questioned God's righteousness, mercy, love, and justice.

There has been a lot of tears shed, a lot of pains endured in the event of staying faithful unto the Lord God who called you.

As a result of your obedience, and faithfulness to God it is as if you borrowed God your substance and he never paid you back when you expected him to do so.

However you need to hear the word of God at this very juncture, in Genesis 20:16,""king Abimelech said to Sarah, "look i am giving your brother(Abraham) 1,000 pieces of silver in the presence of all these witnesses.

This is to compensate you for any wrong i may have done to you.

This will settle any claim against me, and your reputation is cleared."

In the moment of 2016, God Almighty has decided to compensate you for all the injustices, the wrongs, the pains, the frustrations, the depression, the shame, the scorn, and the embarrassment that you suffered and endured during the course of obeying, and staying faithful unto the assignment and instruction of God for the life of you.

The compensation of the Lord which is to take place in the company of many witnesses will be in terms of silver and gold.

Silver and gold are a metaphor for money and great resources.

God is doing this in just a moment, suddenly you will be compensated for all the ills that you have suffered and endured in the effort to please and obey the Lord your God.

This move of God is strategic to the degree that God intends that you have no claim before his presence.

No more will you murmur on how is it that you obeyed and how is it that you remained faithful unto God with him not being faithful unto you in return.

In a moment that is represented by 2016, God will show you his overwhelming faithfulness and just character.

And upon doing this God will make sure that he settles the scores.

For the Bible argues that for any man who labors faithfully deserves a just reward.

2016 is a moment for you to receive your just reward from the Lord God because you labored, you did sweat, you pained, and suffered in the presence of God and now 2016 is the moment for you to be compensated in the presence of many witnesses.

God is settling the scores in 2016 and even super cede the scores for you against your rivals, haters and competing contemporaries so that your claims before his presence will be settled.

Suddenly after having settled the scores with you and even super ceded the scores in your regard amidst the presence of many witnesses, God will make sure that your reputation drastically and fundamentally changes for good.

Before 2016 people may have known you as one who labors in the presence of God in vain but in just a moment your reputation will be much akin to that of a wealthy man with lots of great resources.

The most important, critical, crucial, and imperative part of God's compensation plan is to write off every wrong that you have endured in the course of walking in his divinely instructed ways and for you to have plenty of money in the very moment of 2016.

In the just a moment of 2016, money will be plentiful at your disposal to the degree that money will ask for you, beg for you, call for you, demand for you, run for you, saying," i belong to you and because i belong to you, i need you to use me to the glory of the Lord your God Almighty".

Money has always admired your skillfulness to use bare essentials to achieve great things that even people with money can't accomplish.

In other wards, because of the admiration money has for you, it has always desired to partner with you but God would not let it be because he had to train you to depend on his anointing much more than you would ever depend on money.

However in the moment of 2016 God has permitted money to partner with you and money will not delay to come your way because money has always been looking for an opportunity that only God can give to partner with you, and that opportunity is in the moment of 2016.

As you depend on the anointing of God so will money depend on you.

In the moment of 2016 time will be spell bound and awestruck as it witnesses eternity in operation through out the moment of 2016.

The human mind is perfectly finite and once its exposed to a moment which is an impartation of eternity, it becomes incapacitated to comprehend everything around it.

Henceforth in the moment of 2016 you will not be able to understand everything but you will appreciate everything.

This is so because even those things you don't understand because of your mind's inability to understand the work of the infinite will all be working to fulfill, accomplish and satisfy your goals, and needs.

In the moment of 2016, you will realize how accomplished you are as an individual.

In that moment(2016) you will appreciate, realize that every thing that you set out to accomplish in God has already fallen into its place suddenly.

The emotion that is born out of realizing that whatever you set out to accomplish over a period of time has been fulfilled even before you set out to do it is an emotion of joy and contentment.

In the Hebrew dialect joy and contentment is best described as simcha.

And the concept of simcha is what compels the shechinah glory(the spiritual presence of God) to find rest upon the life of an individual.

Consequently, this means that in the moment of 2016 you will be filled with so much joy and contentment as a result of all that God would have accomplished for you.

Upon the very foundation of this joy and contentment, the shechinah glory will be in every area of your life.

The presence of God will be involved in every thing that you set out to do because of the joy and contentment that will be residing in your life.

When the presence of God is involved in every activity of your life you many times than not give birth to blessings from God without measure, this will all take place in your life suddenly in 2016.

The blessings of God in your life will be without measure, and they will manifest in a moment, and in just a flash of 2016.

The fundamental underpinning reason as to why time had to run so fast in 2015 is to get to 2016 so that time can behold for itself the glory, honor, the awesome ability and greatness of eternity operating across the scape and scope of time.

So in case you wondered why this year winded down so fast then its for your consideration to understand that it was so because time would not delay and wait any longer to take leave for eternity to operate in the moment of 2016.

Everything in 2016 will happen suddenly in a flash light.

Time has been in a rush, running in a flash to get to 2016 and witness the moment of eternity operating in its place.

As suddenly as 2016 is, so will you also realize that you are in a different league, standing on a unique pedestral, and that your accomplishments are immeasurable.

And while your contemporaries bow down before money, money will instead bow down before you.

Time continues over and over again to run at the speed of a super sonic so as to reach in the moment of eternity's impartation within the jurisdiction of time so as to behold the functionality of eternity within the scope of time.

Many times than not when eternity steps into time, time backs off to witness the amazing operation of eternity.

Conversely, people who would never give you their attention will be compelled to witness you as you accomplish the assignment of God upon your life as a result of the fact that you are in a moment of 2016 which is a part of eternity within the scope of time.

In addition its here and now that its imperative to understand that 2016 is going to represent a portion and a part of eternity within the scope of time and in that moment everything around you will be constantly awestruck in regards to what God has done in your life.

In the book of Matthew 20:16, it declares that the last will become first, and the first shall become last.The aforementioned statement and declaration alludes to the reality of the moment of 2016.

In this moment, there is not going to be a catching up but rather there is going to be an overtaking. In just an awe-striking moment, you will overtake the plans of your imagination.

The unthinkable is happening to you in just a moment and because its a moment, time will not be able to measure it, nor record it.

This is so because time itself will be so overwhelmed to the extent that it will only behold in sheer wonder and spontaneous marvel at the handiwork of God in the course of your life underlined and underpinned by this significant moment defined by 2016.

Everyone who was riding ahead of you will suddenly ride behind you to their overwhelming surprise and cheer wonder.The entire world is about to be shocked at the speed at which you are going to be far ahead those who always thought that you was riding, walking, and operating far behind in life.

In the moment of 2016 many will scratch their heads in total confusion because of their in-capacity to fathom how in the world you got so far ahead of them without their notice.

The mechanism by which you going to overtake everything that seemed out of your reach, out of your view, out of your grip, and out of your grasp will not and cannot be understood by anything and anybody in the scope of time.

However it can only be understood and comprehended by the one operating within the scope of eternity.

God is a God of all possibilities, what men thought was impossible to be fulfilled, accomplished, and satisfied in your life is going to be accomplished in just a sudden moment.

2016 is God's designated moment to compensate you for the diligent efforts that you have registered in the presence of God within the last decade of your faithful walk with God.

Many times you have worked and served God diligently and you was without a reward .

And sometimes you even thought that your work was insufficient and inadequate .

However the problem had nothing to do with you nor was the problem with God's unfaithfulness but rather God had set aside a moment even before you began serving him.

A moment to compensate your effort in his presence and that moment is 2016.

Whatever has been missing in your life is going to be fulfilled in the moment of 2016.

Whatever gaps you have been having in your life so will God of divine providence fulfill in the moment of 2016.

Every lack you have been struggling with, God is going to fulfill in the moment of 2016.

Every hunger that you have been enduring so will God satisfy in 2016.

Every unfinished goal, every unfinished assignment, every unfinished business in your life will be accomplished for you by God in just a moment, and this moment is 2016.

2016 is God's designated moment for you to overtake everything that seemed so far ahead of you.

They are people who used to relate with you but they no longer relate with you no more because they some how assume that your life is so far behind and they are so far ahead of you.

However in the moment of 2016 people are about to seek after your relationship.

People are about to seek to relate with you.

People unknown to you and those who walked out of your life because they saw no reason to relate with some one they thought was far behind them are going to seek to relate with you because now they finally realize that your life is far ahead of their life and they need to relate with you to feel a sense of importance and worth.

In other wards in just a moment you will overtake many and those who did not see the importance of relating with you will desire to relate with you because whoever relates with you begets value addition in their life.

In the moment of 2016, money will come to you arguing,"I belong to you."

And just in case you never knew, money has been stalking you throughout 2015, and in the moment of 2016, the money that has been stalking you will interface with you and beg you to possess it, and to use it to the glory of your God.

In the event of wrestling with God through out 2015, you fundamentally became aware of the blessings ahead of you by way of divine revelation.

Jacob wrestled with God before he crossed over the Jabbok river and in the event of wrestling with God, Jacob become aware of the blessings ahead of him by way of divine revelation.

Essentially 2015 has been a time and a season of wrestling with God so that you would become cognitively aware of the blessing of 2016 that have come your way in just a moment of 2016.

A blessing of God always and fundamentally comes by way of revelation.

In just a moment those who were seemingly ahead of you will suddenly find themselves behind you.

People who walked out of your life are about to reappear suddenly and when they do reappear don't get surprised its only so simply because you have overtaken them by the grace of God.

People only seek what is ahead of them not what is behind them.

In other wards, the entire world is going to seek after you because your are trendsetter and a pacesetter.

In just a moment God is making your life so beautiful that people from different walks of life will stand still before you, and want with all that is within them to be part of your beautiful life and to be in your beautiful life.

Money will not be a problem to you because in a moment you will find yourself in possession of plenty of money.

Even the spirits of your ancestors will be to spell bound by what is going to occur to you in just a moment indicative of 2016.

The spirit of money is in just a moment is part and parcel of your spiritual garment.

Money will easily flow in your life because you posses its spirit.

As the physical man is covered in a material garment so is the soul of a man covered by spiritual garments.

Some garments are garments of victory, and others are garments of defeat.

Defeated people are losers whose souls are covered by the spirit of defeat.

However in the moment of 2016, your garment will be a garment of great victory, and you will win in your physical affairs and dealings.

Furthermore, as you step into 2016 so are you stepping into a moment of great victory and hence your life shall become of great victory.

Its here and now that you ought to understand that you will not experience any loses or draws in your life within the moment of 2016 but only many victories.

The queen of Sheba heard about the life of king Solomon and everything that God had accomplished, satisfied and fulfilled in the life of Solomon.

Upon hearing the story of king Solomon, the queen of Sheba was spellbound and awestruck to the degree that she wanted and desired to be part of the life of king Solomon.

Henceforth, she made the journey from Ethiopia to the land of Israel in-order to meet king Solomon.

When she meant king Solomon, whatever she had heard about before embarking on the journey to meet king Solomon was evidently so amazing at view.

It was so amazing that immediately after arriving in the presence of king Solomon, the queen of Sheba did not just want to be part of the life of king Solomon but she now wanted to be in the life of king Solomon.

As a result of this shift, history says that by the time the queen of Sheba left the presence of king Solomon, she was pregnant with baby.

In the moment of 2016 nations from far will hear your story and come to be part of it.

However when they get to your presence the desire will shift to them wanting to be in your life because of the great wonders and beautiful things God is to fulfill, satisfy, and accomplish in the moment of 2016.

Finally its important to register that all this will be executed by the grace of God and that by that same grace, every individual who comes into your presence will be compelled to honor, respect and appreciate the handiwork of God in your life.

whoever appreciates the work of God in your life will also recieve an impartation from God through you.

Wrestling With God

Genesis 32:24

The human mind is a rigid element whose changing does not occur by the flipping of a mere switch. The changing of one's mental state of affairs occurs after an intense wrestling with the mind.

Many times than not when the mind of an individual is mentally disturbed its as a result of the fact that they are some demonic forces that are wrestling with the mind of that particular individual's identity.

In the event of one's mind wrestling with different spiritual forces there is always a lose of touch with the environment of one's stay and place of operation. And when is it that one has lost touch with his/her environment of operation then they are taken into an insane asylum.

In the effort to transform and change one's identity, the spirit of God does not simply set out to wrestle with one's environment but rather he sets out to wrestle with one's mind.

This so, because in order to change one's environment its the mind that has got to be wrestled with thereof.And once the mind has been changed then the environment will change.

When the environment changes then the identity will also fundamentally and radically change.

In Genesis 32:24, we come across Jacob wrestling with a man(who later we understand was God).

However before Jacob wrestles with God his historical background is of such that he was a servant in his father's house, a servant in his uncle(Laban)'s house.

And just before he wrestles with God he is surely destined to end up as a servant in the house of his brother Esau.

However the wrestling with God that Jacob begins to endure in genesis 32:24 is surely aimed and predestined to change his servant hood from being man -centric unto God-centric.

In order to be an effective servant of God there is a need and a fundamental requirement to be independent of men. And in order to ensure that you are independent of men and dependent to God, God has to give unto you in terms of certain natural resources and supernatural resources so as to facilitate your total dependence unto God Almighty as a servant in his presence.

Its pivotal to wrestle with God because apart from altering the course of your natural destiny and ushering you unto the course of your spiritual destiny, wrestling with God also ushers you into a trans formative process designed to lead you up to a level and a degree of identity change.

The people who knew Jacob before he wrestled with God were unable to identify with him immediately after he wrestled with God because Jacob had been transformed physically, spiritually, and psychologically.

In short, whenever man wrestles with God in order to come to terms with the elements that shape his present and the future, that man can never remain the same because immediately after the wrestling he become a new man.

In Genesis 32:22 the argument is of such that during the night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two servant wives, and his eleven sons and crossed the Jabbok River with them.

After taking them to the other side, he sent over all his possessions.

This left Jacob all a lone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob's hip and wrenched it out of its socket.

The aforementioned narrative mysterious suggests that in order for there to be a wrestling with God, its incumbent upon the man who is to wrestle with God to create an environment of privacy and secrecy.

In other wards if God is going to wrestle with you then the wrestling is going to endure in a private and secret place. A place that is not open to the casual observers and spectators eyes of the general public.

This is imperative because God never appears in openness but rather he appears in privacy and secrecy so that the consequences of his appearance may be a witness unto his glory, victory, and honor before the whole world.

In taking all the members of his family and every thing that he owned across the Jabbok river.

Jacob was demonstrating his commitment to wrestling with God by creating an environment of privacy and secrecy so that God can be welcome enough to wrestle with Jacob so that Jacob's life can make a fundamental transition and transformation in regards to his spiritual, physical, and psychological stature and awareness.

Before wrestling with God Jacob regards himself as a mere family head but immediately after the wrestling he then becomes a national leader and a leader of a nation.

Thus once you create an environment of privacy and secrecy with the objective of wrestling with God then immediately you will endure a transformation which will be earmarked by shifting from your lowest capacity to your highest capacity in regards to your operation in life.

Immediately after wrestling with God Almighty then you will cease to walk according to your natural and time-bound identity demands and then will begin to walk as your eternal and time boundless identity demands.

The resources for the life of you will then have no limit unto them but they will be limitless.

At this juncture if you feel and know that you are at a place where you have been deprived of company and completely void of any sort of company, it goes down to tell you that there is a call upon your life to wrestle with the creator and maker of the heavens and earth.

God had to impel and compel you to be at a place that is void of any physical company so that he may be able to come and wrestle you.

So that your life can go through a transformation from a mere man to a major nation. Wrestling with God confirms that you not only a man but a nation.

The greatest error that a man appointed to wrestle with God will ever register is the error of running after company after God has taken company away from the man that he has chosen and appointed to wrestle with.

Don't run after any company when you know you have been appointed by God to wrestle with God.

This should be so under the standing that as soon as you finish wrestling with God there will be a divine measure of value deposited on the inside of your life and existence.

A divine measure of value that is in no man and in no other part of the world except in your being.

And because of this distinctive and idiosyncratic divine measure of value the whole world is about to come looking for you and to dwell amidst your company because of the divine deposit of God on your inside which deposit is no where in the world and has never been witnessed by no body living.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Walking with the master

Jeremiah 33:3

Through out the course of life, and in the general sense of history, time, and eternity God Almighty has always sent out and he is still sending out divers invitations to mankind.

However the most pivotal,instrumental, and most important invitation that God Almighty sends towards mankind is the invitation where God Almighty is inviting man with a stretched out hand so as to give man an opportunity to walk in arms with God in the very field of life through out the course of time that God Almighty has apportioned that given individual.

God invites a man to walk in arms with him in order to show, to transmit, to expose that man his mighty, divine an great wonders.

To expose that man to a unique level of greatness.

God invites a man to walk in arms with him in order to show that man the super natural that no man has ever seen.

God invites man to walk in arms with him so that God can use that particular man as a testament of glory, victory, and honor upon the face of the earth.

The greatest pleasure of the human soul is to walk with the master throughout time,history,and eternity.

Conversely the greatest displeasure of a human soul is to be unworthy and unable to take walk with the master of the universe-God.

To the extent that every now and then the soul fails to merit walking with the master of the heavens and the earth, and everything in between thereof.

The soul expresses its anguish and disappointment by hating, sabotaging, backstabbing, and betraying the one whom the master -God has appointed and chosen to walk with through out the course of time,history, and eternity.

The earth is fundamentally evil and bad.

However in all his amazing grace, and enduring mercy God decided a midst his mundane existence to create goodness out of the earth which is essentially evil and bad.

And because they was nothing good enough to use as an example of goodness, God decided to create good out of evil using his sketch plan as his very own image.

In doing so,God figured that since he is fundamentally good.

Then He would create an existence that was to be good out of a substance(earth) that is essentially evil, and bad.

He created Adamah (earthly image following after God's image) a form of the earth whose picturesque image was a denote of the very express image of God himself.

Consequently, God backed off for a second's time and carefully examined, with intense critic the image of himself that he had formed and created out of the dust of the earth.

As a result of intense criticism, God noticed that even though he is innately good the earthly image that he had formed from the dust of the earth was still evil despite it bearing the characteristics of God's goodness.

Then he wisely decide to breath his very existence into the earthly image he had formed out of the dust of the earth and then it become a living creature.

But for some reason the goodness that came with the breath of God into man was not able to neutralize and to subdue the evil, and bad character of mankind.

There after God sent a flood to destroy humanity except for one righteous man called Noah .However immediately after a period of time man's bad and evil evidently persisted and insisted before God Almighty who is all good and all powerful.

He consecrated an entire nation of Israel unto himself so that it can be an example of holiness, righteousness, and a force of good to the rest of the world and then challenge the world of the earth to be holy and right unto God.

But yet still even the nation he consecrated unto himself drifted into evil and bad just like the rest of the nations of the world.

Then he commissioned the prophets to convict the world unto the path of righteous and holiness but yet still the nation of Israel and the world remained by to wallow in evil and bad.

He then sent his son Jesus Christ in order to reconcile that which is innately evil and bad to that which is fundamentally good.

However he was crucified and killed, and to prove that goodness has supreme power over that which is innately evil and bad.

Jesus resurrected from the dead.

And then his son(Jesus) ascended unto the heavens and in due course the holy spirit descended with the objective to comfort, counsel, and guide those who had believed in Jesus and his mission of reconciling evil man unto holy and good God Almighty.

Yes.Indeed and in fact evil and bad is still enduring.

However, in heeding unto the special invitation by God that he often times than not issues out to whomever he chooses, evil, and bad is always overcome upon receiving a severe defeat from the one that is walking with the master.

In the process of walking with the master, we not only overcome evil, and bad but we are separated from the impact of the world but the world is not separated from the impact of he/she that is walking with the master.

In talking about dominion, and subduing the world its only when that we walking with the master that we can have the propensity to overcome the world and even have a definite chance of subduing the world.

When God invites you to take a walk with him through out the course of your life time nothing in time can intimidate you, and there is nothing in the world that you can't accomplish, and achieve.

Indeed and in fact, its here and now that the bible stipulates and declares that with God nothing is impossible and nothing is impossible with God.

If its to be put another way then it ought to be said that once you take the bold step to walk with God then the word impossible becomes a mystery in your lexicon.

Then you can go to sleep and wake up every morning knowing that the world is under your feet.

And that there is no diabolic force in the universe that can double dare you in the event of trying to sabotage your course and even in the event of trying to detour you from your divinely appointed course in history , time, and eternity.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Stand Still

Matthew 8:23-27,
Most of the vices that have shown up in your life appearing as if they were ushered in by the forces of darkness to destroy your life were actually on divine mandate from God to prove that you no ordinary man.
To the sensual perception it appears as if the devil is operating violently against your life and that you are void of help.

However to the spiritual perception God is at work in your life using what is seemingly evil to expose to you and to every one around you in regards to how much power of God is rested upon your life.

 If you are looking for a place of power in an environment that is experiencing a destructive level of shaking and drastic falling apart then you ought to look out for a place that is standing still/ a people that is standing still.

This is so because if you are going to find someone standing still in an environment that is experiencing a fundamental destructive shaking then you have found a people and a place of power.

The place and the person that is standing still amidst a great shaking are both the reason and the purpose of the shaking and the falling part.

This concept is further reinforced by the idea that even though every thing around him is shaking and making a move entirely based on panic and anxiety he is standing still because he is able to impact his environment without the environment impacting him.

Jesus Christ had over 70 disciples and all of them did not have an intimate, personal intense relationship with him.

And all of them did not have an intimate, and personal relationship with him, all of them did not experience the impact of his person hood upon his environment as much as the different environments that he stepped into.

All his disciples were never able to come to the fullness of his unique personality because they would not stand it.

All of his disciples were not able to experience the revelation of his extra-ordinary existence because all of them would not stand still after experiencing it thereof.

If it’s to be put another way then it can be said that all of his disciples but the 12 disciples did not experience the revelation of his extra-ordinary existence because all of them would not stand it except the chosen 12.

They would not stand it or stand still after experiencing all that Jesus was without feeling offended without feeling scared, without feeling jealousy, envious, and without being tempted to hate him.

All of his disciples did not experience the understanding of his teaching because it came to them in parables.

All of his disciples did not experience the storms that came against Jesus as fundamental signs sent by God to really prove who Jesus was in this world.

The only disciples who understood the mystery of the parables, the only disciples who experienced the storms that came as a sign to prove that Jesus was truly the son of God enshrouded in the power of God were only but 12 disciples.
It was the 12 disciples who experienced the storms in the life of Jesus and upon experiencing these storms they were filled with fear, anxiety and panic until Jesus spoke a word of power (revelation) to the storm in order to calm the storm.

And immediately the storm was calm then they understood that he was truly the son of God, When the storm was calm, then they understood that they were walking with the very power of God in their amidst.

Many times when it is that God is with you, you will be accosted by fiercely raging storms and the people around you will be shaken, you will be forsaken and you will be back-stabbed.

However you have got to realize that the storm that first accosted you is not a mere storm but it’s a sign from God to prove that the power of God is rested upon your life.

The storm that has accosted you is not just a storm but it’s a revelation from God that the power of God is rested on your life.

And the people who walked out of your life were not going out on you because of a storm but they were going out on you because they can’t stand the power of God on your life.

 They can’t stand the articulate revelation of God that comes out of you.

The place of your storm is the place of revelation and power of God in your life and if the people who walked out on you knew that divine mystery then like the 12 disciples they would have stayed in the boat with you.

The 12 disciples of Jesus would have drowned out of panic upon being accosted by this raging storm however the thing that saved them was their ability to look to Jesus.

In whatever storm of life that you find yourself entangled, if you can look to Jesus then everything will be alright.

They would have stayed in your company and in that relationship had they known the divine mystery behind the storms of your life.

 Its here and now that you have to carefully consider, that whatever that is going against your life as of right now is only but a sign that you are extra-ordinary.

 There is a special, idiosyncratic, and a powerful assignment, anointing and appointment of God on your life and what appears as an element of destruction in your life shall not destroy you but rather it’s only going to bring to bear the power of God upon your life so that all will see and praise the LORD your God.

In the story of Prophet Jonah, it’s only but important to note that Jonah made the decision to run away from his assignment in God and took to sail in a ship as an ordinary individual even though he was far from ordinary.

And his extra-ordinary personality only comes to bear the moment the ship he was sailing in was accosted by a fierce storm.

And when his uniqueness was exposed those he was sailing with ended up praising God and offering unto God a sacrifice.

This was done because they caught themselves in a fierce storm and while they tried to sail against the storm in vain, and while they tried to entreat their gods to help them out of this desperate situation of being accosted by a violent storm Jonah was in the hold of the ship sleeping unawares of what was happening.

Thus the revelation that Jonah was no ordinary folk dawned unto the sailors the moment they realized that even though the storm was raging fiercely against them and that they were desperate, Johan was least bothered like he was in a different world.

 When the power and the assignment of God are rested on your life it will enable you to stand still even in situation where every body dares not to stand still.

In standing still there is a clear demonstration that one has power over the storms of life.

In not standing still there is a sign that the storms of life have control and power over your life.

The lack of faith is only but indicative of the fact that you are vulnerable to the circumstance and storms of life.

This is reinforced in Matthew 8:23-27 when the 12 disciples following in Jesus' trucks are accosted by a fierce storm and then their immediate response is deeply engrained in panic, fear, and intimidation.

 It is this reason that Jesus demands to know the where about of their faith upon recognizing the fear that had gripped his 12 twelve disciple after they experienced the storms.

Amidst the storm Jesus is non-reactive because he deeply comprehends the power for the life of him and the extent by which the power on his life can subdue the storm against his life.

Henceforth it’s imperative to appreciate that standing still only confirms to your storms that the power of God is rested on you.

Never make the mistake of acting on the fear of your enemy because only then do you give him power over your life.
However in acting against the storms of your life, then the actions should be bent on the complete understanding, wisdom, and knowledge in the lord your God.

Furthermore, the reason why it’s imperative for you to stand still seen when the storms of life are raging against you is in the fundamental wisdom, understanding, and knowledge that when is it that Jesus is with you and you are with Jesus nothing coming against you can be able to destroy you or cut you off from fulfilling the purpose and destiny of God upon your life.

Jesus has power over every storm in life and as long as you following him the storms of your life shall you overcome.

While in the boat, the storm came against Jesus and the 12 disciples, but the reason and the target of the storm was not the 12 disciples but rather the target of the storms was Jesus.

Henceforth it’s here and now that it’s important for you to consider that the storms against you, the people against you, the people who left you for dead, the people who walked out on you when you much needed them were really not against you but they were against your destiny and purpose.

They hated on you because they would not stand the purpose of God on your life.

If you had no purposes of God on your life then nobody would be against you and no storms would be raging against your life.

Thus stand still and know that God is more interested in his purpose over your life and fulfilling the same and he is committed full throttle in making sure that he fights for you in overcoming all the storms against your life.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Follow the Direction

Jeremiah 14:14
Psalms 25:8-10

In every generation and in every era, there are always some popular voices and unpopular voices in God.

Many times than not the popular voices have a proclivity to give a false sense of direction to the masses.

It never appears  like its false because its enticing to the ears, it’s what the sensual perception of the masses are readily and easily willing to accept and embrace because it promises that things are going to go your way in the name of God.

The unpopular voices struggle to align themselves with the attention of the masses because many times than not, they are driven and compelled by the spirit of the Lord to speak accuracy towards the circumstance and situations that the masses find themselves thereof.

The truth may many often times than not be the thing that you want to hear but it’s the truth and the truth is fundamentally absolute.

In doing the will of God as its inspired by the direction of God Almighty you are essentially executing the right action.

 However in executing the right action under pinned by doing the will of God as directed by God Almighty the consequences may not be always good or right before the understanding of your sensual perception.

It’s a scenario sometimes that can philosophically best be described as” doing the right thing, getting the wrong results”.

When you follow the direction of GOD Almighty and you experience injustice and wrong/ bad experiences, it does not necessarily mean that God lead you in the wrong direction.

What it simply implies is the fact that God can lead you into a direction to experience injustice so that he can equip you spiritually to understand that all things work together for good for those who are called according to the purpose of God.

The following of God’s direction fundamentally and essentially leads to the purpose of God for your life.

Many times when bad things happen to you after doing the will of God it’s only that God is trying to remind you that nothing has the power to stop you from executing the will of God.

To the extent that even if something bad happens to you in the wrong way after serving God with diligence you keep the praising going on because you understand that God has away to bring goodness to bear after bad has ensued.

When it is that you are following the direction of God and the direction that only God and the direction that only God issues then it’s all tantamount to walking with God.

When you are walking with God then you do not have to worry about where is it that you are going, because the reason why God is walking with you is to lead you into a place that he alone has prepared for you.

So God’s direction is symbolic to God walking with you throughout your journey on the face of the earth that he can bring to the goodness that he-God alone has prepared for  your life.

The will of God for your life is not designed to destroy you but is rather designed for you to use as a navigator to reach in the place that God alone has prepared for you.

Furthermore, it’s imperative to follow the direction of God because in doing so you prove that you have agreed yourself to walking with God and so that he can take you into his will for your life.

The will of God for your life is not designed to destroy you but to bring you to a place of no misery and no 

But on the contrary the will of God for your life has been designed carefully by God to bring you to a place of glory, victory, and honour.

Glory, victory, and Honour are guaranteed in your life the moment you submit yourself to the will and the direction of God.

There is a place of honour, glory, and victory that God Almighty has prepared for me and in order for me to get into this place that God has prepared for me, I need to follow his direction.

And once I get his direction and follow his direction then am walking with God as he leads me to my purpose and destiny.

Following my own sense of direction and my environment’s sense of direction and dictations will only lead me into a place of consequence.

A life of physical consequences is a life void of the direction of God and the grace of God Almighty.

There is a place that only God has prepared for you and you can only come into that place if you follow God’s direction.

It’s imperative for you to follow God’s direction so as to get in this wonderful place that he alone has prepared for you because this place is far better in value than any other place that man can prepare for you.

 In creating mankind the intention by God was of such that man is to be, “a going existence”.

Essentially that means that man was created by God to grow, to develop, to progress and to move from one level of operation to another.

Man is far unique from angelic beings whose existence is only but still.
Angels neither grow, nor develop for they have no reason to develop and grow.

Henceforth if man is designed by God to grow, and to move from one level of operation to another that means that the anxiety that comes to man whenever they feel like they are not growing or developing is only but a divine demand.

To do something about the desperate situation of non-growth, and in order for man to move away from the anxiety and desperation born from the idea of lack of growth and development, man needs direction.

Direction to help him make growth and development, they seems to be many directions in life but if we are to speak of an idiosyncratic direction designed for you by God then that direction ultimately comes from God.

 In seeking the will of God for our lives we eventually come across divine direction for our life.

And once we follow that direction that comes as a result of seeking God’s will for our life then we in return fulfilling the purpose of our existence upon the face of the earth.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Circumstances won’t destroy you

Jeremiah 13: 10

Circumstance of all variegated manner are as organic as the air that we breathe, In other wards as long as you live than you are without doubt bound to interface circumstances.

However how you deal with the circumstance of life largely depends on the path you choose to follow in life.

If you choose to follow the path  of  your own desire like the Judeans and the Israelites did in Jeremiah 13: 10 did then the circumstance of life are going to come all out on you full throttle leaving you at a place of 
constant struggle.

Whoever follows after their own desires will ultimately be rendered good for nothing by the circumstances of life.

The circumstances of life render him that walks down the path of their own desires; good for nothing because when you walking after your own desire you obviously walking outside the will of God.

It can never go without saying that the destruction of any given individual begins with the individual’s choice to walk down the path of his very own desires.

Every now and then you choose to walk according to your own desires then your life is much akin to the linen loincloth that Jeremiah hid in a hole in the rocks as per God’s instruction.

The life of you is much akin to the linen loincloth because by the time Jeremiah dug it out of the hole where he had hid it; it was rotting and falling apart and good for nothing.

To avoid walking according to your own desires is to prevent destruction upon your life; it’s to avoid rotting away and falling apart in life.

 However the fundamental reason why the circumstances of life will not destroy you is based on the truth; that, since you are walking according to the desires of God no circumstance shall render you insignificant but rather every circumstance that befalls you will only but make you more relevant than never before.