John 6:54
John 10:9
It’s fundamental to understand that sometimes life will position
you in a place that is admired and desired by many but yourself.
It’s very shocking
that many people want to be in your place in life but you despise your place in
There is someone praying and fasting to have your place in
life yet still you many times than not you compelled to complain about your place
in life.
It’s in fact here and
now that the old adage comes to truth, “Nobody knows the worth of what they own
till they actually lose it.”
The place that you
detest is desired by someone else to the degree that they will do anything to
posses your place.
The only evidence
that will come to you to realize that you are not in the worst place in life is
the kind of evidence that will come from your haters.
It’s the people who do not like you that remind you of how
many people are doing worse than you.
Everybody that is operating below your standard of life is
your hater and they do not like you.
The people who do not like you are the people that you are
better than.
It’s here and now
that we have got to understand that the only way you can tell you better than
the people who do not like you with nothing because even when you got nothing
they still hate on you.
In other wards you are better than your haters, and when you
understand that you are better than your haters you begin to despise every
situation that you have experienced against your will.
If lack is a
situation against your will then you should despise it because you are better
than it, When is it that you have been saved by the blood of Jesus you become a
son of light.
And every son of light is hated by the devil and those who
participate in evil.
Evil doers hate you because you are saved and you are a doer
of God’s will.
Consequently you are above everyone trying to bring you down
and better than everyone who hates on you.
According to the book of John 6:54, Jesus said,” But anyone
who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise that
person at the last day.”
On the other hand Jesus argues in John 10:9, “Yes. I am the gate
(the way/ the entrance to salvation and eternity).
Those who come in through me will be saved.
Conversely in order
for you to be saved all you have to do is to go to Jesus accept him into your
life, believe in his words, confess he is the son of the living God and that he
died for your original and non-original sins and he was raised on the third day
so as to sit on the right hand of his father God.
Then you will be saved.