Thursday, 26 March 2015

Are You Saved??

John 6:54
John 10:9

It’s fundamental to understand that sometimes life will position you in a place that is admired and desired by many but yourself.

 It’s very shocking that many people want to be in your place in life but you despise your place in life.

There is someone praying and fasting to have your place in life yet still you many times than not  you compelled to complain about your place in life.

 It’s in fact here and now that the old adage comes to truth, “Nobody knows the worth of what they own till they actually lose it.”

 The place that you detest is desired by someone else to the degree that they will do anything to posses your place.

 The only evidence that will come to you to realize that you are not in the worst place in life is the kind of evidence that will come from your haters.

It’s the people who do not like you that remind you of how many people are doing worse than you.

Everybody that is operating below your standard of life is your hater and they do not like you.

The people who do not like you are the people that you are better than.

 It’s here and now that we have got to understand that the only way you can tell you better than the people who do not like you with nothing because even when you got nothing they still hate on you.

In other wards you are better than your haters, and when you understand that you are better than your haters you begin to despise every situation that you have experienced against your will.

 If lack is a situation against your will then you should despise it because you are better than it, When is it that you have been saved by the blood of Jesus you become a son of light.

And every son of light is hated by the devil and those who participate in evil.

Evil doers hate you because you are saved and you are a doer of God’s will.

Consequently you are above everyone trying to bring you down and better than everyone who hates on you.

According to the book of John 6:54, Jesus said,” But anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise that person at the last day.”

On the other hand Jesus argues in John 10:9, “Yes. I am the gate (the way/ the entrance to salvation and eternity).

Those who come in through me will be saved.

 Conversely in order for you to be saved all you have to do is to go to Jesus accept him into your life, believe in his words, confess he is the son of the living God and that he died for your original and non-original sins and he was raised on the third day so as to sit on the right hand of his father God.

Then you will be saved.

A Divine Memory

Genesis 28:12-15

 Between Genesis 28:12-15 and Genesis 31:3 the life of Jacob was characterized by struggle, hard work and suffering. 

For 14yrs Jacob operated in the house of Laban, Laban was Jacob’s uncle consequently Jacob was supposedly a father-figure in the life of Jacob where Isaac the biological father of Jacob was not. 

Unfortunately Laban did not play the role of father –figure in the life of Jacob as he should have.

 Laban treated Jacob with total resentment. 

Laban treated Jacob as a second class citizen even though Jacob was faithful to Laban all the time. 

However the more Jacob served Laban faithfully the more Laban down played the efforts of Jacob. 

Laban changed Jacob’s wages on numerous occasions to the extent that Jacob almost got used to it to a place of no offense. 

And Jacob did not lose strength, he did not lose hope because he kept on remembering that God had appeared unto him inform of a dream at Bethel and in the dream God promised Jacob divine protection. 

Throughout the 14yrs of his stay in Laban’s quarters, Jacob remembered the promises of God, the God of his forefathers (Abraham and Isaac).

 He remembered the promises of God and as a result all the injustices that he suffered under Laban for 14yrs did not deter his faith and hope in the Lord God Almighty. 

Never at any one time did Jacob try to avenge Laban or get even with Laban and this was enabled by the divine memory that was constituted into Jacob’s life by God the first time that God appeared unto Jacob at Bethel. 

Consequently the first time God appeared unto you, he left you with a divine memory, a memory that holds the promises of God. 

The natural memory of man can’t hold unto the promises of God.

 It only takes a divine memory from God to hold onto the promises of the Lord God Almighty. 

A divine memory is essential to the one whom God has promised because it will without a doubt sustain you when times look gloom. 

There will always be a time frame between when the promise is given and when the promise is fulfilled. 

And that time frame is a time frame that is full of many challenges against the promise and you can only overcome with a divine memory. 
It’s a divine memory that allows you to understand that the God who promised will also fulfill.

 Have you ever considered that the reason why some people have nothing nice to say to you and all they have to say is negative is based off the fact that they are jealousy. 

They are envious of you because you have got what they want but they can’t even work hard enough to attain the status that you have got, What you have is a divine memory that allows you to recall everything that happened in eternity (before time) and everything that is about to happen (after time). 

Yom Shabbat (the day of Sabbath) is essentially the day of rest, it’s the day of rest where we virtually pause out of breath to remember that God created the universe six days and rested on the seventh day. 

 To create is to imagine, in other wards God imagined the universe in six days and on the seventh day he paused out of his breath, remembered everything he set in motion by imagination and then he was delighted and pleased. 

We can only delight and be pleased in God by was of a divine memory that triggers a celebration. 

Sometimes life is so miserable until you remember that even though the world is diabolical, God is good.

 And when we meditate on the goodness on God Almighty then we can be in a position to rejoice amidst tremendous opposition and turmoil.

 It’s easy to be caught up in your present circumstantial experience and then you forget who you really are in the presence of God. 

Every individual upon the face of the earth has got an identity. 

A special identity that has got the propensity to blow the minds of your contemporaries, If your contemporaries got to know who you really are in the presence of God each one of them would be treating you differently.

 In other wards if you really want to find out who you really are all you need to go is in the presence of the Lord God.

 Each star has a special rank that humans do not know of but the God who set the star in motion, he calls each star by its very own rank.

 Conversely they is a special identity and a rank for the life of you and all you need is the presence of God to trigger your divine memory in order for you to find out the purpose for your life in this exact time and season. 

According to your divine memory it’s utterly impossible for you to be in a position to die before your dreams come to pass after everything that you have been through and survived. 

The promises of God for the life of you are coming to town.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


Genesis: 31:54
Exodus 35:2

The Understudy of any given celebration and festival through the Hebraic Len is ultimately underlined by sacrifice. Conversely sacrifice through the Hebraic Len is triggered by the memory of what God has done for any given person.

Every now and then you remember what God did and it effectively impacts your daily life then the rationale for sacrifice is triggered.

One of the most celebrated days through the Hebraic Len is the day of Shabbat (Sabbath).

On the Shabbat we remember that God created the universe in six days and then rested on the seventh day.
Henceforth we are to do no self-service on Shabbat but rather we are to serve God with everything that we have got.

In not engaging in the act of self-service but rather in serving God we are actually sacrificing unto God.

On Shabbat we rest from our daily rigors of life and take up the service of God as a way of sacrificing and honoring God.

In other wards when we sacrifice unto God we are actually honoring God.

When we sacrifice or give up our own way to take up the way of the Lord we are actually honoring the Lord God Almighty, When we give up our word to take up the word of God we then honoring God, When we forsake our calling to hind to the call of God upon our life we actually honoring unto God.
Sacrifice produces honor.

Henceforth you can only be a man of honor only when you will live a life of sacrifice.

Every sacrifice demands an altar and every alter demands a sacrifice.

The essence of the altar is to burn the sacrifice, every sacrifice must be able to burn and when it burns it must be able to produce smoke.

Smoke is the evidence the there has been a sacrifice that has been laid upon the altar of God.
times than not the indication of the type of sacrifice that has been laid upon the alter of God is in the scent of the smoke that is produced from that which has been sacrificed, its residue lingers in the atmosphere as evidence that God has been honored upon the earth.

The bible declares that God inhabits the praise of those who seek his face hence the lingering of the residue of your sacrifice can best be evidenced in the smoke of the sacrifice because it is as praise unto him.

Essentially smoke doesn’t have a scent of its own until something that has the propensity to burn is exposed to fire.

Well the alter of God demands a sacrifice because they is ever a fire upon the altar of God ready to burn anything laid upon it inform of a sacrifice.

A sacrifice becomes sacrifice unto God after it burns upon the altar of God and goes up in the atmosphere inform of a smoke that God inhabits as praise.

In the event that God inhabits your praise he makes sure a blessing comes down on him that just praised him by way of sacrifice.

In 2014 the blessing of God’s goodness came upon me after I sacrificed an amount of money upon the altar of God entitles Robert Kayanja ministries.

Henceforth every ministry of God is an alter of God with a burning fire in it ready to burn your sacrifice to God in order to smoke towards God as praise that God can inhabit in order to shower blessings down unto you.

If sacrifice is to do away with what is impossible to do away with in normal circumstance then to live sacrificial is to live by the grace of God Almighty.

There is an automatic promise from God to honor anyone who offers a sacrifice unto God Almighty.

In Johan 1:15-16 immediately after the storm stopped upon threatening Johan into the raging sea the sailors sacrificed unto God after they  were awestruck by the Lord’s power and they vowed to serve him.

Conversely sacrificing unto God is tantamount to serving God.