Thursday, 17 September 2015

Follow the Direction

Jeremiah 14:14
Psalms 25:8-10

In every generation and in every era, there are always some popular voices and unpopular voices in God.

Many times than not the popular voices have a proclivity to give a false sense of direction to the masses.

It never appears  like its false because its enticing to the ears, it’s what the sensual perception of the masses are readily and easily willing to accept and embrace because it promises that things are going to go your way in the name of God.

The unpopular voices struggle to align themselves with the attention of the masses because many times than not, they are driven and compelled by the spirit of the Lord to speak accuracy towards the circumstance and situations that the masses find themselves thereof.

The truth may many often times than not be the thing that you want to hear but it’s the truth and the truth is fundamentally absolute.

In doing the will of God as its inspired by the direction of God Almighty you are essentially executing the right action.

 However in executing the right action under pinned by doing the will of God as directed by God Almighty the consequences may not be always good or right before the understanding of your sensual perception.

It’s a scenario sometimes that can philosophically best be described as” doing the right thing, getting the wrong results”.

When you follow the direction of GOD Almighty and you experience injustice and wrong/ bad experiences, it does not necessarily mean that God lead you in the wrong direction.

What it simply implies is the fact that God can lead you into a direction to experience injustice so that he can equip you spiritually to understand that all things work together for good for those who are called according to the purpose of God.

The following of God’s direction fundamentally and essentially leads to the purpose of God for your life.

Many times when bad things happen to you after doing the will of God it’s only that God is trying to remind you that nothing has the power to stop you from executing the will of God.

To the extent that even if something bad happens to you in the wrong way after serving God with diligence you keep the praising going on because you understand that God has away to bring goodness to bear after bad has ensued.

When it is that you are following the direction of God and the direction that only God and the direction that only God issues then it’s all tantamount to walking with God.

When you are walking with God then you do not have to worry about where is it that you are going, because the reason why God is walking with you is to lead you into a place that he alone has prepared for you.

So God’s direction is symbolic to God walking with you throughout your journey on the face of the earth that he can bring to the goodness that he-God alone has prepared for  your life.

The will of God for your life is not designed to destroy you but is rather designed for you to use as a navigator to reach in the place that God alone has prepared for you.

Furthermore, it’s imperative to follow the direction of God because in doing so you prove that you have agreed yourself to walking with God and so that he can take you into his will for your life.

The will of God for your life is not designed to destroy you but to bring you to a place of no misery and no 

But on the contrary the will of God for your life has been designed carefully by God to bring you to a place of glory, victory, and honour.

Glory, victory, and Honour are guaranteed in your life the moment you submit yourself to the will and the direction of God.

There is a place of honour, glory, and victory that God Almighty has prepared for me and in order for me to get into this place that God has prepared for me, I need to follow his direction.

And once I get his direction and follow his direction then am walking with God as he leads me to my purpose and destiny.

Following my own sense of direction and my environment’s sense of direction and dictations will only lead me into a place of consequence.

A life of physical consequences is a life void of the direction of God and the grace of God Almighty.

There is a place that only God has prepared for you and you can only come into that place if you follow God’s direction.

It’s imperative for you to follow God’s direction so as to get in this wonderful place that he alone has prepared for you because this place is far better in value than any other place that man can prepare for you.

 In creating mankind the intention by God was of such that man is to be, “a going existence”.

Essentially that means that man was created by God to grow, to develop, to progress and to move from one level of operation to another.

Man is far unique from angelic beings whose existence is only but still.
Angels neither grow, nor develop for they have no reason to develop and grow.

Henceforth if man is designed by God to grow, and to move from one level of operation to another that means that the anxiety that comes to man whenever they feel like they are not growing or developing is only but a divine demand.

To do something about the desperate situation of non-growth, and in order for man to move away from the anxiety and desperation born from the idea of lack of growth and development, man needs direction.

Direction to help him make growth and development, they seems to be many directions in life but if we are to speak of an idiosyncratic direction designed for you by God then that direction ultimately comes from God.

 In seeking the will of God for our lives we eventually come across divine direction for our life.

And once we follow that direction that comes as a result of seeking God’s will for our life then we in return fulfilling the purpose of our existence upon the face of the earth.