Friday, 26 February 2016

The Word is working for you

John 1:5

Every now and then God releases a word in the cosmos, in the atmosphere, and in the earth, the purpose of that word is to perform a great work that pertains unto life.

For the wonderful scripture of St. John 1:5 argues,""The word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."

In other wards, the word of God is always commissioned by God to perform an assignment that tends unto the well being of life.

At this juncture, your life may be disturbed, worried, and confused about the next step to take inorder to improve the situation, and the circumstance of your present status.

However there is a word from God Almighty that has been commissioned by God Almighty himself to perform a work and an assignment so that the status of your life may drastically and fundamentally improve and go to the next level.

The next level that is being earmarked at this juncture is the kind that will and shall grant you the pleasures that come with great satisfaction, accomplishment, and fulfillment.

As a result of the fact that the word is working for you, the script of the circumstances, and the situations of the same which are central to the shaping of your life have been flipped.

To the degree and to the extent that those whom you served are coming to serve you.

Those who dispersed you and treated you insignificantly are getting ready to honor you.

Those who treated you in a rude manner ten years ago are coming back in humility because the word of God is working for you.

Those who turned you around when you was in dire desperate need of help and an opportunity to make it in life are about to come in your presence in need of an opportunity to thrive in life because the word is working for you.

When is it that the word is working for you , it means that you are not unfortunate but fortunate.

The lines have fallen in pleasant places for you, and because of the handiwork of God through his word, your life shall henceforth be incredulous.
The word of God is working for you and in you and because its doing so that means you cannot be destroyed.

People have hurt you, disappointed you, played you, and dumped you.

And instead of being apologetic, they just rejoiced.

Hence you shed countless tears, and you have walked around by and by with a wounded heart.

However during this moment, the word of God has been released out of God's mouth to work things out for you to the degree that the people who wounded you will begin to grow deep in sorrow because of the pain they rendered unto you.

The word is healing your deeply seeded wounds, tears of sorrow you will shed no more.

As a matter of fact the only time that you will ever shed a tear will not be because of sorrow but it will be a result of joy.

In other wards, you will know no tears of sorrow but only of joy.

There is getting ready to be a celebration of your life by the people God is about to bring into your life.

And the celebration will be so big and so loud that every body who never celebrated you prior the word started working for will be forced to be attentive to the celebration of your life.

Every sacrifice you made for the sake of your love for God is going to be rewarded because the word is working for you.

Every evil and sin for the life of you has been forgiven and forgotten by both God and men because the word of God is working for you.

Many times than not when you think that you working the word of God, its not that you are working the word but its the word working for you.

When the word is working for you, wisdom, knowledge, understanding in the context of divine revelation begin to flow in your life.

Divine revelation is indicative of what God has done for you irrespective of what is not going on in your life or rather irrespective of what is happening in your life.

Furthermore, its impossible to have no testimony when is it that the word is working for you.

Challenges may come looking insurmountable and yet again you will overcome them all based on the fact that the word of God is working for.

Monday, 8 February 2016


Genesis: 2:7

Value is the principle deposit crucial, critical, important, pivotal and instrumental to one's survival and well-being.

Whatever you posses goes far long in describing the principle deposit for the life of you.

The meaningless of life becomes all the more evident where there is the avoidance of value.

The lack of any principle deposits crucial and critical to one's survival and well being render the phenomenon of life meaningless or rather meaningless.

God formed man from the dust of the ground and before he breathed the breath of life(spirit of God) into man, the entire angelic citizenship wondered and mulled over the question:"What is this?".

However after God breathed the breath of life into man or the moment God made the principle deposit into the form of man the entire angelic citizenship made a transition from, the question:"what is this?" to the question:"Who is this?".

The difference between what is this ? and who is this? is embedded in the value for the life of you.

When people are not sensitive to your value their attitude towards you is,"what and not who". Who you really are is a per-determination of the principle deposit by which you posses for the life of you.

Consequently, your identity is fully embodied by the principle deposit by which you posses for the life of you.

The greatest enormity of value under the sun is the deposit of the spirit of God, the breath of God, and the wind of God in the earth or rather in the form of man's very existence.

There is nothing of high esteem and high regard in value across the face of the earth than the deposit of the spirit of God in the form of man's existence.

As a matter of that very base, everything that has value under the sun draws its value from the spirit of God, the wind of God , and the breath of God in and unto itself.

Furthermore, with that manner of understanding, its enough to say and to state with authority that all value under the sun emanates from the spiritual orbit and in the supernatural realm.

Value is not in the world but in the word of God to the degree that whatever we pigeon-hole as value in this world emanates from the word of God.

The word of God is spirit and truth as much as life in and unto itself.

Everything of value under the sun was set in motion by the spirit of God through the media and channel of God's word of mouth.

Without the deposit of the spirit of God, the breath of God, and the wind of God which came into mankind when God breathed the breathe of life into man, man is nothing but an organized form of trash.

The level or the degree of one's value is fundamentally determined by his or her relationship with the spirit of God, the breath of God and the wind of God Almighty.

The relationship you cultivate with God's spirit is of such enormity in value to the degree that its the most principle among all relationships to be cultivated.

Whoever favors you will be favored by God Almighty.

Whoever sabotages you will be attempting to sabotage God and remember God cannot be sabotaged.

In other wards attempts of sabotaging you will only end up in their deep depression and frustration.

Do not fight with those who don't like you because God will fight them for you.

And every now and then God is fighting for you, victory shall and will be yours.

There is a crown of glory, victory, and honor on your life and everything and every body around you seems to be fighting to undermine you but because you are the physical representation of the move of God in your era then nothing shall be able to succeed against you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

As you increase in value, joy, and contentment so will those attempting to destroy you, and sabotage you increase in sorrow, depression and disappointment.

Money is a spirit which gives value to currencies, and at this juncture, global currencies are seeking you out because they need you to add value unto them.

The flow of global finances is overwhelmingly coming into your life because global currencies understand that in order to obtain value-Which is the principle deposit crucial to one's well being and survival- then global currencies have got to flow into your life.

In this life, you will experience no shame, no embarrassment, no defeat because you are thankful unto God Almighty.

And as a result of the fact that you thankful unto God Almighty, your way,direction, and course in this life will never be dark, but your course and ways will always be bright,light, and dazzling.

You will miss and lack nothing cause you thankful unto God.