Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The Way is clear

Psalm 119-105

Many times than not the promises of God for the life of you are not consistent with the reality of the life of you.

And naturally we all crave for the promises of God and the reality for the life of us to be in perfect harmony even though the craving may be fruitless.

However if you hold unto the glory of God on your life which is the consequence of the promise that God gave unto you, soon everything will be in harmony.

Many times the waiting may prove debilitating but even when the promise of God and the reality for the life of God do not add up it does not mean that the glory of God is not with you.

The glory of God is upon your life by virtue of the fact that you have a promise from God for better a day.

The glory of God is the word of God and the word of God is a lamp unto the feet of the sons and daughters of God.

A lamp is a metaphoric symbol for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, thus when the psalmist argues that the word of God is a lamp (knowledge, wisdom, and understanding) whose functionality is to light your pathway so that the ways of your feet may be clear.

In this, he is confirming that as long as you hold unto the word of God and the very wisdom that flows there in thus your way shall always be clear.

The purpose of the glory of God is to shine , to shine is to give off light, and the purpose of light is to give illumination, enlightenment, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, guidance, direction, and leadership.

The impact of the aforementioned is the result of the assurance that even though the promise of God and your reality may not be yet in harmony, everything shall be alright as long as you hold unto the word of God.

Some times by the virtue of the bad that keeps on interfacing us, we tend to see blocks in our way but behold, and the way is clear as long as we still confess Jesus to be our Lord and savior.

The way is clear as long as we still able to confess the words of the promises of God Almighty.

Often when calamity befalls you at a heightened level there is also a temptation to view evil as good, and good as evil.

However, it’s always imperative to hold unto the good that you have been given by God inorder to overcome in due time.

This is pivotal to remember because good is more powerful than evil.

Even when the world seems dark, and scary for you to operate there in, you will be able to find your way because of the word of the Lord God above your life.

The word of God which a lamp unto thy feet and a light in your path way has made your going clear and because your goings and your ways are clear you will fear no evil, because the light of the word of God which gives light to your path way is also the same word which will fortify your life in order to allow no evil to come near you in the name of Jesus.

The way is clear even when you don’t see its clarity.

However if you going to see the way clear then you going to have to lift up the word of God and the name of Jesus above every thing.

Once you lift up the word of God above else you will with no doubt see your way out of every situation.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Victory is Assured

2 Timothy 1:7

In the course of life, we are interfaced by divers struggles, calamities, difficuties, and troubles.

Troubles that inflict fear in our hearts to the extent of leaving us disturbed, discouraged, and frustrated.

And if the voice of the living God does not intervene the fear of life's troubles will leave us winding down in depreession.

However God has not rendered us the spirit of fear but rather the spirit of love and a sound mind so that we will be in a grand position to over come the fear of defeat from our adversary (the devil).

Every thing that threatens your dear life whether it be in your business, family, vision, goal, and purpose in God that threat shall not finish you off .

Because you will overcome it because God is fighting for you and when God is fighting for you victory already belongs to you even before the battle takes off.

The most effective fighting weapon of the devil against mankind is psychological.

The mind should always be sound inorder to be in able to go against the schemes of the adversary.

If the devil is going to defeat the man of God then its the status of the mind of the man of God that he is going to go against in the pursuit to shift the soundness of the mind in order to defeat the man of God.

A man of God that has been defeated by the devil is one whose mind is far from being sound.

A mind that is far from being sound is a mind that is saturated with fear due to a lack of a proper and truthful analysis in regards to the issues, circumstances, and consequential events of the day, and time.

Hence a mind that is far from being sound is governed by the darkness of ths world which is ignorance, and backwardness.

The concept of spiritual civilization is void in the mental blocks that constitute the mind of one whose mind is far from being sound.

It should be submitted that fear and dark mental evaluation are evidencial elements that prove the absence of spiritual civilization.

A man with no love in his heart is pre-occupied with efforts of bringing others to shame, and hence he is spiritually backward.

Spiritual backwardness which is a consequence of the lack of a sound mind is identified by such element as: envy, jealousy, malice backstabbing and backbitting etc.

It should emphatically also be noted that as long as one is operatig in spiritual backwardness then he or she has been defeated by the adversary.

The spirit of God makes provision for a sound mind through incisive analysis, and evaluation under the auspice of revelational knowledge, wisdom ,and understanding provided for by the holy spirit.

With a sound mind, the plot of the adversary to render our lives in defeat are always overstepped.

Inorder to have a sound mind there has got to be a united effort in fellowshipping with the spirit of God, and the word of God.

Every circumstantial event that you encounter amidst your fellowship with the spirit of God and the word of the same can be overcome because you have power over it without it having influence over you.

Circumstantial events have no influence over your every day decision making process because through the insight that comes from the whispers of the spirit of God as much as the word of God, you are able to speak to your circumstances with out letting the circumstances speak to you.

As long as you have the propensity to speak to your circumstances with out them speaking to you then you have victory.

Speaking to your circumstance will teach you to have power over the configuration of the universe without letting circumstantial events to exercise power over your life.

God is victorios in all hence once you put God first above all things his victory will go before you as much as enshroud you so that in all your endeavors victory is much assured.

God has called us to greatness and unto greatness's wonderful, beneficial rewards but to get to this greatness, they are specific guidelines and directions which we have to follow.

However many times than not we are distracted by temporary situations and we are derailed off the course that God has set before us.

Derailing off the course that God has set before us being motivated and pursuaded by temporary situations is one of, if not the gravest mistakes that an anointed,and gifted child of God can ever register.

The promises of God for the life of you are eternal, they are not time bound but rather the promises of God for the life of you are timeless.

The principle of time is of such that time is temporary, time is not a permanent situation hence every thing under the two big lights(the sun and the moon) is only but temporal.

So deciding to go anti thectical to the course that God has set before you is the easiest way to operate through life being assured of defeat, shame, and embarrasment rather than victory.

No matter how difficult your situation may be , its pivotal and important to realize that its temporal.

It will soon be no more and all you have to do is to re-orient and remind your self about the course God has set before you .

so that you may be able to galvanise enough motivation to keep going in the way that God has established you and called you to go.

Finally as long as you are still on the course that God has called you to go, no matter how many mistakes and errors that you have executed, failure will not be an option.

Failure will not be an option because even the mistakes, and errors for the life of you amidst your service to God will only be a learning curve for you .

And a grandiose opportunity to acquire new skills neccessary for victory in your duties unto God, the people of God, in your personal life and in the universe.

The Impact of Your Existence

Matthew 2:16

Between the moment that Jesus was born to the moment that Jesus died, time was resigned from its assignment, and time was dismissed from its functionality.

From the moment Jesus Christ was born to the moment Jesus died time was in a pause mode.

Its significant to understand that the most essential reason as to why time was resigned, dismissed from its assignment and in a pause mode is so as to honor the physical existence of its Lord Jesus Christ upon the earth.

Honor is always rendered to greatness.

Hence time was compelled to honor Jesus because Jesus was greater than time.

Indeed and in fact between the very birth of Jesus and the very death of the same, time took an opportunity to freshen up to the extent that after Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into the heaven.

Then time had to start its functionality afresh.

During the course of his physical existence across the face of the earth, Jesus' life was beyond the control of time.

Consequently, everything that Jesus Christ accomplished, achieved, and fulfilled upon the earth was outside the control of time.

And furthermore, everything that Jesus accomplished, fulfilled, and achieved was eternally significant and purpose-filled.

To the degree that his life's activities were not time bound.

As a result the impact of Jesus' existence was never going to expire at the end of his life upon the earth but rather the impact of his existence was going to out last time.

Whatever was unknown and classified as an element of low stature suddenly become notable and held in high regard and esteem at the very emergency of Jesus Christ's existence.

Such is the impact of Jesus' existence to the degree that everything that appeared significant and unimportant suddenly become greatly significant immediately after his birth throughout his life and even after his death and subsequent departure from the face of the earth.

The city or Nazareth was dubbed as insignificant and with nothing good however at the emergency of Jesus, that dubbing and classification of an entire city was fundamentally changed from a city that was unimportant to an iconic city of great holy significance.

Thus its here and now, that i want to earmark unto you that the impact of your existence is of such tremendous power to the degree that every thing concerning your life will be first and not last.

Every thing associated with you will become the head and not the tail.

During the grand course of his existence Jesus Christ was interfaced by tremendous burdens but instead of falling into the temptation of perpetual discouragement, depression, frustration.

Jesus was able to harness every burden of his earthly existence it into a blessing that would in turn serve as a source of inspiration, empowerment, motivation, and education for humanity through out time, history and eternity.

My dear friends, its here and now that God will have me to tell you that every burden of your life existence has the propensity to turn around into a blessing once you surrender yourself unto God.

Once you surrender yourself unto God he will then by virtue of his grace turn your burdens into a source of blessing that will outlast time.

As a matter of fact if the impact of your existence is going to out last time, then you will have to be able to harness your burdens into a blessing.

In order for the burden of your existence to turn into a blessing then you have got to be able to receive a divine revelation amidst the very existence of the burdens that you are going through.

The revelation form God that you receive amidst the burdens of your existence are what turns the burden into a blessing that will cause the impact of your existence to go far longer than the reality of time.

Before the coming of Jesus, whose coming is indicative of an impartation of eternity upon the earth.

Time was operating on a level that it would not afford to operate upon immediately after the departure of Jesus.

In other wards, once an impartation of eternity touches base in your life your level of operation and functionality cannot be the same.

It has to shift from one level to another, and from one dimension to another.

Once the impartation of eternity touches base in your life, there cant be a continuation of the status quo in your life but there is a beginning of the extraordinary in your life.

There is a beginning of the magnificent, incredible, and the interesting in your purpose, and assignment.

Once the impartation of eternity touches base in your life, there is always the ending of some thing and the beginning of some thing new.

After the impartation of eternity touches base in your life it marks the end of a certain level of functionality so that there is a beginning of functioning on a level unbeknown before.

The impact of your existence shall outlive time because of your God given ability to function unusually.

Before Jesus came upon the earth time was functioning usually but after Jesus came upon the earth he was able to provide a platform for time to function unusually.

In accepting Jesus to come into your life, your embracing and receiving an impartation of eternity in your life which will cause you to operate in life unusually in order for the impact of your existence outlasts time.