Monday, 31 December 2018

2019- A Quantum Leap

Genesis Chapter 1

1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis Chapter 2

2 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Adam and Eve4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

In carefully analyzing Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis Chapter 2, we discover that God makes a sudden, drastic, abrupt, dramatic, great and significant movement and shift from spiritual creation to physical formation.

In Genesis chapter 1, God created the heavens and the earth.

And in Genesis Chapter 2:4, God formed (made) the heavens and the earth.

The power of God demonstrated in Genesis chapter 1 is not the same power that is exhibited in Genesis Chapter 2.

In Genesis chapter 1, God demonstrated his infinite capacity to create from nothing.

Everything God created in Genesis chapter 1 is systematically aligned and process orientated.

The creation story as its accounted in Genesis Chapter 1 is fundamentally made up of different intermediate levels which give definition to the process orientation of God’s creative capacity.

The power of God in Genesis chapter 1 brought into existence the plan and desire of God upon the face of the earth though it was invisible and intangible.

In Genesis chapter 1 God created the universe but they was no physical form in regards to everything created.

The power of God that introduces physical form to the things created in Genesis chapter 1 is found in Genesis chapter2.

The power of God in Genesis chapter 2 is idiosyncratic because it’s fundamentally void of any intermediate levels.

The movement from creation to formation is without any given process.

It’s abrupt, sudden, drastic and at the same time dynamic, significant, great, huge, and developmental.

In Genesis chapter 2 God used the dust of the earth to form mankind in the most glorious, victorious and honorable way.
The earth is a picturesque image of matter.

Consequently God can use anything that matters to you in order to bring forth his glory, victory, and honor in tangible and physical form into your life.

Thus it’s here and now that God will have me to tell you that 2019 is the year of moving from one state of energy and power to another state of energy and power with no intermediate levels.

2019 is the day and time for a quantum leap in your life.

Everything physical that embodies your very own existence is going to experience a drastic, sudden, abrupt, significant and great improvement, development and advancement in 2019.

They is no way you will explain the significant advancement your life is going to endure in 2019 because it is designed by God Almighty to be sudden and abrupt.

When God formed man Genesis chapter 2 he was a full grown man.

This is important because man did not have to go through any intermediate levels he simply was formed as a full adult.

In 2019 life is going to make sense and come full circle for you suddenly and abrupt because they won’t be need for you to go through any process.

2019 is the year of your quantum leap where the physical features that will embody your lifestyle will be commensurate to the anointing of God rested upon your life.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

The Distinction between You and Your Haters

Matthew 23:12-For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Once you make out in your mind to travel at the very end of evil we only but come to reconciliation with shame, remorse, embarrassment and generic defeat.

Conversely, when you travel at the very end of righteousness you only but come to grips with victory, glory and honor.

Many are the definitions of the Lord God's favor upon a given individual's life but one of most interesting and profound definitions of favor is of such that:-Favor is when God gives attention to a man's life in great details.

Once the attention of God is towards every detail concerning your life then you going to begin to attract haters from people you both know and from those that you don't know.

Every man desires the favor of God upon his/her life.

This is so because once the favor of God is upon your life then the results of your life are going to be distinctive.

There is a distinction between the righteous man of God and the evil man of the world.

The righteous man of God is exalted in humility while the evil man of the world exalts himself in self-aggrandizement and arrogance.

It's impossible for the call of God to be upon your life and your life is short of being distinctive.

The life of our Lord and savior while he walked across the face of the earth was underpinned by a distinction.

Jesus was distinctive in every manner to the degree that he had more haters than partners.

However as much as his partners were less in number in relationship to his haters, his partners were powerful and strategic to his call.

Hence as a result of the call of God upon your life the distinction between you and them Will be under pinned by the idea that your haters will be many but not as powerful as those in partnership with you.

Many times than not those against you may seem to be more visible and louder than those on your side but they is no need to be afraid because God is with you.

Once God is with you then there is no doubt that you going to overcome everything that seems to be a huge threat to your existence.

Do It Fast

John 13:27

27 And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.

In dealing with the dynamic nature of the world that we find ourselves entangled in thereof, It’s pivotal to understand that everything that we desire may never go our way.

What you think that you deserve may never be the thing that you necessarily need.

In life they are circumstances, and situations that will embark upon us that we don't deserve nor desire.

And no matter what we do or don’t do we are bound to face up those situations and circumstances we dread.

Judas Iscariot was earmarked before the beginning of time to betray Jesus.

It’s an assignment that he was never going to escape nor avoid.

And on the other hand, Jesus was prepared to be betrayed by Judas Iscariot under all circumstances because they were no way he going to escape being betrayed by Judas Iscariot.

Hence given that understanding Jesus tells Judas Iscariot,*whatever you about to do, do it fast".

Because both Jesus and Judas Iscariot where never going to be able to escape the aforementioned circumstances.

They are people who have been cast into your life to betray you, to undermine you and to compromise you.

And nothing can stop them from doing that which they ought to do in your life.

However the good news is that God has given you the grace and the will power to endure and to go through that situation and circumstance.

The perpetrators may have it in mind that what they ought to do to you is going to kill you.

But no, it will not kill you as a matter of fact whatever they plan to do to you, they ought to do it very fast because it’s the very thing that is going to kill them.

Judas Iscariot killed himself immediately after betraying Jesus.

Hence even though that person has been cast into your life to compromise you, undermine you and to render you inadequate, they only committing suicide for touching you and treating you inappropriately.

Woe unto the man who touches the anointed one of God inappropriately.

You are the anointed one of God and whoever has been cast into your life to render you inadequate is only setting you up for the glory of God while they set themselves up for eternal shame and defeat.

Indeed and in fact, it’s here and now that you have got to understand that you were created with a crown of victory, glory and honor.

Hence every circumstance and situation that you encounter in this dynamic world is only aimed at consolidating and institutionalizing the truth that you were created for victory, glory, and honor.

Its little wonder thereof that they are people cast in your life to make you think you inadequate, unworthy and insignificant, but you have got to understand that the devil can't defeat you spiritually because you enshrouded by the powerful and precious blood of Christ Jesus.

As a result since the devil can't defeat you spiritually he shifts his battle front against you psychologically.

The devil has been defeated spiritually so he thinks he can win you psychologically but woe unto him because your mind is being regulated by the spirit of God and as a result you very much aware of the devil's moves even before he makes a move against you.

You not only aware of the devil devices: but you much cognitive of the results of his diabolical moves against your life.

The devil better order his emissary against your life to make that planned move very fast that the glory of God may be made manifest in your life.

The perpetrators against your life have been earmarked for defeat.

Hence may their defeat come as fast as their diabolical actions against you ought to be carried out fast.

It’s Too Much to Handle

Matthew 26:36-46-(36 Then Jesus *came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and *said to His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37 And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed. 38 Then He *said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.”39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” 40 And He *came to the disciples and *found them sleeping, and *said to Peter, “So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour? 41 Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”42 He went away again a second time and prayed, saying, “My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.” 43 Again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 44 And He left them again, and went away and prayed a third time, saying the same thing once more. 45 Then He *came to the disciples and *said to them, “[a]Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46 Get up, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!”)

The entire world seems as if it’s pushing all the weight of its self against you and now you feel like it is too much to handle.
Indeed and in fact that is the same feeling that Jesus felt while in the garden of Gethsemane.

By now you should be able to understand that the word Gethsemane loosely translates to mean, “Pressing place ".

Imagine being in a place where life keeps pressing you from every angle and by everything life threatening.

Undoubtedly you seem to be on the verge of breaking down and as a result you have developed the disposition that's it’s too much to handle.

You are dealing with stuff too much to handle for ordinary folk and this so because the anointing of God for the life of you is too much too handle by everyday people.

The anointing of God is the very power of the spirit of God in demonstration/ in action.

The anointing of God is the light of God that is envied by the kingdom of darkness.

The envy and hatred of the kingdom of darkness is demonstrated by a deliberate effort to render the activities of the light of God futile.
It’s too much to handle but the grace of God is heavy and fighting for you.

For a diamond to be what it ought to be it got to endure the pressure that is constantly pushed against it.

And by enduring the pressure exerted against it so does it become of precious value, as a matter of fact you of so much precious value to the extent that those around about you can't handle the glory of God upon your life.

Hence if anybody dares to touch you inappropriately then the wrath of God shall come against your perpetrators.
The vengeance of the Almighty God will automatically come upon the one who chooses to betray you.

The brothers of Joseph the dreamer had no option but sell him into slavery because they would not handle the Glory and the power of God upon his life.

From among those who walked with Jesus one of them had to betray him because they would not handle the glory and power of God upon his life.

The opportunity for the glory and power of God to come into demonstration like never before ever since the foundation of the earth had to present its self in that very moment of betray and attack against the anointed one of God.

Sometimes it feels like you want to cry all day long because it’s too much to handle.

Everyone who comes into your life seems like they come into your life to demoralize you and to put you down.

To render your existence void but you need to understand that many times the glory of God upon the one God has appointed is treated with contempt ,because many can't handle the glory of God upon your life because it's simply too much to handle.

They want to make you feel inadequate and incapacitated because they can't stand the fact you walk in the glory of God.

The people you love so dearly keep turning against you and walking away from you because the glory of God for the life of you is too much to handle.

When the glory of God upon your life is too much to handle many of the seasons that your life will have to endure will be too much to handle.

In that many times than not you will feel like wanting to give up and to throw in the towel.

But all you need to do is to hang in there because very soon you will overcome all the things, all circumstances, all situations and challenges in the name of Jesus Christ.

It’s too much to handle but the God who appointed you and anointed you is helping you even as of this very moment in time.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

The righteous of God

Psalms 34:19(19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.)
Genesis 32:22-31(22 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 23 After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. 24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”)But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”27 The man asked him, “What is your name?”“Jacob,” he answered.28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[a] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.30 So Jacob called the place Peniel,[b] saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel,[c] and he was limping because of his hip.

The righteous of God has the capacity to overcome all things.

However the power of the righteous does not come without pain.

As a matter of fact the power of the righteous is many times than not born from experiences whose aftermath leaves us nursing pain.

But the focus of attention should not be on the pain inflicted during the time when we enduring the experience that God has called to us but our attention should be the blessing attained from the experience.

They are lessons to be learnt from every experience God calls us unto.

And these lessons are vitally important to the accumulation of our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in God, which in turn give us the capacity to overcome and to be crowned victors.

Jacob wrestled with God from the stroke of midnight to the break of day.

And by the time the wrestling is done, Jacob’s image looks defeated, and injured but the matter is that before the angel of God spoke a word of blessing upon Jacob he first inflicted pain unto his hip.

The blessing that Jacob received from the angel of God was the blessing of being called Israel.

Israel in this context translates to mean the righteous of God.

The righteous of God is the very power of God that overcomes all things.

It’s here and now that we ought to carefully consider the idea that the power of God many times than not comes from the pain inflicting experiences that we endure.

After the infliction of pain follows the crown of power, Jacob "s hip was in pain but his head had been crowned with power as a result of the pain inflicted while Jacob was wrestling with the Angel of the living God.

Jesus is the righteous of God but for him to bear the crown of all power in both the heavens and the earth came as a result of the pain he endured on the cross upon the hill of Calvary.

Furthermore it’s here that we understand that when God calls you to the crown of power/the righteousness of God before he actually crowns you they will be a season of painful experiences.

They is need to keep moving forward despite the pain born from an experience that is God led, guided and directed you unto.

Because after the pain comes the crown of people and righteousness which are the capacity to overcome all things.

Jacob's picturesque image after wresting with the angel of the living God looked like that of an individual who had just suffered defeat at the hands of life, but yet still they were joy in his heart.

Because he understood that even though he has struggles with his life moving forward he has received a crown of righteousness/power from the experience that inflicted pain to his hip.

And that his newly begot crown will enable him confront all his tormentors with boldness in order to overcome all things.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Niche: Acquainting With Yourself

Genesis 37:18-20- Now as soon as they saw him approaching from a distance, before he arrived they plotted together to kill him. 19 “Look!” they said. “Here comes the Dream Master! 20 Come on! Let’s kill him and toss him into one of the cisterns. Then we’ll report that some wild animal devoured him and wait to see what becomes of his dreams!”

1 kings3:10-12-It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. 11 And God said to him, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, 12 behold, I now do according to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind

The revelation of God is a direct word of intimacy that God speaks to the kind with whom he has a profound attraction, and a unique degree of divine favor towards.

Every now and then God speaks a word of intimacy unto you then it’s indicative of the level by which God has found you favorable, lovable, and attractive.

It’s fundamentally ironic that every now and then God finds you favorable and lovable as much as attractive.

The environment around you is going to find a place to hate on you and malign you.

Joseph was favored and loved by both God and his father Jacob, and on the basis of God's favor his brothers hated him and always maligned him to the extent that they many times than not contemplated homicide towards Joseph.

Once God favors and loves you he expresses intimacy towards you and this intimacy comes in the form of revelation knowledge, trials, promises and the hope that only God can expose to a man.

God tries you only if he has found you favorable and lovable.

This is so because it’s only through trials and tribulations do we come to a place of truly being able to reflect his glory, victory and honor.

Our character in God always comes to being tested and tried as a testament that God is with you in love and in favor.

Does God find favorites among his children?

Yes God does find favorites among his children.

Hence how do you know that God had found you favorable and lovable?

When you begin spending more time with God as much as God spends with you then you have been favored and loved by God.

When you begin expressing intimate words as spoken unto you by God and your environment wants to shut you down and render you insignificant then you have been favored and loved by God.

When the people who are supposed to help you, love you because of the call of God upon your life but they rather start to hate on you, verify you then you have been favored and loved by God.

And backstab you and betray you to the extent of leaving you for dead yet you would not do the same to them then you have been favored and loved by God.

In order for one to acquaint with himself effectively they must be in a place and in a position where they fully appreciate that wisdom is the principle thing.

Thus if there is anything to be begotten before anything else then one must obtain wisdom.

Wisdom is the most beautiful thing amongst all things beautiful.

Once one obtains wisdom they have received a beauty like no other.
Wisdom attracts favor.

Favor is attracted by wisdom.

Favor is drawn to wisdom because wisdom has got the capacity to draw favor.

King Solomon asked God for wisdom but God also gave him wealth.

Wealth is the embodiment of favor.

Wealth is the incremental difference that transforms the status of your worth and value.

Wealth is something that fosters a good life and worthwhile life.

Since wisdom is the most beautiful attainment in life it thus makes the wise the most beautiful individuals in both name and appearance as much as in stature.

King Solomon was the wisest person ever lived.

Thus his wisdom made him the most beautiful man ever lived.

Hence his wisdom made him the wealthiest man ever lived.

The Queen of Sheba traveled from Ethiopia to Jerusalem after hearing of not only King Solomon's wisdom, wealth but also after having heard about his beauty.

At meeting king Solomon the Queen of Sheba evidenced all she heard about King Solomon and in fact by the time she left Jerusalem she was carrying King Solomon’s seed.

In the process of acquainting with yourself it’s vitally important to obtain wisdom.

Wisdom is a character it’s not what you say but what you do.

What you do is based on the decisions you make for your life.

In acquainting with yourself it’s also very crucial to appreciate that the coin has two sides /faces.
The two faces of a coin make the coin valuable.

If the coin was one faced or one sided then it would not be valuable.

The first face of the coin is called knowledge and the second face is called understanding.
Knowledge is experience while understanding is perception.

Thus in acquainting with yourself you must appreciate that you exist to have impact upon the earth and this impact comes from the two sides of a coin.

To sit at the feet of wisdom is far much of great importance than to be in the bosom of the unwise.

Peace is the way of the wise while violence is the way of the unwise.

Monday, 16 July 2018


Psalms 34:18-20

18;The LORD is near to the brokenhearted; He saves the contrite in spirit. 19;Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him from them all. 20;He protects all his bones; not one of them will be broken.…

Throughout the very course of our existence upon the face of the earth, we encounter different circumstances which demand us to respond accordingly.

However our response is mandated to be either right or wrong depending on who is our spiritual companion.

Man was created with two companions.

The first companion is the evil one who is also the advocate of evil and that which is wrong in the sight of the living God.

The second companion is the advocate of that which is right in the sight of God.

God is a winner and everyone that does they right thing becomes a winner by God and in God.

Conversely the devil is a loser and everyone who does the wrong thing in the sight of God becomes a loser by the devil and in the devil.

In doing the right thing God applauds you while in doing the wrong thing God is saddened towards mankind.

In an effort to always do the right thing man is supposed to be inclined towards the holy companion sited on the right side of every single individual created of God.

Many times than not the price to pay in doing the right thing is underpinned by the many afflictions that come towards the one who is devoted to do the right thing.

The greatest adversary of the righteous ones of God is the devil who in an effort to alter the course of the righteous in their pursuit to please God and to usher joy in the heart of God is by afflicting the righteous through hurt and harm.

The devil uses a bunch of people close to the righteous man to hurt and harm the righteous in order to frustrate him and cause him to wave the white flag amidst his assignment in God.

However the righteous should appreciate that even though the affliction's may endure for far long God delivers the righteous in due time and in due course.

The afflictions of the righteous are often than not psychologically; as well as mentality devastating, and spiritually crashing.

On the other hand God is always near the brokenhearted and he is always available to restore him whose bones are crushed for doing the right thing.

God is always on the side of those who do the right thing and against those who do the wrong thing. Victory belongs to do those who do the right thing in God.

God delivers the righteous in due time.

The one time you will know that God has delivered you after suffering for doing the right thing is when you he gives you the power to overcome all your hurts and pains that where almost drinking you to the very brink of insanity.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

This War

2 Chronicles 20:1-29

In the establishing your existence God created you and formed you upon the face of the earth so that you are a force of his will, goodness and purpose.

However the adversary of God's goodness will and purpose upon the face of the earth is called the devil and his agents.
Hence you are the force of God representing his goodness, his will and his purpose upon the earth and that makes you the devil's target.

They is a war and a conflict that you find yourself dragged in simply because you function and operate in the goodness, the will and the purpose of God upon the face of the earth.

This war has been diabolically orchestrated by the devil to finish you off and render your existence no more.

The devil has set up different undercover agents draped in the allure of your liking all to snare you to a place that will ensure your demise.

The strategy of the devil is to expose you to circumstances which will drive you into frustration and depression beyond recovery.

The devil wants you to be suicidal because you too strong for him to cut you off hence he has got to frustrate you immensely so that you end your life.

The devil's disposition is of such that if you end your life then the will, the goodness and the purpose of God that you represent and present in the earth will be no more.

The devil has been always trying to frustrate the goodness, the will and the purpose of God upon the earth by altering the course of mankind.
However throughout the annals of human history God has always been at the forefront of interfering with the plans of the devil in order to save the human situation.

This is war but your victory glory and honor is assured in your understanding that before the war was planned against you; victory, glory, and honor were already registered in your names.

Truthfully the devil and his undercover agents have torn you apart, they have demoralized you to the extent that you feel life is not worth it.

However you are created and formed to win and, it does not matter how bad the war is pushed against you; the enemies of your existence will no win.

The blood of Jesus is fighting for you and when the blood of Jesus is fighting for you then it’s impossible for you not to come to a place of being declared the victor.

This is war but they are two parties that embody the war and they are: victors and victims.
In this war you are the Victor and everyone who has gone against you is the victim.

The goodness, the will, and the purpose of God can't be frustrated because they are God himself.

The devil brings you into a place of conflict so that he may render you insignificant and then abort the goodness, the will, and the purpose of God for your life.
However the devil is fighting a losing Battle because the war has already been won by you.

The devil is trying to wipe you out by using the weapon of self-destruction.

Making you feel unworthy, and not good enough but what the devil misses is the fact that you do not need to be good enough because you enormously great.

The devil keeps setting people up in your way so that they can wound you, hurt you and break you and finish you off but it’s not going to happen.

Because even after you have been wounded, broken, hurt you are more than a conqueror and a Victor.

Because you still going to be standing to declare that God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

The wounds that the devil has inflicted upon you are the evidence of the war you entangled into.

The hurt and the broken ness for the life of you are evidence that you are a victor because the devil's mission was to finish you off but you still standing tall because you a man of war and consequently many victories.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Tools for Divine Assignment

Exodus: 2:1-25

Genesis: 37:1-36

1 Samuel:16-23

The existence of man is spiritual.

Man existed before time in spirit form as a matter of fact the spirit of man is a portion and an aspect of God's existence.

Man who is essentially a portion of God’s spirit delegated upon the face of the earth by God to carry out an achievement on behalf of God.

Man's assignment upon the face of the earth is not his own but the very work of God delegated to man.

In order for there to be an effective execution of God's assignment on the earth man who is basically God's delegate has got to come on the earth in a suit called the body.

The body of man is not the existence of Man but rather it’s the unique suit that man wears to carry out God's assignment.

This suit (man's body) endures from birth to death.
The work of man upon the earth belongs to God.

Man comes into the equation of God's work upon the earth as a delegate.

And upon completion of the assignment man has to return back to God with an account of how he has carried out the assignment God entrusted to him upon the face of the earth.

God delegated apart of himself and form in order for mankind to carry out an assignment for God upon the face of the earth.
However the assignment of God by man can only be carried out after man has been equipped with the essential tools designed specifically for the assignment.

These tools are best found in the various situations and circumstances that God allows as to endure.

One of the most crucial characteristic of the situation and circumstance that God uses to equip mankind with the tools for divine assignment is humility.

Humility is the most beautiful sight in the eyes of God even though it can appear as a scene of embarrassment in the sight of men.

Humility is situation for revelation.

In humility God appears unto as and calls us to have companionship with him so that we can be familiar with his assignment delegated unto us by him.

Moses was born to carry out an assignment for God in regards to delivering the people of God.

However fort Forty years of his life Moses was void of the tools to carry out the divine assignment of his life.

In fact when he attempted to deliver the people of God for the first time Moses ended up killing a man and burying the man.

This happened because he did not have the tools to carry out the divine assignment of his life.
Hence God had to create for Moses a situation of humility for Forty years so that he can receive the tools for divine assignment.

For forty years Moses lived at the back of the desert of mouth Sinai working as Shepherd after running from Egypt for fear of murder charges.

Raised as prince of Egypt for forty years but now he runs out of Egypt for fear of murder charges and dwells at the back of mountain Sinai for forty years as a Shepherd with no material possessions to call his own except for his robe, walking stick and sandals.

At the back of mountain Sinai he has to work as a Shepherd for the priest of Jethro who is also his father in-law.

Moses does not have to work as a Shepherd but he needs to submit himself to a humble situation of being Shepherd so that he can get the necessary tools for his divine assignment upon the earth.

The tools Moses needed to be fully fit for his divine assignment were only to be found in the humble situation of him being a Shepherd.

In Egypt Moses always survived by giving instruction and he did that for forty years.

After escaping Egypt now Moses only has to survive for Forty years by receiving instruction from someone whose life experience is far below the experience of Moses.

This was essential because Moses had to understand that his survival depended on obeying instructions from someone else in order for him to be able to vitally carry out his Divine assignment upon the face of the earth.

If Joseph is not in constant dialogue and conversation with God then his brothers will have no reason to hate him.

However the hatred Joseph's brother exude against him only but pushes him further into the promise of God upon his life.

After being sold by his brothers Joseph finds himself in Potiphar’s household doing a business that he does not have to do but he needs to do what he ought in Potiphar's house because there is the tools he needs to be facilitated in order to be able to carry out his divine assignment.

From Potiphar's house Joseph finds himself in prison.

Joseph really does not need to be in prison but he has got to be there because that is the place where he ought to be equipped with the tools to carry out his assignment.

Joseph is a prime minister of Egypt to carry out an assignment on behalf of God.

God will have you go so low to equip you with tools that you need to carry out his assignment upon the face of the earth.

On the flip side God will take you so high in order to carry out an assignment for him upon the face of the earth.
Some of the situations God take us through may not be glamorous but humiliating;

If not humbling but in those situations are the necessary tools we need to be equipped with so as to be successful at the assignment God has trusted with us upon the face of the earth.

The longer you spend in that place of humility the more tools you get for the effective work of the assignment rendered unto you for a specific time and a season.

In order to take you high God will have to take you so low.

And once you are not willing to submit to God in the lower estates of life then God cannot be at a place to exalt you far than you can ever imagine and fathom.

David had just been anointed by prophet Samuel as God's new king for the people of Israel but he does not head straight to the palace but rather he goes back to Shepherd his father's sheep.

And while tending to his father's sheep God is equipping him with the necessary tools needed for his divine assignment upon the face of the earth.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Understanding the Storage of Value

Genesis 1:1
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

In the beginning when God created the universe, the earth was formless and void.

Darkness covered the earth and the spirit of God hovered the face of the deep.

And God declared,"Let there be light and the light showed up.

The aforementioned text of scripture allows us to understand that the value which was void upon the face of the earth was not spiritual but rather it was physical.

The earth had been created but was empty of physical, tangible, and visible value.

The value that was obvious was the spirit of the Lord which hovers over the face of the deep.

And when God said, “Let there be light translated to mean "Fiat Lux' in Latin theology physical value began to manifest upon the face of the earth.

In talking of the storage of value light fundamentally seems to be an essential factor in storing value. In light as storage of value we find: wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

In light as storage of value we discover levels of awareness that are designed to shift the course of our life in ways unbeknownst.

The purpose of any given storage is to be a custodian of value systems that facilities the functionality of life.

Furthermore, the purpose of any given storage is to be preserver of value to be used at particular designated time frame.

Hence God can set you up in store because of the enormous value embedded in the life of you in order to benefit him in an appointed timeframe.

Thus it’s imperative to understand the storage of value so that in the application of the principles thereof then you can be in a great place to optimally operate at your nith degree.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


(1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.)

Once God comes upon the scene for the first time on the earth he gives an extraordinary instruction and a commission by declaring, “Let there be Light ".

The instruction of God upon the earth during his initial visitation establishes knowledge wisdom and understanding that was hitherto absent upon the earth.

Light is a metaphor for wisdom knowledge and understanding.

Thus when God decrees," Let there be Light ", he is bringing up the faculty of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in a place and in a position where it is void.

As God by his spirit has come to reveal to us that we have come to a place and a position, plus a time and a season where he has declared," Let there be light' amongst us, so that we may begin to understand, know and walk in the wisdom of what was far be it from our faculties of illumination.

This time the light, the illumination, the knowledge the understanding and the wisdom God has instructed in our lives is of such that it has all to do with physical, visible and tangible value and the storage of the same.

Before we never beheld this understanding, knowledge and wisdom but now we do have access to it because God has instructed it to be part and parcel of our very existence through the word Fiat-"Let there be"

.In order to understand the storage of value we have to be fully aware of the different aspects of value.

Value in and unto itself has different nuances and how these nuances are best stored largely depends on the understanding of value.

The best way to store value is by investing it in profit making ventures.

Profits are defined as returns on an investment after all expenses paid.
The money that you use in rewarding your self is stored value.

Investing in high-demand ventures is pivotal to the storage of value.

Keeping in the company of those who add to you as much as you add to then us vital in the storage if value.

Once you have the understanding of storing value then it all the more becomes easy to identify with the physical, visible, and tangible forms of value in order for your life to be fully established in the very will of God.

The desire of God for the life of you is to posses physical, visible and tangible value because that is the most effective way to demonstrate the glory, victory and honor of God upon your life to the world.

In the season past you have well demonstrated spiritual value for the life if you since God gave you spiritual illumination.
But now God wants your physical visible and tangible value to go up.

Hence he says 'Fiat'-Let there be-light (wisdom, knowledge, understanding) to store physical, tangible and visible value.
This is important because in order for you to demonstrate the extent of the fact that you are the head and not the tail, then your physical and visible value must be able to speak volumes on your behalf.