Po'Auli is an anointed Shofar called to Transmit the Zion sound of Glory, Victory and Honor in the name of Jesus Christ
Monday, 30 March 2020
Ecclesiastes 9:11
Matthew 24:13
Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God.
Without faith it's impossible to please God for those who come before God should come knowing that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.
The moment God speaks a word that word becomes faith upon our hearing.
It's by faith that we please God.
The absence of faith ultimately gives way to fear catapulted by human facts and is influenced by the deduction of the human mind.
The mind of God is always antithetical to the mind of mankind.
The mind of God is that which is revealed by faith.
In emphasis it's the word of God that essentially reveals the mindset of God.
And all we have got to do in order to perceive the mind of God is to heed to the spoken word of God which when heard by men becomes faith.
The adversary of faith is fear.
Fear always races against faith because in order for confusion to have dominion over mankind fear must become the preoccupation of man.
However the moment God speaks a word and as long as the word is recieved by mankind then it becomes faith.
The man of faith or the man who has recieved the word of God that he God has spoken in a designated timeframe is the man that pleases the lord God Almighty.
There is a divine strength that comes upon a man of faith immediately after he recieves the word of God.
This strength sets the man of faith in rare form and in powerful operation.
The power of faith that is upon you now seems to be at optimum levels , it's rare and exciting.
Indeed and infact you running so fast in respect to the things of God.
But suddenly fear has caught up with you and fear is the adversary of faith.
It seems as if fear was left far behind you but now fear has caught up with you and it's fast overtaking you.
What really happens when you at your best form in faith and suddenly out of the blue fear not only catches up with you but it begins to overtake you.
There is really nothing that happens because fear is swift and strong and it's not to be taken for granted.
But as much as fear is swift and strong faith comes by hearing the word of God and you can only hear the word of God from the speech of God.
God does not make any form of speech except when God is moved by his mercy.
The mercy of God endures forever and it's long lasting beyond the control and the very measure of time.
Henceforth because faith comes from hearing the word of God which comes from the speech of God that emanates from the mercy of God that endures forever then it's here and now that we understand that faith endures to the last.
In eccelestatis 19:11 the writer declares," I returned and saw under the Sun,that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all.
In retrospect the writer in ecclesiastes 9:11 is saying that no matter your background and attributes as much as your personal achievement.
Time and opportunities are given to all but it's upto the individual to utilise their given time and opportunity so as to have a meaningful lifestyle.
Additionally Matthew 24:13 says," But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Undoubtedly we are in the era where fear and uncertainty are overtaking our confidence in God.
The confidence we have in God is underlined by our faith in God.
And because our faith is being overtaken by fear we seem not to know what is going on and what is going to happen next.
However in the race between faith and fear the only difference is in the element of endurance.
The uncertainty and fear that seems to be overtaking your faith can't endure to the end.
This puffing and pumping of fear you don't have to be afraid because your faith in God endures to the end.
Whatever is troubling , stressing you , depressing you will not endure to the end even though fear seems to have already taken your faith.
And the victory of this race between faith and fear shall be won by faith because faith has the capacity and the propensity to endure to the end.
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Exodus 19:16-17
Isiah 41:13
Psalms 121:1
With all the global media outlets awash with news that cast fear in the mind and in the hearts of men and women across the earth for no one knows what is going to happen next except that everyone is left but to speculate.
Amidst the speculation fear and uncertainty has gripped the population of the world because entire global cities are on lock down.
No one knows what is going to happen next in this day and time.
What started as a mild case in Asia has now taken the whole world by storm without any measure of control.
Fear is fast overtaking faith because lives and their operations have been taken hostage by a pandemic that seems without cure at this moment in time.
Every sector and system that embodies the world has been disarmed and rendered powerless in the face of this global catastrophe.
However it’s here and now that I would want to tell you that the events of this present time are only orchestrated by God to prepare the population of the world for a divine and unique meeting with God Almighty.
In Exodus 19:16-17 three days after Moses had told the nation of Israel to consecrate themselves in preparation for a divine and unique meeting with God there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast.
Everyone in the camp trembled.
Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
In this season and period the entire population of the world is gripped with fear and in trembling because of the events that in actual sense are foretelling an up and coming meeting with God.
This up and coming meeting with God necessitates a period of consecration.
In many circumstances the events that surround the period of consecration are antithetical to our normal way of life.
And because of these circumstances surrounding the period of consecration that are antithetical to our normal way of life it becomes easy for us to be cast into fear and panic and consequently bringing us to a level where we get scared.
But according to Isiah 41:13, it declares, “For Am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.
There is no point in being scared because the Lord has vowed in Isiah 41:13 that he will hold us by the right hand and eventually help us through this period of uncertainty that has literally shut down entire global cities.
Be calm because this situation will change and because this situation will change we have got to keep on walking, climbing and turning corners even though we have gotten to a place of having to survive with bare essentials.
We can’t give up our faith in the Lord God Almighty because once we do this then fear will overcome and once fear triumphs over faith then the world will get dark leaving us with no sense of direction.
God is a very present help in the time of trouble that’s the very reason why the psalmist argues in Psalms 121:1, I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of the heaven and earth.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The sun will not harm us by day, nor the moon by night.
Isiah 41:13
Psalms 121:1
With all the global media outlets awash with news that cast fear in the mind and in the hearts of men and women across the earth for no one knows what is going to happen next except that everyone is left but to speculate.
Amidst the speculation fear and uncertainty has gripped the population of the world because entire global cities are on lock down.
No one knows what is going to happen next in this day and time.
What started as a mild case in Asia has now taken the whole world by storm without any measure of control.
Fear is fast overtaking faith because lives and their operations have been taken hostage by a pandemic that seems without cure at this moment in time.
Every sector and system that embodies the world has been disarmed and rendered powerless in the face of this global catastrophe.
However it’s here and now that I would want to tell you that the events of this present time are only orchestrated by God to prepare the population of the world for a divine and unique meeting with God Almighty.
In Exodus 19:16-17 three days after Moses had told the nation of Israel to consecrate themselves in preparation for a divine and unique meeting with God there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast.
Everyone in the camp trembled.
Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
In this season and period the entire population of the world is gripped with fear and in trembling because of the events that in actual sense are foretelling an up and coming meeting with God.
This up and coming meeting with God necessitates a period of consecration.
In many circumstances the events that surround the period of consecration are antithetical to our normal way of life.
And because of these circumstances surrounding the period of consecration that are antithetical to our normal way of life it becomes easy for us to be cast into fear and panic and consequently bringing us to a level where we get scared.
But according to Isiah 41:13, it declares, “For Am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.
There is no point in being scared because the Lord has vowed in Isiah 41:13 that he will hold us by the right hand and eventually help us through this period of uncertainty that has literally shut down entire global cities.
Be calm because this situation will change and because this situation will change we have got to keep on walking, climbing and turning corners even though we have gotten to a place of having to survive with bare essentials.
We can’t give up our faith in the Lord God Almighty because once we do this then fear will overcome and once fear triumphs over faith then the world will get dark leaving us with no sense of direction.
God is a very present help in the time of trouble that’s the very reason why the psalmist argues in Psalms 121:1, I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of the heaven and earth.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The sun will not harm us by day, nor the moon by night.
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Genesis 1:1-2
Genesis 1:14-18
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.
The aforementioned was the order of things in the period when God created the heavens and the earth.
However when God said, “Let there be light and there was light the order of things or rather the status quo was disrupted.
And the moment the status –quo was disrupted then chaos was introduced on the face of the earth.
Chaos is the disruption of the status-quo.
The disruption of the status-quo is the change in the known order of life.
The moment God said, “Let there be light and there was light, life as it was known or rather the order of life as it was known was thrown into a disruption.
Every now and then God is getting ready to do what he has never done before he introduces chaos in the place of order.
And when this happens order is substituted for chaos and chaos comes in the place of order.
What you have known as order ceases to be the moment God introduces chaos with the purpose of rising up a new standard and a new ways of doing things.
In Genesis chapter 1:14-18 God said,” Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the nigh, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so.
God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.He also made the stars.
God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from the darkness.
And God saw that it was good.
In critical analysis and observation Genesis chapter 1:14-18 institutionalizes a new world order far different from the era of Genesis 1:1-2 where the earth was formless and empty.
A new era that was hitherto ushered in by chaos and the disruption of order.
Every now and then God is about to introduce a new order of life he uses chaos as the harbinger.
God has the ability to introduce a problem on the face of the earth that he alone can solve.
In order to remind the world that he alone is sovereign and that his face is worthy to be sought by everything that has got breath.
God has the propensity to disarm the world of its knowledge and intelligence as much as its power using a global catastrophe that he alone has an answer to.
The number 5 is symbolic of an institution and an embodiment of the grace of God as well as the hand of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the favor of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the revelation of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the gift of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the opportunity to have the wisdom and the knowledge of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also the grace of God.
The whole world seems to be going through a major catastrophe at present with the going on corona virus pandemic and all the major cities of the world are on lock down.
Hamlets and subways that were hitherto filled with people are now deserted because everyone seems to be social distancing and in self-quarantine.
There is fear of the unknown gripping the world population because of a pandemic that is void of a cure.
Scientists and the most brilliant of researchers are all perplexed at the spread and rate at which the virus is spreading and killing populations.
Presently the entire global medical field is fighting a losing battle even though we believe the battle shall be eventually won.
But to say the least what does this all mean?
God is doing a new thing and introducing a new way of life and the present chaos is only an usher of the new wave of divine grace that God is going to out-pour upon the face of the earth.
This grace will be the definition of business unusual.
The way the world operated before this chaos came into our midst is going to be no more.
A new way of doing things in the world has come upon as and the institution of that new era is the grace of God.
If the grace of God is defined as unmerited favor then the favor of God is going to increase in the world as much as the very presence of God almighty.
Thus social distancing is not only designed by man to flatten the curve of the present virus but it’s an occasion for self-purification in the event of meeting God on a level we have never met him before.
Genesis 1:14-18
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.
The aforementioned was the order of things in the period when God created the heavens and the earth.
However when God said, “Let there be light and there was light the order of things or rather the status quo was disrupted.
And the moment the status –quo was disrupted then chaos was introduced on the face of the earth.
Chaos is the disruption of the status-quo.
The disruption of the status-quo is the change in the known order of life.
The moment God said, “Let there be light and there was light, life as it was known or rather the order of life as it was known was thrown into a disruption.
Every now and then God is getting ready to do what he has never done before he introduces chaos in the place of order.
And when this happens order is substituted for chaos and chaos comes in the place of order.
What you have known as order ceases to be the moment God introduces chaos with the purpose of rising up a new standard and a new ways of doing things.
In Genesis chapter 1:14-18 God said,” Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the nigh, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so.
God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.He also made the stars.
God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from the darkness.
And God saw that it was good.
In critical analysis and observation Genesis chapter 1:14-18 institutionalizes a new world order far different from the era of Genesis 1:1-2 where the earth was formless and empty.
A new era that was hitherto ushered in by chaos and the disruption of order.
Every now and then God is about to introduce a new order of life he uses chaos as the harbinger.
God has the ability to introduce a problem on the face of the earth that he alone can solve.
In order to remind the world that he alone is sovereign and that his face is worthy to be sought by everything that has got breath.
God has the propensity to disarm the world of its knowledge and intelligence as much as its power using a global catastrophe that he alone has an answer to.
The number 5 is symbolic of an institution and an embodiment of the grace of God as well as the hand of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the favor of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the revelation of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the gift of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also is the opportunity to have the wisdom and the knowledge of God.
Wherever the hand of God is there also the grace of God.
The whole world seems to be going through a major catastrophe at present with the going on corona virus pandemic and all the major cities of the world are on lock down.
Hamlets and subways that were hitherto filled with people are now deserted because everyone seems to be social distancing and in self-quarantine.
There is fear of the unknown gripping the world population because of a pandemic that is void of a cure.
Scientists and the most brilliant of researchers are all perplexed at the spread and rate at which the virus is spreading and killing populations.
Presently the entire global medical field is fighting a losing battle even though we believe the battle shall be eventually won.
But to say the least what does this all mean?
God is doing a new thing and introducing a new way of life and the present chaos is only an usher of the new wave of divine grace that God is going to out-pour upon the face of the earth.
This grace will be the definition of business unusual.
The way the world operated before this chaos came into our midst is going to be no more.
A new way of doing things in the world has come upon as and the institution of that new era is the grace of God.
If the grace of God is defined as unmerited favor then the favor of God is going to increase in the world as much as the very presence of God almighty.
Thus social distancing is not only designed by man to flatten the curve of the present virus but it’s an occasion for self-purification in the event of meeting God on a level we have never met him before.
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Matthew 19:26
Psalms 136:1
Hebrew 4:16
Genesis 1:28
In the simplicity of God we understand that the hand of God has never shortened nor grew weary at any one time.
God has decreed the functionality and the propensity of the sun, the moon, the stars and all the galaxies and sat back to watch how every decree plays out.
The obedience of those that God has issued a decree upon to function according to the will of God is in the effectiveness with which they execute the decree.
And this effective functionality of those that have been decreed upon underscores the pleasures of the Almighty God.
According to God-history there was a divine decree that man ought to be fruitful, and increase in number; replenish the earth and subdue it.
Thus in executing this decree man is considered obedient to the will of God and the obedience of mankind towards the decree of God underscores the pleasures of the Almighty God.
God is simple because he issues a clarion call that everyone should come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find help in the time of need.
Consequently we give thanks to the Lord for his good and his mercy endures forever no matter how far away your character may be from God whence you go boldly to the throne of grace there is no doubt that your will receive the mercy of God .
And it’s the mercy of God that fosters and facilitates repentance as much as the turning away from one’s evil and corrupt ways.
God is slow to anger and quick to forgive our corruption and evil deeds and therein is registered his simplicity.
Indeed and in fact God does not have room for impossibilities cause it’s decreed in Matthew 19:26 when Jesus looked at them and said,” with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Imagine how God almighty uses a pandemic to cast the entire population of the world into a period of consecration.
The nation of Egypt was once the most powerful nation on the face of the earth and the pharaoh was the most powerful individual across the parameters of the earth.
The pharaoh was so revered to the degree that he was considered a god.
However when God wanted to prove to the Egyptians and the pharaoh that he is the God of all power and all might he consecrated Moses for 40yrs.
Preparing him for usage in the event of subduing the gods of the Egyptians and to also prove to Pharaoh that there is an almighty God above the gods of the Egyptians.
2020 is a very special year because it’s the year of divine consecration.
When you add 2020 you get 40 and 40 is the number of divine consecration (and divine appointment) in preparation for the showcasing and displaying of the glory of God on a level unbeknownst.
When God was getting ready to display his glory in salvation and the power of redemption of mankind from the corruption of sin, he consecrated Jesus the son of David (the son of man) for 40 days and nights preparing him to be the lamb that takes away the sins of mankind.
In this period in time God is using his simplicity to consecrate the population of the world.
Drawing the population of the world unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy so as to prepare the population of the world for a rare display of his glory and power upon the face of earth.
Every now and then God is going to do a mighty and glorious wonder upon the face of the earth in a specific time in history he does use the most simplicity of things as a platform and launching pad for his great work.
God is never in the complexity but he is always in the simplicity.
The entire world is presently on tip-toe anticipation waiting to see the glory of the almighty God like never before but its launch pad is in the simplicity of God that is underlined in totally surrendering one’s trust and faith in God.
Psalms 136:1
Hebrew 4:16
Genesis 1:28
In the simplicity of God we understand that the hand of God has never shortened nor grew weary at any one time.
God has decreed the functionality and the propensity of the sun, the moon, the stars and all the galaxies and sat back to watch how every decree plays out.
The obedience of those that God has issued a decree upon to function according to the will of God is in the effectiveness with which they execute the decree.
And this effective functionality of those that have been decreed upon underscores the pleasures of the Almighty God.
According to God-history there was a divine decree that man ought to be fruitful, and increase in number; replenish the earth and subdue it.
Thus in executing this decree man is considered obedient to the will of God and the obedience of mankind towards the decree of God underscores the pleasures of the Almighty God.
God is simple because he issues a clarion call that everyone should come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find help in the time of need.
Consequently we give thanks to the Lord for his good and his mercy endures forever no matter how far away your character may be from God whence you go boldly to the throne of grace there is no doubt that your will receive the mercy of God .
And it’s the mercy of God that fosters and facilitates repentance as much as the turning away from one’s evil and corrupt ways.
God is slow to anger and quick to forgive our corruption and evil deeds and therein is registered his simplicity.
Indeed and in fact God does not have room for impossibilities cause it’s decreed in Matthew 19:26 when Jesus looked at them and said,” with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Imagine how God almighty uses a pandemic to cast the entire population of the world into a period of consecration.
The nation of Egypt was once the most powerful nation on the face of the earth and the pharaoh was the most powerful individual across the parameters of the earth.
The pharaoh was so revered to the degree that he was considered a god.
However when God wanted to prove to the Egyptians and the pharaoh that he is the God of all power and all might he consecrated Moses for 40yrs.
Preparing him for usage in the event of subduing the gods of the Egyptians and to also prove to Pharaoh that there is an almighty God above the gods of the Egyptians.
2020 is a very special year because it’s the year of divine consecration.
When you add 2020 you get 40 and 40 is the number of divine consecration (and divine appointment) in preparation for the showcasing and displaying of the glory of God on a level unbeknownst.
When God was getting ready to display his glory in salvation and the power of redemption of mankind from the corruption of sin, he consecrated Jesus the son of David (the son of man) for 40 days and nights preparing him to be the lamb that takes away the sins of mankind.
In this period in time God is using his simplicity to consecrate the population of the world.
Drawing the population of the world unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy so as to prepare the population of the world for a rare display of his glory and power upon the face of earth.
Every now and then God is going to do a mighty and glorious wonder upon the face of the earth in a specific time in history he does use the most simplicity of things as a platform and launching pad for his great work.
God is never in the complexity but he is always in the simplicity.
The entire world is presently on tip-toe anticipation waiting to see the glory of the almighty God like never before but its launch pad is in the simplicity of God that is underlined in totally surrendering one’s trust and faith in God.
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Exodus 3:1-22
Matthew 4:1-11
In preparation for the will of God to be made manifest through the one God has called, chosen and anointed, they has got to be a process to be endured called consecration.
Many times than not consecration has been erroneous perceived as an event but it far be it from an event but rather a process.
Moses endured the wilderness for 40yrs tending the sheep of his father in law Jethro but all this time God was taking him through the process of consecration.
And the reason why Moses had to endure 40yrs of Consecration in the wilderness was so that God would prepare him to deliver the children of Israel out of the bondage they were suffering in Egypt.
It had to take 40yrs of consecration because Moses had spent 40yrs in Egypt as a first class citizen and it needed 40yrs to flash all the corruption of Egypt out of the disposition and out of the spirit of Moses.
So that he can be used of God to carry out a mission designed of God to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage.
In analyzing and considering the different stages or rather the different circumstances in which God takes us through the process of consecration you will find out that these stages and circumstances surrounding the process of consecration are not conducive to natural existence.
According to theologians and historians Moses spent 40yrs in the wilderness with only but a few bare essentials to survive on.
Bare essentials that were not actually conducive to natural existence.
One of the most important lessons to be learnt in the process of consecration is that God trains us to overcome nature and the things that nature throws in our way.
This is crucial because consecration prepares us to be used of God so as to overcome nature and to subject nature to the will of God in a given space and in a given period of time.
It took Jesus Christ 40 days and nights of fasting to be able to endure the process of consecration and when he returned from the process of consecration, he was able to subject the will of nature to the will of God Almighty.
In the process of consecration sometimes it gets lonely and really dark and once it gets dark separation occurs and when separation occurs then graduation comes into your life.
At the graduation stage of consecration the quality of your life drastically takes on a new form.
The choices that you make begin to seem foreign and unique to the former choices that you made before the process of consecration.
When Jesus went to be baptized by John the Baptist he came from his father’s carpentry shop but immediately after being baptized he went to the wilderness to endure the process of consecration and immediately the process was done Jesus did not go back to his father’s carpentry shop but he went in a different direction as he was led by the spirit of God.
Ultimately consecration is a process that is designed by God to change the very map of your life and indeed the direction of your life as much as the routine of your life.
In the process of consecration self-reflection and divine reflection embrace each other so that a new ideology comes to form into your life.
Without forgetting that consecration is also occasion for purity,cleansing and holiness.
In the era of corona virus people resorted to social distancing but in actual sense it was God drawing the globe to himself since the worship centers of that day were drawing masses to churches for the idea of collecting funds so that the leaders of those worship center may enrich themselves all the more.
The focus was never on God but on accumulation of material possessions hence when social distancing was the only effective measure to curb corona virus throngs of people in the population of the world were perpetually forced into a period of self –reflection and divine reflection where the focus was only on God and not material possession.
Those that were marketing healing as a tool to draw masses to their self-founded worship centers were left with nothing to market because there before the world was a global pandemic that they would not claim to heal and hence they were forced to close their worship centers.
Thus God proving that he alone has power and in order to draw global attention to his very essence all he need is a pandemic of global proportion so as to perpetually set the world into a season of consecration that the world was hitherto not prepared for.
This is vital and critical because in the aftermath of this global pandemic called corona virus God will show off his glory in the world like never before cause the period of consecration ushered in by the pandemic would have purified and cleansed the world in preparation for the glory of God like never before.
Matthew 4:1-11
In preparation for the will of God to be made manifest through the one God has called, chosen and anointed, they has got to be a process to be endured called consecration.
Many times than not consecration has been erroneous perceived as an event but it far be it from an event but rather a process.
Moses endured the wilderness for 40yrs tending the sheep of his father in law Jethro but all this time God was taking him through the process of consecration.
And the reason why Moses had to endure 40yrs of Consecration in the wilderness was so that God would prepare him to deliver the children of Israel out of the bondage they were suffering in Egypt.
It had to take 40yrs of consecration because Moses had spent 40yrs in Egypt as a first class citizen and it needed 40yrs to flash all the corruption of Egypt out of the disposition and out of the spirit of Moses.
So that he can be used of God to carry out a mission designed of God to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage.
In analyzing and considering the different stages or rather the different circumstances in which God takes us through the process of consecration you will find out that these stages and circumstances surrounding the process of consecration are not conducive to natural existence.
According to theologians and historians Moses spent 40yrs in the wilderness with only but a few bare essentials to survive on.
Bare essentials that were not actually conducive to natural existence.
One of the most important lessons to be learnt in the process of consecration is that God trains us to overcome nature and the things that nature throws in our way.
This is crucial because consecration prepares us to be used of God so as to overcome nature and to subject nature to the will of God in a given space and in a given period of time.
It took Jesus Christ 40 days and nights of fasting to be able to endure the process of consecration and when he returned from the process of consecration, he was able to subject the will of nature to the will of God Almighty.
In the process of consecration sometimes it gets lonely and really dark and once it gets dark separation occurs and when separation occurs then graduation comes into your life.
At the graduation stage of consecration the quality of your life drastically takes on a new form.
The choices that you make begin to seem foreign and unique to the former choices that you made before the process of consecration.
When Jesus went to be baptized by John the Baptist he came from his father’s carpentry shop but immediately after being baptized he went to the wilderness to endure the process of consecration and immediately the process was done Jesus did not go back to his father’s carpentry shop but he went in a different direction as he was led by the spirit of God.
Ultimately consecration is a process that is designed by God to change the very map of your life and indeed the direction of your life as much as the routine of your life.
In the process of consecration self-reflection and divine reflection embrace each other so that a new ideology comes to form into your life.
Without forgetting that consecration is also occasion for purity,cleansing and holiness.
In the era of corona virus people resorted to social distancing but in actual sense it was God drawing the globe to himself since the worship centers of that day were drawing masses to churches for the idea of collecting funds so that the leaders of those worship center may enrich themselves all the more.
The focus was never on God but on accumulation of material possessions hence when social distancing was the only effective measure to curb corona virus throngs of people in the population of the world were perpetually forced into a period of self –reflection and divine reflection where the focus was only on God and not material possession.
Those that were marketing healing as a tool to draw masses to their self-founded worship centers were left with nothing to market because there before the world was a global pandemic that they would not claim to heal and hence they were forced to close their worship centers.
Thus God proving that he alone has power and in order to draw global attention to his very essence all he need is a pandemic of global proportion so as to perpetually set the world into a season of consecration that the world was hitherto not prepared for.
This is vital and critical because in the aftermath of this global pandemic called corona virus God will show off his glory in the world like never before cause the period of consecration ushered in by the pandemic would have purified and cleansed the world in preparation for the glory of God like never before.
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