Thursday, 31 December 2020

2021- A Season of Distinction

 According to the international system of examination grading, a distinction refers to an extraordinary pass.

  Having a distinction means passing an examination with impressive uniqueness.

 In addition, a distinction is described as an achievement or rather an accomplishment that cannot be done.

 As if that is not enough, a distinction is an achievement and an accomplishment that many can't do.

 In so much to say, a distinction is when one enters into an examination room with excellent, and exceptional skills.

 And then eventually coming out of the examination room with everyone amazed and mesmerized by the individual's impressive uniqueness.

 2020 was a season where we experienced a special encounter with God Almighty.

 However 2021 is going to be a season for God to make a difference but more importantly it's going to be a season and a period of God making a distinction in our lives.

 God has anointed you with a special oil for you to be able to function with distinction in 2021.

 And since a distinction is an achievement that cannot be done or some cannot do then it's going to take the exceptional and excellent skill and capacity of God's oil on your life to deploy its impressive uniqueness in your life.

 And once your impressive uniqueness is put on display for the whole world to see then God Almighty will be praised and Glorified cause God alone deserves the praise, the glory and the Honor.

 The oil of God for the life of you is too impressively unique and too good to be kept only for yourself and for your own good.

 It has got to be shared so that the world will come to taste of the goodness of the Lord that has been kept and stored secretly in your belly.

 Every move that you make in 2021 is going to be excellent and exceptionally skillful in manner, matter, and in method so as to leave everyone in 2021 impressed with your uniqueness.

 You going to be so impressively unique in 2021 that everyone will be amazed by your excellent and exceptional skills (as much as your anthropology).

 This is crucial because the (anthropology) nature of one's physical capacity and character straits embody the skill set of any given individual.

 In 2021 am going (God) to cause for there to be an achievement that cannot be done.

 In other wards, if 2021 is going to be a season of distinction then I have anointed you to achieve what cannot be done.

 With much more emphasis, I have given you the oil that enables you to achieve, and to accomplish what many can't achieve because it cannot be achieved by many.

 However you going to achieve that which cannot be achieved because of the exceptional, and excellent divine oil of God that makes you an impressive uniqueness in the season of 2021.

 The impressive uniqueness of your life is going to be as a result of the oil of God that has been secretly laying in your belly, ever since time immemorial but in the season of 2021 that oil is going to be made manifest.

 Without a doubt 2021 is a season with an occurrence that details an achievement that cannot be done.

 Conversely, 2021 is a season with occurrences stipulating achievements that some cannot do.

 Before 2021 everything about your life and for the life of you seemed similar to the pack but in 2021 God will draw a line of division and separation in your status quo, and you will be different from the pack.

 Furthermore once the line of division has been drawn in the status quo positions will change, assignments will be altered, appointments will be cancelled and the anointing of leadership will be decommissioned from one person so that another person with no leadership background can be commissioned.

 Beginning from Exodus 8:23 - throughout Exodus 9-10:7 and even Exodus 14, God embarks on performing acts of distinction between Egypt and Israel.

 In totality all the acts of distinction performed by God before the pharaoh were 7 in number while the Hebrew people were still in Egypt, and 2 more outside the land of Egyptians.

 The number 7 symbolizes and signifies perfection, completion, or rather the end, and the accomplishment of a given task.

 For the Pharaoh to release the Israelite out of  Egypt's bondage God had to accomplish 7 unprecedented tasks or acts of distinction so as to prove to the pharaoh that there was no one on the Earth like the LORD God of Israel and the Hebrews.

 The mystery behind the hardening of the pharaoh's heart so as to repeatedly hold back the Hebrews or the nation of Israel was a divine orchestration by God to set up the Pharaoh into provoking God in order for God to respond with 7 acts of distinction against the Pharaoh.

 Whom God (Exodus 9:1-16) raised up for the purpose of showing off his power, and that God's name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

 Conversely, (Exodus 10:1-2) God hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and the hearts of his officials, so as to perform these signs (acts of distinction) among them that the Israelite may tell their children, and grandchildren how God dealt harshly with the Egyptians, and how God performed acts of distinction (signs) among them, and that they may know that God is the Lord.

 As a result of the fact that 2021 is a season of distinction, God is going to perform acts of distinction, and eventually make a distinction between the oppressor and the oppressed.

 These acts of distinction will bring damage, and turmoil to the oppressor but safety to the oppressed.

 The acts of distinction by God in the season of 2021 will weaken the oppressor and strengthen the oppressed.

 The hardness of the heart by the oppressor will provide a stage, and a platform for God to perform acts of distinction so that both the oppressor, and the oppressed may come to know, and appreciate that there is no one like the Lord God on the Earth.

 Plus acknowledging that the Lord God hates oppression and conspires against the oppressor to bring his reign of tyranny to an end.

 Since the Pharaoh had exceeded his human capacity by calling himself God over the earth.

 God also had to respond with exceedingly tough acts of distinction in order to prove to all the citizens of the earth that He alone is the God of the Earth.

 For the very purpose of emphasis, 2021 is the season where God will perform acts of distinction hence drawing a line of division and bringing about a great separation in the status quo that will see to it that the oppressor will no more oppress the oppressed.

 The marginalized will come into an official, and a recognizable alignment.

 The anointing of God will be re-commissioned consequently ensuring a change in wealth, position, possibilities, and assignments.

 The identity for the life of you will become an impressive uniqueness.

 Undoubtedly the line of division in the status quo will bring about safety for poor and calamity for the oppressor.

 Throughout the course of his leadership the pharaoh of Egypt posited himself as the most powerful man on the Earth.

 However in performing the 7 acts of distinction before Pharaoh, God not only liberated the oppressed from the oppressor.

  But his intention was to also subdue the Pharaoh of Egypt.

  In a grand attempt to prove to the Earth there may not be anyone on the Earth like the pharaoh of Egypt, but God is much more than the pharaoh of Egypt in both might, and power.

 And that God can do what nobody on the Earth cannot do.

 In the season of 2021 God is going to subdue everything that has oppressed you by doing for you something that you cannot do on your own.

 Whatever God is going to do for you in 2021 will seem as if it's you who is doing it, and the whole world will be uniquely impressed by the oil of God upon your life.

 In the event of the 7 acts of distinction, God drew a line of separation and division between the Hebrews (oppressed) and the Egyptians (oppressors). 

 And hence as a result the Hebrews gained their freedom, and safety while the Egyptians were destroyed.

 God made provision for Hebrews (oppressed) in the place where he denied provision for the Egyptians (oppressor).

 This impressive uniqueness is underscored by the opening of the sea of reeds so that the Hebrews (oppressed) may have passage.

 And the closing of the sea of reeds led to the destruction of the Egyptians (oppressor).

 The provision of easy passage amidst the sea of reeds signified, and indicated the favor of the Lord God functioning among the Hebrews.

 While the closing of the sea of reeds leading up to the perishing of the Egyptians amidst the sea of reeds signified the wrath of God that the Egyptians well deserved to experience.

 Consequently in 2021 God is going to perform 7 acts of distinction that will draw a line of separation between the oppressed and the oppressor.

 This division will see to it that the oppressed are safe while the oppressor is destroyed.

 This division will see to it that the oppressed gain provision from God while the oppressor will experience the wrath of God.

 The last, and final act of distinction that God performed in Egypt against the Pharaoh was the act of killing all the first born male children in the land of Egypt from the Highest Egyptian to the lowest Egyptians.

 The first born male child represents the reputation, the inheritance, and the legacy of a man.

 Thus in killing the first born male child all throughout the land of Egypt, God was indeed , and in fact destroying, and putting an end to the legacy, and reputation as much as the inheritance of the Pharaoh, and all of Egypt plus it's people.

 On the other hand, while God was putting an end to the reputation, legacy, and inheritance of which was tyrannical in nature, the Hebrew were having their inheritance, legacy, and reputation boosted, and preserved to a level beyond human comprehension.

 In 2021 God will create a difference, and a distinction in the state of your reputation, legacy and inheritance.

 The reputation for the life of you will proceed you everywhere that you go.

 The legacy as created by your exceptional and excellent work will go before you, and introduce itself before strangers.

 The inheritance for the life of you will be enriched, and highly profiled with possessions of gold standard.

 Much like the Hebrews walked out of the bondage of Egypt with a better, and an awe-striking reputation, a marvelous, and admirable legacy as well as a wealthy inheritance measured by Gold standard.

 Without a doubt the final onslaught by God against the Pharaoh while the Hebrew were still in Egypt was the act of distinction that saw the Pharaoh lose everything that he ever gained from oppressing the Hebrews.

 In 2021 God will cause you to get wealth that will makes others that got wealthy before you feel at loss and remorseful for having never treated you better when you was scratching at the bottom of the bellow.

 There those who ignored you, and disrespected you before 2021.

 But once they see you again in 2021 the admiration they will have for you will be overtaken by the embarrassment of having not respected, and given you the attention you so deserved before God made a distinction and a difference in your life.

 The oppressor of your life, and your nation has gotten his heart hardened, and hence his response is so stubborn to let the people be free even when he fully understands that people are tired of him.

 However it is a divine setup for the oppressor to destroy his own legacy, reputation and inheritance.

 And the more stubborn he becomes the more self-destructive he becomes, and the weaker he becomes, and the stronger the oppressed become in order to wipe him out so that they can be free.

 When the Hebrew were let go by the Pharaoh and led out of Egypt by Moses, God performed the 8th wonder outside of the land of Egypt to add to the 7 wonders or acts of distinction performed in Egypt prior departure.

 The 8th act of distinction / wonder was when the Egyptians led by  

Pharaoh attempted to run after the Hebrews to destroy them.

 And God brought about a difference in the two camps such that while it was day light in the camp of the Hebrews it was darkness in the camp of the Egyptians.

 For that reason poor decision making ensued in the Egyptians camp cause darkness overshadowed their minds.

In 2021 God will illuminate your understanding and mindset so that your decision making skills will be excellent and exceptional.

While having an upper hand in every move you make against that of everything that ever oppressed you and stood against you.

 The 9th act of distinction/ wonder was executed when God divided the Red sea otherwise known as the sea of reeds.

The aforementioned act of distinction was pivotal in the sense that the sea of reeds was divided by God and provided passage for the Hebrews into safety.

However the same sea of reeds was closed up for the Egyptians once the Egyptians made an attempt to access the same passage and eventually the Egyptians were destroyed in the sea of reeds.

In 2021 God will make a way for you where there has never been a way and God will make unprecedented provision for you.

And that way will lead you to a place of safety where you will never see your oppressors ever again. 

Much akin to how the Hebrews crossed the sea of reeds and after crossing the sea of reeds they never saw the Egyptians ever again because they perished in the passage that God only permitted his righteous and chosen ones to go through.

The tormentors of your life you will see no more.

2020 was the last time you ever saw your tormentors. 

God is bringing a sudden end to the legacy, reputation and inheritance of the oppressor in 2021.

 Everything and everyone that ever tormented, harassed and oppressed you ever since time immemorial will suddenly lose its power over you in 2021.

 The oppressed and the tormented will wear a crown of victory, Glory and honor in 2021.

 While shame and condemnation will forever be the reputation of the oppressors of your life.


Thursday, 10 December 2020

A Divine Agreement

 Genesis 1:1-3

Number 23:19

2 Corinthians 1:20

1 Samuel 15:22

The Heavens are a spiritual existence as much as the Earth is a physical existence.

There was never a connection between the Heavens and the Earth however when God wanted to establish a connection between the Heavens and the Earth his spirit hovered over the face of the Earth so as to prepare the Earth for a divine instruction.

This is imperative because whenever God sets out to have a connection with any given physical existence, he commissions his spirit to prepare the subject for instruction.

The instruction of God is the orientation for a divine agreement with God.

After hovering over the face of the Earth for a while the spirit of God which is also closely related to the wind of God conveyed an instruction from God which stipulated,” Let there be Light”.

The wind is a medium of communication and a mechanism of conveying messages articulately.

The wind is a transmitter of sound that can be translated into words that carry a message to a specific target group.

God uses his wind which is also his breath as well as his spirit to carry forth his message to whoever God desires to communicate to.

Light and darkness are not collaborators.

Whenever the light appears then darkness disappears.

Thus the moment God declared and instructed, “Let there be Light”, the darkness that filled the earth disappeared.

It’s here and now that we have got to comprehend that the agreement between the Heavens and the Earth was established and brought into force immediately after the light was introduced in an Earth that was hitherto full of Darkness.

And this agreement was termed as ‘The Light Agreement’.

This so because God desired to relate with the Earth but he would not do because the Earth was full of Darkness.

Darkness and light don’t mix in as much as God does not mix with the devil.

For there to be a relationship between the Heavens and the Earth God had to first establish the Light Agreement.

In this agreement the responsibility of the Earth was to follow the light and never to submit under the authority of Darkness.

While the responsibility of the Heavens was to make provision of that light.

Agreements in any given relationship are pivotal because they reinforce accountability and responsibility.

Relationships without any form of agreement are void of accountability and responsibility.

God created man as a divine breath in representation of the marvelous and wonderful capacity of God upon the face of the Earth.

However in order for the man to be fully able to represent the marvelous and wonderful capacity of God upon the face of the Earth, man and God must be in a relationship.

A relationship that is bound by a divine agreement.

Where God is accountable and responsible for man as much as man is responsible and accountable to the things of God.

The relationship between God and man bound by divine agreement or rather by covenant starts out when man seeks after God.

In seeking and in seeking after God, many times than not Man stumbles upon an instruction from God.

However if man does not stumble upon an instruction from God he then receives an instruction from God through the Holy Spirit.

Whenever man fulfills God’s divine instruction then God responds with a divine promise and thereafter a divine agreement is established between God and man.

The divine agreement between God and man becomes the very basis for man’s relationship with God.

As long as Man is in a divine relationship with God then God will ensure divine favor, protection, and provision towards the man.

The validity of God’s relationship with mankind is determined by a divine agreement which agreement is made up of man’s obedience to God and God’s promises to mankind.

The very reason why obedience is better than sacrifice is based on the fact that obedience to God attracts the promises of God.

And all the promises of God are yes and amen.

No promises from God towards mankind can go without being fulfilled.

God is not a man that he may lie because God is the truth itself