This unique marine division was on average made up of 19yr old teenagers with the task of stopping the Japanese sweep in the south pacific in order to turn the tide of war.
The fighting endured for six months and throughout those six months Guadalcanal become hell for the teenagers.
And as of 1943, 10,000 soldiers were left from the original 40,000. Those were not normal times back then as much as we presently faced with times that are not normal.
The times are desperate and evil.
Everyone should listen to the sound of the ticking clock and get up so as to fight for the freedom of this country cause this country is not free.
There is no freedom in this country because the country has been grabbed by a group of men that operate on the principle of selfishness.
An evil principle that seeks to control the mind and the property of others.
Which consequently gives way to the virus of aggrandizement.
Aggrandizement is the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, and reputation at the expense of others.
In order to be free a people need to be committed to the principle of freedom and act against the principle of selfishness.
It’s only the principle of freedom and the commitment to freedom that acts and plays the role of an immune booster against the virus of aggrandizement.
The moment you decide to stand on the forefront of freedom fighting then you have got to understand that you must be ready to be marked as a threat and an enemy of the status-quo.
An enemy of the status-quo who will be pursued relentlessly by the oppressor, the dictator and that evil selfish tyrant.
Family and property attached to you will not be spared.
Family members will be killed and property will either be destroyed or sacked.
The moment aggrandizement takes root in a given society them also dictatorship and tyranny begin to function.
Dictatorship and tyranny rides on the wheels of exploitation.
And the cost of exploitation is the loss of freedom to think, worship and freedom to invent.
The exploitation of dictators and tyrants slams the door on human joy and it also lowers the darkest cloud on initiative and human/societal progress.
Countries with no dictatorships and tyrant leaders progress way faster economically, politically, institutionally and socially in comparison to countries with dictatorial regimes.
The pursuit of freedom and its cost should go beyond words.
As much as the exploitation and effects of it by dictators is beyond words.
This is imperative because the purchase of freedom liberates the spirit of a man and frees communities plus their citizens,
Once the light of freedom is switched off.
Then the dark cloud of human exploitation emerges to crush the human spirit even in his pockets.
Ever since time immemorial, the forces of good and evil have always been in great conflict.
And at the center of this conflict is the principle of freedom representing good and the principle of evil that is represented by the principle of exploitation, selfishness and aggrandizement.
Indeed and in fact all tyranny and dictatorship is a spirit of evil and a force of darkness.
The denying of a people their freedom of thought, and their freedom of worship and their freedom to invent plus repeatedly threatening to crush a people once they express a desire to exercise their God given gift is nothing but an evil plan of the devil.
Furthermore anybody that sides with tyranny and dictatorship plus the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, and reputation is working for the evil forces of darkness and has got nothing to do with God.
The mandate of the principle of evil sooner or later functions to coerce, to control and aims to eventually destroy all opposition factors and figures.
There is no progressive society where the opposition factors and figures are categorized and pigeon-holed as ‘Enemy’.
An ‘Enemy’ to be crushed and denied the freedom to invent, initiative and become everything that he/she were made to become.
The moment a society sidelines opposition factors and figures as ‘Enemy’ then that society has been kidnapped , hijacked and confiscated by the forces of evil and the forces of darkness.
In every society where the power of tyranny is aggressive, the leaders of that society are ever deceptive and persuasive; talking freedom in the daylight and yet plan to destroy freedom in darkness of thr night.
All dictatorship and the power of tyranny seeks to destroy the power of life which is called freedom.
However just like it was in the Old Testament, God continues to rescue the faithful from oppression (Pharaoh).
Without a doubt, Jesus came in the New Testament as the ultimate freedom fighter.
He did this by looking down on selfishness and human exploitation and the cost Jesus paid was indeed incalculable.
No historian can measure with accuracy the cost paid by many freedom fighters throughout history.
Lives have been lost and impoverished but nonetheless the truth remains that freedom and responsibility are God’s basic gift to humanity.
For without Freedom and responsibility mankind can’t allow the grace of God to be truly reflected in the affairs of the world.
Humanity can’t give up in the pursuit of freedom cause if they do so then joy and reason to attain great heights will be no more.
To have freedom is vital because with it humans have the opportunity to freely fulfill their God given potential.
Freedom and responsibility are intertwined one needs the other and vice versa.
The initial cost to be paid in the pursuit of freedom by all freedom fighters is by ensuring the role of the ‘Thin Red Line’.
The role of the ‘Thin Red Line’ is to make sure that humans understand that God has given them freedom to exercise their conscience, to stand up to coercion, to confront any power whether religious, political or tribal that comes to destroy their freedom.
Indeed and in fact, many times than not it’s the ‘Thin Red Line’ that keeps the freedom fire burning.
In 480 B.C, a small force of 300 Spartans stood as a line of defense for Greece against thousands of invading Persians and their allies.
Today history remembers those gallant Spartans because they paid the incalculable cost of freedom.
To ensure freedom rings we have got to be willing to lay down our lives for the benefit of others.
And as the ‘Thin Red Line’ each in our own capacity and by way of our own idiosyncratic skill sets just like those Greek Spartans we have to stand up in the way of the dictator and the tyranny of our day and time in order to defend freedom as our gift from God.
It can only be the devil and his demons that attempt to rob freedom from men and women.
Hence we should all sing in unison,’ no more coercion and control’ that limits the ability of another to breathe free.
Once we decide to pay the cost of freedom the tyrant and the dictator shall become a hunted fugitive in just a few days.