Wednesday, 12 September 2012

You Will Shine Again: Ruth 1:22, 2:3

Naomi which originally and traditionally in its Hebraic contextual sense is a name which literally translates to mean “The Pursuit of a Beautiful Life”. A name whose beholder finds herself being born in an Hebraic age where names are still given in-line to one’s innate and prophetic calling , vocation, assignment, destiny, and purpose. Henceforth because of the innate and prophetic mandate upon her life Naomi moves from the place of her birth to an estranged place where she knew no and had no relatives lest any friends presently and back in the days, all because of the urge, passion, and the enthusiasm to pursue a “Beautiful Life”.

An urge and a passion as much as an enthusiasm that is not foreign to the present day mentality of young ready-to-get-to-married girls who are willing to do any thing and to hook up with anyone as long as they present before them the prospect of a Beautiful life most especially if it comes with no cost and no strings attached. As soon as Naomi settled into her new place of stay where she was seemingly guaranteed a beautiful life, then was the spanner thrown –into her wheels; eventually turning her pursuit of a beautiful LIFE INTO SOMETHING BITTER.

It turned so bitter that every body with whom she had acquainted herself with during the period within which she was in the pursuit of a Beautiful life walked away from her and even those that were closest to her died because her experience was so bitter for them to survive, to make it in life and to continue living with her.
Naomi’s husband died because he would not survive the bitterness of her life, her children also died of the same. Except for her two daughter-in-law with whom was called Ruth-a Moabite young woman who in the cross-examination of Naomi bitter experience of life conceived a revelation about this Hebrew woman and the mysterious/strange working of her God.
This revelation was that which spoke of Naomi’s restoration and the restoration of everything connected unto her-Naomi was to ne restored from life’s bitterness to  the beauty of life , from being in  the dark to being in the spotlight, the spotlight which would eventually introduce Ruth on the Global Platform and to the rest of eternity.
And that Naomi was to shine with the Lord God’s Glory and everything that was connected to Naomi in her state of bitterness will shine together with Naomi, as long as it lives, and if it died while still connected to Naomi in her bitterness it shall still be recognized on the Global Platform and in the rest of eternity. .upon conceiving this grand revelation, Ruth shared it with Naomi’s other daughter in law and together they held unto Naomi in all her bitter experience of life.

To the extent that casual observers of the trio-Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah- kept on wondering why in the world two beautiful young Moabite woman (Ruth, and Orpah) piggy backed a miserable Hebrew woman dressed swaddling with no sensible means of shelter, surviving on a miserable one meal per day.
When they had enough fabulous looks and incredible backgrounds well enough to secure them a sensible lifestyle that weighs-in with their grandiose attributes, however, what the casual observer of the trio did not understand was the magnitude of the conceived divine revelation at work in Ruth’s life and obviously, the received divine conviction at work in Orpah. Both the conceived divine revelation and the received divine conviction were at work because the duo-Ruth and Orpah had firmly held onto what they had conceived and received respectively.
Once you hold unto the word of God spoken over your life it shall work wonders for you. They held on firmly even when Naomi restrained them to go their way, they adamantly refused and begged her to let them stay with her.
The time came for Naomi to leave the Moabite country-where she came to pursue a beautiful pleasant life which life turned bitter: for she heard that God had blessed his people with a goodly harvest-she began the journey back to Bethlehem with both Ruth and Orpah in tow but along the way she stopped , looked back at them and sent them away.”Go back home to your people and to your gods for I neither have sons, nor husbands to offer to you both in Moab and in Bethlehem.
 However contrary to Naomi’s pleas to have the two daughters’ in-law going their way, they insisted on going all the way with Naomi, they moved a day’s distance with her and Naomi insisted they leave her alone. Eventually orpah who had simply received a divine conviction let go of Naomi, going her way back to her people and gods, but Ruth who had conceived a divine revelation concerning Naomi’s restoration and those of whom that were connected to her, nagging-ly insisted to continue following Naomi claiming that she had no where to go and that she will go all the way with Naomi and that Naomi’s people shall become her people…..

see when you hold unto  the revelation of God Almighty it shall bring you into contact with a people that have been blessed by God and it shall draft you into another league of people. A people known as God’s very people…it shall (the revelation of God) turn you God’s glorious kind.
Ruth further goes on to decree “your pain shall become my pain, your struggle shall become my struggle while boldly stating all of this , Ruth understands deep down in the gut of her Moabite spirit that once Naomi becomes successful as she is predestined to be Naomi’s success shall eventually become Ruth’s success.

A success story whose telling and effect shall be a source of inspiration to the entire globe and the rest of eternity. We live in a day and in an age with people whose faces are invisible and names unknown but despite this obscurity; their success is going to be the aspiration of the entire world and the rest of eternity only because they have conceived (a revelation from God) and held unto it despite the hardship.

The hardship, they have to endure for their refusal to let go of the revelation of God, in all their daily efforts and endeavors, Ruth and Naomi were inseparable but once they got to Bethlehem, Ruth went out to the fields to collect some corn among the chaff left behind by the harvest workers. Once Ruth got into the field, the glory of God shone about her and when it shone about her, Boaz the man in –charge of the field noticed her and from that point onwards the blessings of God began to flow in her life.

Yes! the Glory of the God of Divine Revelation(Hidden Secrets) is about to shine heavy on your life and when he shines you will consequently shine to the notification of the blessing that shall tip the scales and turn around the events of your life.

Yes! You shall shine and when you shine the whole population about you will come to realize that even when you were operating below the poverty-line you were carrying the wealth of generations

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