Wednesday, 2 January 2013


(Exodus 34:6-7-And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”
Luke 2:41-52-Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. 43 after the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 after three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”[a] 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them.51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.)

In ancient Hebrew essence, the number 13 is attributed to so many things but most importantly it stands tall to signify God himself, the love of God, the mercy of God, and the oneness of God/the perfect will of God.
In addition, several scholars have gone further to attribute the number 13 to the one-on-one lesson that God teaches Moses on Mt. Sinai at Roshana-(the day that marks the beginning of the new Jewish year).In this lesson God teaches Moses about the 13 attributes of mercy which includes:

(-The Lord! God is merciful before a person sins! Even though aware that future evil lies dormant within him,The Lord! (Adonai)--God is merciful after the sinner has gone astra., God (El)--a name that denotes power as ruler over nature and humankind, indicating that God's mercy sometimes surpasses even the degree indicated by this name.
Compassionate (rahum)--God is filled with loving sympathy for human frailty does not put people into situations of extreme temptation, and eases the punishment of the guilty, Gracious (v'hanun)--God shows mercy even to those who do not deserve it consoling the afflicted and raising up the oppressed, Slow to anger (ereh apayim)--God gives the sinner ample time to reflect, improve, and repent.
Abundant in Kindness (v'rav hesed)--God is kind toward those who lack personal merits, providing more gifts and blessings than they deserve; if one's personal behavior is evenly balanced between virtue and sin, God tips the scales of justice toward the good, Truth (v'emet)--God never reneges on His word to reward those who serve Him.
Preserver of kindness for thousands of generations (notzeir hesed la-alafim)--God remembers the deeds of the righteous for thebenefit of their less virtuous generations of offspring (thus we constantly invoke the merit of the Patriarchs).
Forgiver of iniquity (nosei avon)--God forgives intentional sin resulting from an evil disposition, as long as the sinner repents, Forgiver of willful sin (pesha),God allows even those who commit a sin with the malicious intent of rebelling against and angering Him the opportunity to repent.
 Forgiver of error (v'hata'ah)--God forgives a sin committed out of carelessness, thoughtlessness, or apathy, Who cleanses (v'nakeh)--God is merciful, gracious, and forgiving, wiping away the sins of those who truly repent; however, if one does not repent, God does not cleanse).

All these attributes are available to the children of God in Exodus 34:6-7 right after the incidence of the Golden Calf. Hence reminding us that every now and then we fall short of the grace of God, we can always go through this 13 step lesson in order to draw the mercy of God back unto us.

Once the mercy of God is drawn unto a man, the favor of God comes speedily unto that man in order for that man to effectively carry out the assignment of God over that man’s life.

Thus in 2013 the favor of God shall come unto the man and woman of God’s assignment in order for that man to shine brightly in the event of the assignment.

Consequently in 2013, if you are a man of God’s assignment all the resources you require (most especially economic resources and social resources) so as to accomplish the assignment of God upon your life.

These resources shall be able to meet you from different directions because your life is the destiny of major economic and social resources (money, and people).

In the book of St. Luke 2:41-52, we find Jesus in Jerusalem having arrived with his parents at the age of 12yrs to celebrate the Passover festival.        

A very significant festival in the life of every Jewish man because apart from being a celebration of freedom from bondage, it’s also a celebration to mark the passing away of one season and the coming of another season in God;

Jesus is 12yrs before the Passover festival but immediately after the Passover festival all his actions and character seemingly suggest that he has become a 13yr old.
This is evidenced in the prominent, superior, and important way he carries himself in the temple as though he is 13yrs and not 12yrs.

This is significant because in the Jewish temple no boy is allowed to question and engage in any manner of discussion until he is 13yrs.

 If he was still 12yrs there is no way he would have been capable to voice himself without the protest of the temple officials.

But because Jesus is qualified by tradition to form a quorum of men, no one protests his position and place at the center stage of the temple.

In 2013 every woman and man of divine assignment shall operate at the center stage of life and no one will dare protest and contest your position of prominence, superiority ,and relevancy because you qualified to be at the center stage of life the moment you glided into 2013.        

In Luke 2:46, the parents of Jesus have been looking for him for the last three days and they finally find him in the temple sitting with the Jewish teachers.

They are disturbed and perturbed because they have failed to appreciate that they came to Jerusalem with a boy but immediately after the Passover festival the boy just turned into a man.

And the difference is in the level of independence-a man is more independent of himself than a boy, a man depends more on God than he does his own biological parents.

In 2013 you will depend more on God than you depend on the sons and daughters of men. You will focus more on your Fathers’ business than you focus on the affairs of men.

In 2013 you will find yourself sited among renowned prominent people at the center stage of life not as one begging and seeking to depend on their resources but as one whose knowledge, understanding is being sought after in exchange for economic wealth.

In 2013 you will not seek to depend and beg from men of prominence because you are more superior in prominence and relevancy; you will be begged and depended upon so that people can go to the next level in God.

2013 is not another year, a time and another season in your life-time but it’s a place and a position of prominence, superiority and relevancy.

In 2013 God is positioning and placing you to be prominent, superior and relevant, He is positioning you to have answers-to-questions that nobody will ever have but you.
God is positioning you in 2013 to have solutions to problems that no one has but you.

To make money like nobody knows how to make money.
To drive in what nobody drives in, to live so well like nobody lives. To dress-up so well like nobody knows, to have impact so well like nobody knows.
2013 is that place and position ordained by God for everything to climax for you.

In all his life Jesus always knew that the climax of his life’s assignment was to endure in Jerusalem-the most prominent, superior, and relevant geographical landmark on the face of the earth. He knew that,” if I be lifted up in Jerusalem, then I will draw all men unto me”.

2013 is a landmark place in your life because it’s the center stage ordained by God before time, history, and eternity for you to come into oneness and unity, and together with the promises of God over your life.

Economic and social resources will be poured into you as water is poured into a container not by one but by many. And as economic and social resources pour into your life so shall your life’s purpose and destiny expand and advance.

In 2013 many people will come to help you accomplish the assignment of God over your life being motivated by the rewards that only God can give.

In 2013 you shall be both God and men’s center of attraction and as a result both God and men will favor you just like in Luke 2:52 when Jesus lives Jerusalem at age 13yrs to go back to Nazareth with his parents while gaining favor with God and people, due to the fact that you are to be God’s center of attraction in 2013.

They is going to be a reverse of the routine; normally when you have a need in God, you run to God with a seed but this time men will run to you with a seed to take care of your needs because they know God shall multiply their seeds into a great harvest.

And God also will run to you in order to solve your neediness every now and then you come across a need.

2013 is when the infinite makes the finite its center of attraction, in order for the anointing of God to fully operate in your life without interruption; you will have to be required to walk away from something that has always been your object of pride and comfort.

And if you are not willing to walk away then the anointing will cut you off and then bring you into connection with an object of great pride and amazing comfort, more advanced than your past experiences.

 In 2013 life will start for you, you may think you have been living but in 2012 your life shall experience levels you did not dream about- levels of life that shall place you at the center stage of life not because of your family/education background but because of the pure knowledge of God that is on you by revelation.

Observantly, the three wise men were able to follow the leading of the star of Jesus even when they were many stars in the sky because the star of Jesus was the brightest.

In 2013 Jesus is making you his bright star and you will be so bright that your capacity, potential and ability in God shall hide itself not. It shall be right in every body’s face to see to them that matter and to them that matter not.

Last but not least, in 2013 the promised and the promise will collide head-to-head and the aftermath of this great collusion will bring about economic expansion and social advancement in your assignment, life, and purpose.

In 2013 you will come across a divine discovery in God Almighty and this discovery shall catapult your life to a whole new status of glory, victory, and Honor.

This is so because at the age of 13yrs, Jesus is up sitting in the temple in Jerusalem, then he begins to pose questions to the members of the prayer quorum not for his personal information but for the listeners’ edification.

 He has answers to the questions he is posing to the quorum which seemingly has no clue of the questions that Jesus is asking.

For the scripture declares that he was asking questions but then they were amazed at his intelligent answers, which means he asked a question to which answer he had already.

He has answers to the questions he is posing to the quorum as a way of setting in motion an opportunity for himself so as to be able to contribute and introduce a level of God in the temple that shall bring forth deliverance, healing and a major breakthrough to the people in the house of God.

And the quorum is amazed because of Jesus’ intelligent answers cause in his answers; they discover something in God that their experiences have never allowed them to discover.

In 2013 everyone who has been protesting, contesting, arguing and competing against you will come to oneness and in agreement with the truth of God that was revealed unto you.

In 2013 you will be prominent, superior, and relevant in everything you do not because you are so uncanny but because of the pure knowledge of God upon your life by revelation.
Everything you have invested your life’s efforts is going to climax due to the fact that prominent, superior and relevant resources are going to meet you at that place where your life’s efforts have been invested

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