Psalm 90:4, 2 - A thousand years in your sight are like a day
that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. …Peter 3:8- But do not
forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand
years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Essentially God created the heavens and the earth in a period
of 7,000 years while in eternity and then he revealed and gave an account of
his finished work within the perimeters of time using a time period of seven
Eternity is void of
time but when you measure the period spent by God to create the heavens and the
earth it adds up to 7,000yrs in the understanding of men whose operations are
limited by time.
God spent 7,000yrs working to establish heaven and earth
while in the canyons of eternity.
However when the
appointed time or the planned time came to pass he used seven days to reveal
his finished works to an existence that was within the perimeters of time.
It’s here and now that
we ought to comprehend that God spends more time working to establish his plan
for your life and then he spends less time revealing it because by the time he
reveals his plan for your life its already finished.
Once God makes an announcement as it relates to what he has
accomplished for you in the spirit and in
eternity no demon in hell and no man on
the face of the earth can sabotage the finished works of God that he intends
for your life.
The appointed time is neither long nor short.
The God who creates is the God who makes, manifests,
implements and establishes everything that he reveals every now and then.
God invests a great deal of time creating but he spends no
time making and forming with his mighty power.
And in order for you to see and touch the plan of God for
your life, your mind, body and spirit must align themselves with the word of
God / the revealed finished work of God.
In Genesis 1:3- God
started to speak his finished works of creation into existence by
saying,” let there be light” however for God to speak everything into existence
, they had to be something already in existence through which everything he
spoke would come to pass.
Thus in the beginning when God created the heavens and the
earth, the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the deep water. And
the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, “Let there be light, and there was light, in
other wards God poke light into existence by way of the Holy Spirit because it
was the Holy Spirit which was in existence to bring the will and the finished
work of God to pass.
In order for anything
to exist it must have life, to be in existence is to be a living- breathing
When God finished creating the earth there was nothing
existing in the earth except for the spirit of God.
And in order for God to bring what he had created into the
perimeters of time there had to be someone willing to partner with God.
Hence when God said,’ let there be light’ in that very
aforementioned statement God invites his spirit to partner with him.
The prevalence of light earmarked by the statement “and
there was light was evidence that the spirit of God had agreed to partner with
Conversely when somebody agrees to partner with the work of
God in a given day and time they create an atmosphere for the work of God to
come to pass in time and to be established.
Thus the appointed time is when two living entities agree to
the plan of God/ the finished work of God in order for it to come to pass in
time and in your day, In the New Testament Jesus extended an argument of such
that “when two people/ living entities agree to touch anything in my name thus
it will become material.”
In this modern age of
God in relationship with man, it becomes the appointed time when the spirit of
God reveals the plan of God/ the finished work of God as it has been performed
in the canyons of eternity and in the spirit realm to the born again spirit
of a given man.
In order for the plan
of God to become material the born again spirit of the man has to agree with
the spirit of God as it relates to the revelation of God.
God created man to fill the earth and govern it and to
subdue the earth but man could not subdue the earth physically until he allowed
himself to be subdued by the spirit of God.
In other wards in order for man to subdue the earth he has
to walk according to the direction, guidance and leadership of the spirit of
And in order for this to be man has to walk away from what
he knows physically in order to operate in the knowledge of the spirit of God.
In the appointed time man walks according to faith and not
by sight. Man walks according to the knowledge of God and not according to
personal feelings.
Everything that God
created, he blessed by speaking a good word over his finished work, and it’s
important to understand why he blessed what he created in order for us to
appreciate that when God blesses no one can curse his blessed work.
To curse is to alter the original plan of God. When God
planned everything he planned it and it was good and perfect thus he blessed
So that it will not go otherwise. So when God blesses someone,
no one can curse that particular individual.
The purpose why God puts a blessing on his finished work is
so that it does not deviate from the course of its purpose.
Everything that emanates from a natural account will without
a doubt wind up in a natural account, conversely whatever begins with a
spiritual account will without a doubt end-up with a spiritual account.
Whatever is born out of a conversation with God will end
with a conversation with God, hence nothing that goes on in the physical world
has the propensity to kill what originated from the canyons of eternity when
conflict comes to alter the course of God’s finished work from its purpose, the
conflict will eventually die out and depart in the appointed time while bearing
witness to the blessing and power of God that holds together the finished work
of God in your life.
The earth and the heavens belong to the LORD God and the
fullness thereof.
Thus God is everywhere but he can only be found in an appointed
time. In the appointed time God presents his presence by way of revelation in
order for the individual whom he has elected to be in position to relate with
In God’s relationship
between men, a relationship which begins with a message of favor aimed at
drawing the attention of God’s elect it’s important to understand that the
purpose of God’s relationship with man is to expose man to the finished work of
God, So that the glory of God can be established within the perimeters of time.
Many times than not when God reveals his glory he also
demands obedience from the man he has elected to showcase his glory.
And sometimes man suffers in the event of obeying God but
whatever he suffers God receives glory from the sufferings of a man following
God’s will.
And in the appointed time God glorifies the man who suffered
in the process of obeying and following the purpose and the will of God.
Anybody who operates and walks according to the spirit of
God by way of divine revelation ceases to be a natural existence and then it
takes on a supernatural existence. When you’re a supernatural existence time
seems void of any control over you.
As a matter of fact time marvels at anybody that is a
supernatural existence.
And when time marvels
at God’s supernatural existence, it just does not sit back to watch God’s
supernatural existence but it galvanizes, mobilizes, summons, and brings
together every resource within its perimeters in order to make sure that God’s
supernatural existence fulfills its purpose without any form of sabotage and hindrance.
It’s here and now that we have to understand that even if everything
seems to be going against God’s supernatural existence it does not mean that
the purpose, plan, will, and mandate of God’s supernatural existence operating
in the perimeters of time is being sabotaged but rather even what seems wrong
is a always but working to making sure that God’s supernatural existence is
institutionalized and strengthened.
The strengthening of God’s supernatural existence by what
seems to be a form of opposition is actually fundamental to the bearing of witness to the will of God and its
power thereof which can’t be sabotaged nor frustrated .
Jesus our lord and
savior is a supernatural existence and when time delivered suffering and death,
it all seemed terrible and wrong but on the contrary all things were working
for the greater good of his purpose upon the earth.
There are two counter-distinctive scenarios by which God
Almighty releases revelatory knowledge as it relates to his finished work and
plan for mankind.
God reveals after he has finished creating as of the first
Conversely the second
scenario is of such that God reveals immediately after he identifies an
existence in time which is seeking after God expecting, anticipating with high
built-up momentum to receive, believe, accept, respond and agree to the finished
work of God Almighty.
In Genesis 1:3- God Almighty revealed his finished work upon
the face of the earth because there was the prevalence of the spirit of God
which was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Hovering ultimately denotes that the spirit of God which was
the only living and breathing entity/ existence in the earth was actually
patrolling , seeking, looking out for what God was doing in eternity in order
to be able to receive, and respond immediately after the revelation was
released from eternity by God Almighty.
Thus we know the appointed time is when God has finished
working and then he comes across an existence in time that is ready to receive the
information regarding his finished works.
Furthermore, God Almighty put form to his revelation and
information in regards to his finished works in order for his plan to come to
pass in time when he comes across a mental and a physical existence upon the face
of the earth that is willing to give up what it possesses so that God can use
it to bring forth/ manifest his plan on the face of the earth.
In Genesis 2:7-The LORD God formed the man from the dust of
the ground, he breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils and the men
become a living person.
In reference to the aforementioned we understand that God
used the dust-a product of the earth to bring forth in time what he had already
created in eternity.
We also appreciate that in breathing into man God was
depositing a portion of eternity into man so that everything that man needs to
know in regards to how God created and formed man and everything that man can
see and touch can be found within him, with in his spirit which is as breath-a portion
of eternity which participated and witnessed God creating the universe.