Friday, 28 October 2016

God is Helping You

Psalms 121
Psalms 46
Psalms 62:11
Psalms 27:13
Psalms 34:19

Many times than not the troubles, struggles, and the many hard pressing issues of life seem to overwhelm us in great measures.

To the degree that we even consider giving up on ourselves if not giving up on the God that we believed.

Situations can overwhelm us to a level where we begin to give up on the idea that God is helping us because we have entrusted our lives unto him.

The moment you entrust your life unto God by way of following his instructions and by way of believing unto him with the entirety of your heart, then God Almighty the creator of the heavens and the earth is mandated and obligated to help you.

And God will surely not forget to help you.

God is helping you now even as we speak because he made a vow unto himself as much as he swore by his name to help you.

God is not going to fail to help you because his integrity is at stake.

God is not going to fail to help you out of your many troubles because his reputation is at stake.

God is not going to fail to help you because he is worthy to be called your God and he is going to prove it to you by defeating every challenge, trouble, danger in your life and then give you victory.

Absolutely, without a doubt you will walk across the face of the earth with victory, glory, and honor because God is defeating everything that has ever troubled your heart.

Everything that has ever caused you misery in this world during the course of your day and time is being defeated by God even as of right now.

It’s not a myth but a truth that God will not permit you to take your life either by thought or by deed.

God is not going to give you the carte-blanche to die because if you died right now then God will not be God.

But because God is God and all the power belongs to God, you will not die before the hand of God reaches out unto you with his redemption and salvation.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all.

Henceforth whatever is troubling your soul to the extent that it has made you think that life is no longer worth living is being put to an end by the power of God Almighty in the name of Jesus.

No more misery in your life, no more troubles in your life, no more problems in your life because God is helping you out of all the misery, troubles and problems that have been suppressing your desire to live.

If there was no help for you from God then you would be dead by now but because God is your present help in the times of trouble so will you live and not die.

Just look to the hill whence your help comes, your help comes from the Lord God Almighty.

God is helping you out of all your troubles, problems, and miseries, and you’re going to live to see the goodness of God Almighty whom you believed with all your heart the first time he meet you and called you to his service.

God is helping you, and God has never failed to help those who have believed in him with their entirety in the name of Jesus.

Tears may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and because that is what it is, all your troubles, miseries, and problems will pass away, and goodness, joy, and happiness shall come into your life.

Don’t Let Go of the Word

John 6:63

Isaiah 54:17

In all you’re going through its fundamentally important never to let go of the word of God that God himself has spoken over your life.

Everything that you are going through is not as powerful as the word of God that has been spoken over your life by the spirit of God Almighty.

Henceforth you will surely overcome because in never letting go of the word of God Almighty your literally holding unto the power of God that has the propensity to overcome all things.

When you refuse to let go of God's word despite everything that is not going right in your life, God will never and shall not let you go.

The more you hold unto the word of God that came unto you by the spirit of God the more God holds unto you with his majestic power and glory.

It’s here and now that you ought to carefully consider the fact that if you where not holding unto the word of God then no hater would cross your path, no great amounts of challenges would come your way, no struggles would be in your path, no calamities would befall you.

But because you received a word from God and held unto it without letting go then all hell rose up against you because whoever receives a word from God by way of the spirit of God.

And decides to hold fast unto the word they received then he\she becomes a threat to the kingdom of darkness because the word of God is an overcoming power in and unto itself.

The word of God is the very faith of God.

The word of God is a two edged sword.

The word of God is spirit and truth.

The word of God is the very power that God makes available to his people so that all their diseases may be healed.

The word of God is the bread of life and not just life but everlasting life.

It’s does not matter what is it that you are going through at the moment or what you are about to go through.

The thing that matters is never letting go of the word of God that was spoken over your life by the spirit of God.

The word of God is more powerful than any force of power imaginable thus if you don’t let go of the word the power of God will always be with you no matter the situation.

It does not matter how long the troubles, struggles, challenges, problems of your life have endured.

The most important thing above else is never letting go of the word because as long as you holding unto the word of God, victory, glory and honor are your assured portion.

As long as you not letting go of the word of God then no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment shall be condemned.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

God Loves You

John 3:16

Once God gives you an understanding of himself it not like he has just given you a body of knowledge but what he has released unto you can best be pigeon-holed as an immense amount of wealth that expires not because it’s eternally bound and not just time bound.

The love of God is more giving centric than receiving centric hence for that reason God backs it up by declaring into in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten and beloved son, and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.

The salvation of the entire world is through accepting, believing, and confessing the person of Jesus Christ the son of the supernatural living one( God).

The love of God is idiosyncratic in its very own presentation because unlike the love of men it’s not incumbent upon the principle of reciprocity.

In fact one writer of the sacred scriptures defines the love of God as an agape love.

Its agape love- (the love of God) because it’s non-conditional.

The love of God is not triggered by what the recipient of the love of God does in the very presence of God but its expressed on no solid tangible grounds except that God is love and loving is a character of God that God expresses freely to whom he wills.

In a real truthful and fundamental way, God loves everybody even though he may not love every body’s choices and set of actions as much as thinking.

Many times than not God expresses his love for humanity by giving them access to material possessions of wealth, and in giving one great access to immense material possession God assumes you will come to appreciate his love for you.

And then also use the material wealth he has rendered unto you as a platform and a ground to seek his will for your life.

The greatest disappoint to yourself comes when God gives you access to great material wealth possessions and they push you far from God instead of bring you closer to God.

God's greatest expression of love towards you is not manifested when he gives you access to great material possessions but its expressed whenever he gives you an understanding of himself.

One holy great writer wrote unashamedly and un-apologetically and said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.

Great material possession cannot save one's soul hence once you receive access from God to posses great material wealth its only but important for you to use that wealth so as to find yourself a spot and a place where you can run to God, seek God, talk to God and walk to God Almighty.

Access to great material possessions are not the pinnacle expression of God's love towards mankind because they are time bound, they expire with time, they cease importance to the individual the moment they pass from time to eternity.

But access to the knowledge and personal understanding of God is vital wealth rendered by God to mankind in the event of God expressing his love for the individual he wills.

The personal understanding of the individual in regards to the knowledge of God is vital wealth because it can sustain the individual in both time and eternity unlike material wealth.

God loves you and he expresses his love for you by giving you access to great material possessions of wealth.

However he loves you even more by giving you access to his knowledge which allows you to intimately walk with him, talk to him and passionately relate with him, and also obtain access to the gift of eternal life

Friday, 14 October 2016

You Will Not Go Un-noticed

Genesis 22:19

When the Lord Almighty demands from Abraham to go and sacrifice unto him his only son Isaac, it’s only because God has reward in his mind for Abraham.

Even though Abraham does not have any specifics in regards to the reward that is supposed to emerge out of his determined efforts to obey the Lord God by way of offering unto God the sacrifice that God demands.

Its noteworthy to consider that rum in the thicket was there even before Abraham arrived at the place where his obedience unto God was to be executed.

Abraham did not realize the prevalence of the rum in the thicket but the rum in the thicket was noticing him.

Yes! The rum in the thicket was there even though it was invisible to Abraham.

The rum in the thicket was present at the scene where Abraham was going to offer Isaac but they were both not cognitively aware of this fundamental truth and supernatural reality.

It’s here and now that I will have to tell you that it’s impossible for God to demand obedience from you and then not reward you for your obedience unto him.

God is a faithful God, and he rewards those that diligently seek him.

It’s my hope that you understand that when the spirit of God talks about you not going without being noticed it simply means that you will not go without being rewarded.

To diligently seek God is to execute the demands of God for the life of you with enthusiasm, commitment, and determination.

For Abraham to decide to go up the mountain of Moriah with the agenda being to offer Isaac as a sacrifice unto God was but an expression of the undeterred, unwavering diligence to faithful seek and to please the Lord his God.

Before God called you unto his service he had a reward for you in his mind.

God may not have disclosed the reward he has for you in specific terms but he has a reward with your name engraved on it.

The reward that God has got for you with your name engraved unto it, is the kind of reward that will have the entire world taking keen interest and notice of the existence for the life of you.

As a result of your faithful service unto the Lord your God its impossible for you to go out unnoticed.

Without a doubt, the entire world will celebrate you just like it does celebrate Abraham.

Again I reiterate that the entire universe will celebrate you because of your faithful service unto God Almighty.

The reward for the life of you got here before you ever got here.

And with that understanding, its fair enough to argue that before God demanded your service unto him, he already had a reward set up ahead of you so that you do not walk away from the place of your divine service without being noticed.

Finally, the anointing and power of God Almighty upon your life that keeps on enabling you to give birth to the light of God as well as to various revelatory experiences will not go UN-noticed.

For you will live and not die. All that God promised you shall be fulfilled in your day and time as much as in your life.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

You’re A Father of Many Nations

Genesis 11:27-32
Genesis 12:1-3
Ref: Talmud

Terah who was incidentally a resident of Ur of the Chaldeans received a unique persuasion whose origin he did not comprehend by his cognitive propensity and capacity.

The uniqueness of this rare persuasion that befell Terah- a resident of Ur of the Chaldeans was from God Almighty but Terah did not perceive it to be so.

However, irrespective of his ignorance in regards to the source of the powerful and unique persuasion that was compelling him to relocate from Ur to the land of Canaan (even though he settled in Haran).

Terah was able to migrate from Ur of the Chaldeans- a topography distinguished by furnace like environment of great tension and conflict.

To a topography distinguished by rest and peace (in Haran where he settled) even though he was intending to go to Canaan.

The topography identified as Ur of the Chaldeans is symbolic of a place, an environment and a position of a fiery furnace underpinned by tremendous tension, pressure and conflict.

And the topography identified as Haran (where he settled) even though he was on his way to Canaan is symbolic of an environment, a place and a position of peace, comfort, and rest.

God persuaded Terah and his family to relocate from Ur of the Chaldeans to a place called Canaan (even though he settled in Haran) because all his life Terah longed, desired, and dreamed of relocating and settling his family in a land that was void of conflict, pressure, and tension.

For this reason once he got in Haran a place symbolic of rest, peace and comfort, Terah did not find reason to continue towards Canaan because what he longed, dreamed, and desired all his life he encountered in Haran.

The reason why Terah stay long enough in Ur of the Chaldeans even though he always desired to relocate out of Ur of the Chaldeans is because Terah had never galvanized enough internal strength to relocate his family till God Almighty released a persuasion from heaven deep into the belly of Terah.

And once this divine persuasion penetrated Terah's belly he then received the understanding that it was time to migrate from Ur of the Chaldeans to Canaan even though he settled in Haran-a place that is symbolic of the rest, peace, and comfort that Terah forever longed for.

Terah's head and mind did not fully comprehend the source of the divine persuasion from God because his entire disposition was not aware of the any form of divine reality.

Terah's disposition was not self aware of any form of divine reality because he was an idol worshiper and not a worshiper of the only true God by the names of Adonai Yahweh.

It’s a fundamental possibility that since Terah had a son by the names of Abram, a son who was radical against all the idol worship that was taking place in Ur of the Chaldeans, that God Almighty took interest in sanctifying and consecrating Terah's family by relocating them out of the land of idol worship.

It seems to be a fundamental practice of God Almighty to always send deliverance to the family of an individual who makes a radical stand against idol worship, and the works of evil.

In other words, when you take a stand against that which offends God, then God sends you his deliverance.

To emphasis this point further, deliverance from God always comes quick to those that take a radical stand against the activities of the enemy\devil.

On the basis of Abram ' s radical stand against the idol worship in the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, God sent a divine persuasion in the belly of Terah and this divine persuasion was able to deliver Terah's family from a place that he always longed to migrate out of but he was not physically able to do so.

In other words, if Abram did not take a radical stand against the evil in the land of the Chaldeans then possibly his family was never going to be delivered out of the land of the Chaldeans-a land whose environment was furnace like, as much as full of tension and conflict.

Hence it’s crucial as well as vitally important to comprehend that if Abram is not radical against the idol worship in the land of the Chaldeans then conflict and tension will be his father's portion as long as he lives.

Most of the dreams, desires, and longings that you have came from God but the only way you going to enter into your dreams, desires and longing is by taking a radical stand against your carnal mind.

The only way to enter into the place of your dreams and desires is by taking a radical stand against the works of the devil.

The only way to enter into the place of your dreams, and desires is by taking a radical stand against idol worship.

There is no greater conflict in life both internally and externally than being at a place that is far be it from your dreams and desires as distinguished by your potential, capacity and propensity.

Thus in order to come out of bondage, out of conflict, and out of the pressures of life, then there is an immediate requirement on your part to take a radical stand against that which is carnal, against that which is idol worship, and against the activities of the devil.

After Terah was divinely persuaded to migrate from Ur of the Chaldeans even though he was cognitively unaware of the divine persuasion that was moving him, he settled in Haran even though his intentions where to go to Canaan.

However after staying in transit (in Haran) for some time with his family, God Almighty had an encounter with the son of Terah named Abram demanding that Abram migrate from his father's house to a land that God himself will show him.

Essentially, God was telling Abram , "Go to yourself by yourself , deep into yourself, and once you have gone deep enough you will come across a nation called by my name and when you come across this nation then you are required to come out of yourself with the aforementioned nation.

And once you are finished emerging out of yourself with this nation called by my name then you will ultimately become a father of many nations".

The assignment and purpose of God demands that you take a radical stand against the works of evil so that he can bring you into his presence where he will birth many nations out of you, many nations that you will not only give birth to but you will also father.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Stand Your Ground & Take Heart

1 Samuel 17

Before David walked over to the battle line in the event of the battle between the Israelites and the Philistines, the nation of Israel was contemplating to enter a covenant, and an alliance with the philistines.

The nation of Israel contemplated this decision because the spirit of fear had overwhelmed them due to the constant vexing threats of the philistine troops that were van guarded and led by the giant from Gath called Goliath.

The Israelites contemplated to make an alliance with the Philistines because the spirit of fear had persuaded, and convinced them that they were going to be swallowed up by the philistine troops

Indeed and in fact, it’s here and now that we have got to understand and appreciate that the coming of David at the battle lines of the battle between the nation of Israel and the nation of Philistine signified and denoted the coming of the spirit of God, which is of faith, a sound mind love.

Furthermore, when David came at the battle line where the philistines were constantly tormenting the Israelites, the spirit of divine trust, divine hope and divine confidence began to take over the atmosphere of the entire camp of the Israelites.

Even though nobody among the Israelites understood what was going on in the realm of the spirit the moment David came to the battle line of the Israelites, then the spirit of panic suddenly engulfed the camp of the philistines.

Yes, it was fundamentally crucial and very timely for David to come at the battle line of the battle between the Israelites and the Philistines.

This is so because his coming negated the idea that was slowly overtaking the Israelites to enter into an agreement, a pact, an alliance, and a covenant so as to safe their skins and lives from being defeated and swallowed up by the philistine troops.

The moment David came to the battle line then according to the spirit realm, the idea of entering into a covenant with the philistines was reversed and abandoned by the Israelites.

In the natural they were still a residual contemplation but in the spirit world, the idea had been reversed immediately after the coming of David at the battle line.

Just in case you have not yet realized, the reason why David's arrival rises and causes such a scene in both the natural and in the spirit is incumbent upon the fact that David is carrying the spirit of God Almighty on his life.

Hence forth don’t confuse the confidence of David to be natural and a physical form of flair but it’s mighty unto God to stand against a skilled gigantic philistine with javelin and spear even though David was with only but with small stones much akin to pebbles.

David by virtue of the spirit of God upon his life is able to refuse and not allow the threats of the philistines to swallow up his people and nation.

Based on the confidence of his unfeigned trust and faith in the fact that the God who helped him kill the lion and the bear in the wilderness will help him yet again to overcome the uncircumcised philistine that had rendered nightmares unto his people.

David has not lost heart or his ground because of the spirit of God over his life and he understands that God will help him defeat the philistine giant by the names of Goliath.

David is able to stand where no other Israelite can stand because unlike other Israelites God is standing mighty and strong with David.

As much as fighting for David and his vision and cause of saving his nation Israel from making a covenant with the uncircumcised philistines who desired to turn the people of God into their servants.

Entering a covenant with the philistines was tantamount to defying the relationship between the nation of Israel and God.

And as one who is anointed, and possessing the spirit of God, the onus and the responsibility to defend, and save the nation was laid upon his shoulders thus he stepped up to the plate.

It’s here and now that I will have to say unto you my people that its vitally important to Stand Your Ground and Take Heart because the problems, the troubles, the pestilences, the struggles, the lack, the sufferings that are facing you right now will not swallow you up nor defeat you.

They will not swallow you because the spirit of the Almighty God is standing with you and fighting for you.

Your enemies will be defeated; you will walk past them when they have fallen by the wayside.

They (your enemies) may have mocked you, and made a fool out of you for a while but you will laugh last.

And he that laughs last laughs best without a shadow of a doubt.

Don’t agree with your enemy and don’t be cowered into believing what he says because there is more power, and might on your side than there is on the side of your enemy.

And it does not come by surprise that the power and might on your side is only but of God Almighty.

Indeed and in fact some boost in chariots and horses but our boosting as the sons and daughters of God is in the Lord our God who will not let us to suffer shame, embarrassment nay defeat at the hands of our enemies.

Our God promised us victory, glory and honor before the foundations of this world as much as before the journey our individual lives took off.

In every battle, the last man standing and the last man who still has the heart to fight ends up the victor.

In every battle that you interface from henceforth, as long as you have the spirit of God on your life all you have to do is to Stand Your Ground and Take Heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and in due course your enemies you will see no more.

David stood his ground for God against the philistines and God took a stand for David.

The quickest way to be defeated by your enemy is by coming into agreement with your enemy.

Hence whatever you do-children of God- don’t make a covenant with your enemy, no matter how bad things get don’t make a pact with your enemies.

Stand Your Ground and Take Heart, trust God, have your confidence in God because God is going to make sure that you don’t get ashamed, that you don’t get embarrassed but that you win and become honorable and victorious.