Saturday, 22 October 2016

God Loves You

John 3:16

Once God gives you an understanding of himself it not like he has just given you a body of knowledge but what he has released unto you can best be pigeon-holed as an immense amount of wealth that expires not because it’s eternally bound and not just time bound.

The love of God is more giving centric than receiving centric hence for that reason God backs it up by declaring into in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten and beloved son, and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.

The salvation of the entire world is through accepting, believing, and confessing the person of Jesus Christ the son of the supernatural living one( God).

The love of God is idiosyncratic in its very own presentation because unlike the love of men it’s not incumbent upon the principle of reciprocity.

In fact one writer of the sacred scriptures defines the love of God as an agape love.

Its agape love- (the love of God) because it’s non-conditional.

The love of God is not triggered by what the recipient of the love of God does in the very presence of God but its expressed on no solid tangible grounds except that God is love and loving is a character of God that God expresses freely to whom he wills.

In a real truthful and fundamental way, God loves everybody even though he may not love every body’s choices and set of actions as much as thinking.

Many times than not God expresses his love for humanity by giving them access to material possessions of wealth, and in giving one great access to immense material possession God assumes you will come to appreciate his love for you.

And then also use the material wealth he has rendered unto you as a platform and a ground to seek his will for your life.

The greatest disappoint to yourself comes when God gives you access to great material wealth possessions and they push you far from God instead of bring you closer to God.

God's greatest expression of love towards you is not manifested when he gives you access to great material possessions but its expressed whenever he gives you an understanding of himself.

One holy great writer wrote unashamedly and un-apologetically and said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.

Great material possession cannot save one's soul hence once you receive access from God to posses great material wealth its only but important for you to use that wealth so as to find yourself a spot and a place where you can run to God, seek God, talk to God and walk to God Almighty.

Access to great material possessions are not the pinnacle expression of God's love towards mankind because they are time bound, they expire with time, they cease importance to the individual the moment they pass from time to eternity.

But access to the knowledge and personal understanding of God is vital wealth rendered by God to mankind in the event of God expressing his love for the individual he wills.

The personal understanding of the individual in regards to the knowledge of God is vital wealth because it can sustain the individual in both time and eternity unlike material wealth.

God loves you and he expresses his love for you by giving you access to great material possessions of wealth.

However he loves you even more by giving you access to his knowledge which allows you to intimately walk with him, talk to him and passionately relate with him, and also obtain access to the gift of eternal life

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