Wednesday, 29 December 2021

2022: Manifest Love

 The conversation that we find in Genesis 1:26-" Then God said, " Let us make mankind in our image,  in our likeness,  so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground."

 It's a conversation  because the pronoun used when  God said, Let us create mankind in our image.... " refers to God as an entity and other  entities other than himself that are of the same kind.  

The suggestion,  "Let us create mankind in our image and in our own likeliness" is idealistic and fundamentally limited to a thought. 

This is so because  it was  not actual nor concrete but rather a classic abstract. 

The image of  God or the likeliness of God is not physical, and it's not concrete but it's an abstract. 

If we going to  understand the image of God then we got to appreciate that God has got a nature which is love. 

1 John 4:16-"God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love,  and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him".

So in talking about the image or the  likeliness of God we are  investigating the nature of God and that nature of  God is love. 

Mankind was  created ( idealistically and thoughtfully) in the image / likeliness of God which is love. 

Mankind was created in the image of God and that image is love. 

So that mankind may have dominion over the earth  

Love is what activates the dominion  of mankind  over the earth. 

This is underlined  by the fact that the image of  God is love. 

In Greek philosophy, love  is understood as an abstract, and an idea with the  force to affect and touch  "us" -the self and others even though it has no real and sensible  attachment.

Love is ineffable in and unto itself  to the  degree that  it cannot be explained but it has the ability to play a role that is undeniable and unavoidable in all cultures of the world. Whether it be music, religion and politics.

Part of being  and having dominion over the earth  is to operate and function in a manner that  your impact can't be denied and won't be avoided. 

The image of God which means the love  of God gives you the power to affect and touch the world even when you don't have any real and sensible attachment to the world around you. 

This is imperative because the only way you  can influence the world on a level so divine is by love. 

Love is what gives mankind permission to touch divinity. 

The highest form of divine glory is the demonstration of Love. 

Matthew 22:36-40 "Teacher,  which is the greatest  commandment of the Law? "

Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second  is like it:"Love your neighbor as yourself. " All the Law and the prophets hang on these two commandments".

Essentially if the law is not preaching and teaching  love then it's not from God. 

If a prophet is not practicing  love then  the prophet can't be from God. 

John 13:34-" A new command I give you : love one another. As I have  loved you,  so you must love one another. 

As the aforementioned statement, Jesus  came  to fulfill the law but in doing so Jesus  gave a new command and it was a command of love and loving one another. 

2022 is a period  designated by God so that your life will be affected and touched in various ways that can't be avoided  nor denied. 

As you will be affected and touched  by the love of God so shall you impact  so many other people  in many different ways that truly are unavoidable and undeniable. 

The mystery and the divinity  of how is it that you going to be affected  and touched as much as touching  and impacting others is that there won't be any real and sensible attachment or connection with the many you that you will encounter .

This is true because  once you realize  that you created in the image of God which is the likeliness  of God, which is best understood  as love then you will be affected  in ways that are ineffable.

It's what it is because love functions in ways that are ineffable.

It's only love that has the propensity as much as the capacity to impact and affect it's subjects even with no real and sensible attachment. 

In the period of 2022 you will need no experience to reach certain  heights and achieve certain ranks in your life. 

It's so because once you moving and operating in the image of God which is  love ,then your power is not drawn from experience but rather from divinity.

In period of 2022 you won't need to follow  worldly  protocols and systems in order to go some places and break into  certain  societal barriers.

 Because  the image of God which is the likeliness and the love of God as much as the will of God has got the power to permit you into achievements and into ranks that others can't do on their own. 

If love is the license to touch divinity then that license can well be effective  in allowing you access to everything that God wills for your life and purpose. 

In another  respect  to Greek philosophy,  the definition  of love can't be realized until  there is an understanding of the nature of love.

Without understanding the nature of love it becomes an impossibility to define love nor describe it. 

The nature  of love is categorized primarily  in three  branches. 

The first branch is called Eros. 

Eros is a love that is deeply grounded  in sensuality and it's where we get the idea of erotic romanticism. 

The second branch of love is Philo and it endeavors to explain the love between  brothers  or friends. 

It's got to do with a deep concern that  brothers, friends and sisters express and show for one over the other. 

The third branch is called Agape and this branch is the true description of the love between  God and man: as much as between man and God. 

Psalms 8:4-8-" what  is man that you are mindful of  him, And the son  of man that you visit him? 

For you have made him a little lower than the angels, And you have Crowned him with glory and honor. 

You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands : you have put all things under his feet, All the sheep and oxen - Even  the beasts of the field, 

The birds of the air ,And the fish of the sea that pass through  the paths of the seas".

The Hebrew name for man is Adama and it refers to mean the dust of the earth. 

God got the dust of the earth  from the ground  of the earth and created man from God 's image which is love. 

Thus the establishment of man upon the earth  was the inception or the inauguration of love upon the face of the earth  

Little  wonder in the beginning prior the creation of man,  the earth was in chaos cause of the absence of love. 

Without love chaos reigns. 

Love is boundless and because it's boundless it transcends culture,  demographics and religion. 

And since 2022 is a period  to manifest  love, you will move and operate in the anointing that affects and impacts  geography and all people  of a different kind beyond your physical reach. 

God did not  create man to be religious. 

God created  man in his image to manifest love. 

Both in operation and in function  man should  express love. 

2022 is not a period to play religion  but a period of manifesting love. 

And you can only manifest love by giving  love in its abstract  essence. 

You supposed to  love whether the object before you is familiar or strange, and love  should be the rule of your life and in charge of the affairs of your life.  

Once you manifest love in both function  and in operation then you  will touch and trigger the manifestation of divinity in your life and in other people's affairs. 

2022 is a period of manifestating the highest level of divine glory.

However this glory can only be triggered once you realize that you made in the image of God. 

And it's only the image of  God -love-that can access  the glory of God. 

In 2022 you will touch and  impact everyone you encounter including  those that may not have any real and sensible attachment to you. 

The mystery of such an impact can only be divine. 

And divinely  accessed  by those made in the image of God,  which image is love. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8-" Love is patient and is kind: love does not envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,  doesn't behave itself inappropriately,  doesn't seem it's own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil: doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness,  but rejoices with the truth : bears all things,  believes all things, hopes all things,  endures all things.Love never fails".

It's impossible to approach life in love and you succeed  not. 

Love is so powerful that in all the commandments issued by God love is most outstanding.

Love is something so deep that it can't be explained."

See,  love can't be explained but once you attempt to explain  love you can only do so by probing it's nature. 

Romans 8:38-39-" For Iam persuaded,  that neither  death,  nor life,  not angels, nor principalities, nor powers,  not things present,  nor things to come,  

Nor height,  nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

In 2022 you will experience an inseparable love from God that can't be  explained. 

And if you try to probe this inseparable love you will only do so by  probing  the impact of your existence upon the earth among men. 

Everything you going to affect will  be by divine power.

By you, cultures spanning from education,  entertain, government and economies plus religion will be impacted and affected by the  love and power that emanates from the love and the relationship that you have with God. 

The fundamental principle that reflects the glory  of God is love. 

For without love the glory of God cannot be manifested. 

Love is the manifestation of the glory of God. 

Thus if the love of God is the manifestation of the glory of God. 

Then the image of God should be a reflection of the glory of God. 

When God said, " Let us create mankind in our image ...."

God was speaking in treatment to that fact that of all creation, man is the reflection of the highest degree of divine Glory.

Yet mankind can only reflect the glory of God only by manifesting love.

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Fulfillment amidst Pain

 Genesis 3:6-12

Matthew 26:36-39

Romans 8:13-14

Proverbs 3:5-6

In eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve Genesis (3:6-12) resisted the will of God for their life and took upon themselves the will of the fresh triggered by the enticement of the material glory of this world.

The instruction that God gave Adam and Eve was never to eat from the tree that gives the knowledge of good and bad.

Metaphorically this tree along with its fruit represented the will of the fresh which is a platform that the devil uses to sabotage the relationship between God and man.

The devil is an adversary to the spirit and soul of man ever working in full drive to bring mankind unto destruction.

As long as Adam and Eve were not partakers of the forbidden fruit everything in regards to their relationship with God was all but doing great.

However the moment they were enticed by the grandiose beauty and attraction of the fruit being aided by the manipulative words of the devil then all hell broke loose.

It’s interesting to note that before Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit they both lacked the sensual perception in relationship to their environment.

They were in control of their environment but the environment around them was never with the capacity to control them nor entice them.

Adam and Eve were the center of attraction in their world with everything standing still in awe of their glorious splendor.

Nothing in their environment was able to persuade their disposition because Adam and Eve were the center of attraction just as God was the center of Adam and Eve’s attraction.

Sooner than later, at the eating of the forbidden fruit everything changed for Adam and Eve and this was underlined by the fact that their sensual perception emerged to the degree of overtaking their spiritual awareness.

Adam and Eve walked throughout their environment being covered by God and not needing any material covering in their life.

But the moment they took the forbidden fruit that was the moment when the cover of God was taken away from them and once that was done they perceived the idea of nakedness

Prior eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve were never cognizant of the fact that they were naked.

This is so because as long as they were walking according to the knowledge of God and the will of the father (desire of God) both Adam and Eve were covered and safe from the exposure of the world which requires one to take glory in material things whose ending is nothing but absolute vanity.

In walking according to the will and knowledge of God both Adam and Eve understood that nothing is comparable to the eternal glory of God Almighty.

Embarrassment is a sense of being naked while nakedness is a state of being without cover in regards to what infuses shame.

After falling short of the will of God for their lives both Adam and Eve lost the covering of God and the next time God came in the cool of the day to visit Adam and eve as it was his practice, both Adam and Eve hid away from God.

They hid from God because they were embarrassed due to their naked status.

Undoubtedly God knew that the reason why they felt naked is because they had lost the cover of God due to their decision to abandon the will and knowledge as given to them by God.

Indeed and in fact both Adam and Eve abandoned the will and knowledge of God because of their decision to eat the forbidden fruit.

In their helplessness God did not abandon Adam and Eve even though both Adam and Eve had abandoned the will of God.

Once you pursue the will and Knowledge of God in order to fulfill the will and knowledge of God you will certainly never be naked because the grace of God shall cover you.

However once you chose to seek not and fulfill not the will and knowledge of God your life shall forever be in pursuit of material glory whose end is vanity without satisfaction and fulfillment.

Jesus had no business in the Garden of Gethsemane however because of his desire to fulfill the will and knowledge of God he found himself in the Garden of Gethsemane crying and sweating tears of blood.

The tears of blood represent and reflect the intensity of the decision that Jesus had to make in order to deny his will and knowledge so as to do the will of the father.

“If this cup can pass away from me let it pass away,” (words from Jesus reflecting his will), but never the less not my will but your will be done (words of Jesus reflecting surrender to the will of God against the will of his flesh).

In the old Testament Story of Adam and Eve man fell from the place of obedience unto God by submitting unto the will of his flesh and abandoning the will and knowledge of God.

However in the New Testament Story of Jesus while in the Garden of Gethsemane man is being restored back to the place of obedience unto God through the act of Jesus when he abandons his own will so as to follow the will and knowledge of God amidst pain.

And moments later Jesus is hanging on the cross in deep pain but amidst that pain is a sense of great fulfillment in regards to his destiny and purpose.

For a truth, many times than not abandoning the will of the flesh and the knowledge of the same in order to follow the will and knowledge of God can bring you great pain but amidst that great pain they will be a fulfillment of destiny and purpose.

 The Bible out rightly decrees in Romans 8:13-14, :For all who are led by the spirit of God are the sons  God’ -this means that you only considered a son of God the moment you submit yourself unto the direction, guide, and the leading of the spirit of God which is the very same will of God.

However to be led by the spirit of God comes with a decision to go against the desires of your very own heart as well as the will of your flesh.

And the decision to go against the desires of your will is indeed a painful decision to make but it also brings eternal fulfillment.

Once you decide to walk according to the will of God you choose the knowledge of God without considering your very own will.

For the Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.…  that blessed is a man that acknowledges the Lord in all his ways and depends not to his own understanding.

Depending on your own understanding will bring you temporal joy and pleasure but depending on the plans of God for your life as well as your submission to God will bring you fulfillment and great eternal joy.




Monday, 16 August 2021

The Cost of Freedom is Incalculable

On the 7th of August 1942, there landed the first U.S Marine Division on a little known Australian Island territory Known as Guadalcanal. 

 This unique marine division was on average made up of 19yr old teenagers with the task of stopping the Japanese sweep in the south pacific in order to turn the tide of war.

 The fighting endured for six months and throughout those six months Guadalcanal become hell for the teenagers.

 And as of 1943, 10,000 soldiers were left from the original 40,000. Those were not normal times back then as much as we presently faced with times that are not normal. 

The times are desperate and evil. Everyone should listen to the sound of the ticking clock and get up so as to fight for the freedom of this country cause this country is not free. 

There is no freedom in this country because the country has been grabbed by a group of men that operate on the principle of selfishness. 

 An evil principle that seeks to control the mind and the property of others. Which consequently gives way to the virus of aggrandizement.

Aggrandizement is the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, and reputation at the expense of others. 

 In order to be free a people need to be committed to the principle of freedom and act against the principle of selfishness. 

 It’s only the principle of freedom and the commitment to freedom that acts and plays the role of an immune booster against the virus of aggrandizement.

 The moment you decide to stand on the forefront of freedom fighting then you have got to understand that you must be ready to be marked as a threat and an enemy of the status-quo.

 An enemy of the status-quo who will be pursued relentlessly by the oppressor, the dictator and that evil selfish tyrant.

 Family and property attached to you will not be spared. Family members will be killed and property will either be destroyed or sacked. 

 The moment aggrandizement takes root in a given society them also dictatorship and tyranny begin to function.

 Dictatorship and tyranny rides on the wheels of exploitation. 

 And the cost of exploitation is the loss of freedom to think, worship and freedom to invent.

 The exploitation of dictators and tyrants slams the door on human joy and it also lowers the darkest cloud on initiative and human/societal progress. 

Countries with no dictatorships and tyrant leaders progress way faster economically, politically, institutionally and socially in comparison to countries with dictatorial regimes.

 The pursuit of freedom and its cost should go beyond words. 

 As much as the exploitation and effects of it by dictators is beyond words. 

 This is imperative because the purchase of freedom liberates the spirit of a man and frees communities plus their citizens, Once the light of freedom is switched off. 

 Then the dark cloud of human exploitation emerges to crush the human spirit even in his pockets. Ever since time immemorial, the forces of good and evil have always been in great conflict. 

 And at the center of this conflict is the principle of freedom representing good and the principle of evil that is represented by the principle of exploitation, selfishness and aggrandizement. 

 Indeed and in fact all tyranny and dictatorship is a spirit of evil and a force of darkness.

 The denying of a people their freedom of thought, and their freedom of worship and their freedom to invent plus repeatedly threatening to crush a people once they express a desire to exercise their God given gift is nothing but an evil plan of the devil.

 Furthermore anybody that sides with tyranny and dictatorship plus the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, and reputation is working for the evil forces of darkness and has got nothing to do with God. 

 The mandate of the principle of evil sooner or later functions to coerce, to control and aims to eventually destroy all opposition factors and figures.

 There is no progressive society where the opposition factors and figures are categorized and pigeon-holed as ‘Enemy’.

 An ‘Enemy’ to be crushed and denied the freedom to invent, initiative and become everything that he/she were made to become. 

 The moment a society sidelines opposition factors and figures as ‘Enemy’ then that society has been kidnapped , hijacked and confiscated by the forces of evil and the forces of darkness. 

 In every society where the power of tyranny is aggressive, the leaders of that society are ever deceptive and persuasive; talking freedom in the daylight and yet plan to destroy freedom in darkness of thr night.

All dictatorship and the power of tyranny seeks to destroy the power of life which is called freedom. 

 However just like it was in the Old Testament, God continues to rescue the faithful from oppression (Pharaoh). 

 Without a doubt, Jesus came in the New Testament as the ultimate freedom fighter.

 He did this by looking down on selfishness and human exploitation and the cost Jesus paid was indeed incalculable. 

 No historian can measure with accuracy the cost paid by many freedom fighters throughout history.

 Lives have been lost and impoverished but nonetheless the truth remains that freedom and responsibility are God’s basic gift to humanity. 

 For without Freedom and responsibility mankind can’t allow the grace of God to be truly reflected in the affairs of the world. 

 Humanity can’t give up in the pursuit of freedom cause if they do so then joy and reason to attain great heights will be no more.

 To have freedom is vital because with it humans have the opportunity to freely fulfill their God given potential. 

Freedom and responsibility are intertwined one needs the other and vice versa.

 The initial cost to be paid in the pursuit of freedom by all freedom fighters is by ensuring the role of the ‘Thin Red Line’. 

 The role of the ‘Thin Red Line’ is to make sure that humans understand that God has given them freedom to exercise their conscience, to stand up to coercion, to confront any power whether religious, political or tribal that comes to destroy their freedom.

 Indeed and in fact, many times than not it’s the ‘Thin Red Line’ that keeps the freedom fire burning.

 In 480 B.C, a small force of 300 Spartans stood as a line of defense for Greece against thousands of invading Persians and their allies. 

 Today history remembers those gallant Spartans because they paid the incalculable cost of freedom.

 To ensure freedom rings we have got to be willing to lay down our lives for the benefit of others.

 And as the ‘Thin Red Line’ each in our own capacity and by way of our own idiosyncratic skill sets just like those Greek Spartans we have to stand up in the way of the dictator and the tyranny of our day and time in order to defend freedom as our gift from God. 

 It can only be the devil and his demons that attempt to rob freedom from men and women.

 Hence we should all sing in unison,’ no more coercion and control’ that limits the ability of another to breathe free.

 Once we decide to pay the cost of freedom the tyrant and the dictator shall become a hunted fugitive in just a few days.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021


Exodus 20:1-20 Acts 2:1-42

 The Torah which is definitively and descriptively known as the teaching of God, the instruction of God, the knowledge of God , the understanding of God, the commandment of God, the revelation of God, the gift of God that distinctively and uniquely defines the people of God. 

 The Torah was born from the prophetic womb of Moses.

 Moses is a bi- product of a mother and a father that were both Levites. 

The Levites are in-charge of the priesthood office in the social set up of Israel. 

 It was approximately 50 days after the nation of Israel Departed Egypt that the Torah was birthed from the prophetic womb of Moses. 

 In addition it was 50 days after Jesus ascended into heaven that the holy spirit came down from heaven unto the disciples in the upper room.

 50 is a number signifying Jubilee or rather a celebration to mark a great delivery and a release from one stage in life to another stage and another level. 

 The Hebrew word of Jubilee is Yobel and it translates to mean a release. 

 Yobel is a word that is also used to translate the Hebrew Trumpet know as the shofar. A shofar is a vessel used not only to call a people back to repentance but also to celebrate the mercy of God. 

 In other wards the birth and the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish people was a celebration of a new beginning. 

 A new beginning that was meant to surpass the previous era when the Jewish nation was in bondage while in the land of Egypt. 

 Thus there was need of a jubilation upon the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish nation. 

 This is so because they had over come the bondage in Egypt and a new beginning in the course of Jewish history Further more the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish nation underlined the impressive uniqueness of the Jewish people. 

 With the propensity to accomplish what no other ethnicity can achieve. 

 As result of the birthing of the Torah, the Jewish people began to led an organized and more institutionalized lifestyle to the admiration of the rest of the citizens of the world. 

 They was no Systematic way of life pre- Torah induction. 

However the moment the Torah was born the nation of Israeli was kick-started into a systematic way of life. 

 The entire concept of Pentecost was established 50 days after the ascension of Jesus Christ. 

 It was on this occasion that the holy spirit came rushing like a mighty wind and filled the disciples in the upper room. Indeed and infact on the day of Pentecost the disciples experienced a new beginning in their walk with God Almighty. 

 The presence of God which is underlined by the coming down of the holy spirit is the fullness of joy. Jubilee whose numerology is 50 also means the fullness of joy. 

 Hence forth the coming down of the Torah plus the holy spirit 50 days after the Passover( in the old testament) and the ascension of Jesus Christ (in the new testament) respectively made sure that the praises of God never depart the mouth of those who believe. 

 In addition the Torah is a gift from God that posits us in a place of constant thanksgiving and praise unto the Lord our God. 

 As a result of the Torah we are graced with divine direction, instruction, and guidance leading us to victory, glory and honour. Undoubtedly the impressive uniqueness for the life of us is sealed by the gift of the Torah and the gift of the holy spirit from God Almighty towards us. 

 The difference that you hold against the grain and the rest of the pack is because you both posses the Torah and you are filled by the Holy spirit. 

 The Torah is hand written by the hand of God himself. The Torah is made up of 5 letters and 5 means the hand of God. Consequently the handwriting of God is written all over your life cause of your possession of the Torah.

 The handwriting of God over your life defines the will of God over your life as much as the hand of God being in your life.

 No weapon against your life will prosper cause the Torah has been handwritten over your life. 

 A valid life of holiness and righteous takes effect at the receiving of both the Torah and the Holy spirit. In Exodus 20:1-20 we find an intimate discourse between God and the Jewish nation.

 In the aforementioned discourse God is unwrapping the Torah as an impressively unique divine gift. 

 A gift set apart from God to his chosen people the nation of Israeli. 

 From that aforementioned perceptive the Torah is a special gift from God to the nation of Israel.

 And consequently to the rest of the world because it's literally defines and sharps the direction as much as the cultural and lifestyle of the Jewish community as well as the world at large. 

 From the Torah the Jewish community has been blessed and the fruits of the Jewish blessing have eventually blessed the world too.

 Both the coming of the Torah and the Holy spirit are occasions for jubilee in the lives of the people of God. 

 This is so because a unique gift from God sparks joy in the life of any given individual.