Exodus 20:1-20 Acts 2:1-42
The Torah which is definitively and descriptively known as the teaching of God, the instruction of God, the knowledge of God , the understanding of God, the commandment of God, the revelation of God, the gift of God that distinctively and uniquely defines the people of God.
The Torah was born from the prophetic womb of Moses.
Moses is a bi- product of a mother and a father that were both Levites.
The Levites are in-charge of the priesthood office in the social set up of Israel.
It was approximately 50 days after the nation of Israel Departed Egypt that the Torah was birthed from the prophetic womb of Moses.
In addition it was 50 days after Jesus ascended into heaven that the holy spirit came down from heaven unto the disciples in the upper room.
50 is a number signifying Jubilee or rather a celebration to mark a great delivery and a release from one stage in life to another stage and another level.
The Hebrew word of Jubilee is Yobel and it translates to mean a release.
Yobel is a word that is also used to translate the Hebrew Trumpet know as the shofar. A shofar is a vessel used not only to call a people back to repentance but also to celebrate the mercy of God.
In other wards the birth and the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish people was a celebration of a new beginning.
A new beginning that was meant to surpass the previous era when the Jewish nation was in bondage while in the land of Egypt.
Thus there was need of a jubilation upon the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish nation.
This is so because they had over come the bondage in Egypt and a new beginning in the course of Jewish history Further more the introduction of the Torah amidst the Jewish nation underlined the impressive uniqueness of the Jewish people.
With the propensity to accomplish what no other ethnicity can achieve.
As result of the birthing of the Torah, the Jewish people began to led an organized and more institutionalized lifestyle to the admiration of the rest of the citizens of the world.
They was no Systematic way of life pre- Torah induction.
However the moment the Torah was born the nation of Israeli was kick-started into a systematic way of life.
The entire concept of Pentecost was established 50 days after the ascension of Jesus Christ.
It was on this occasion that the holy spirit came rushing like a mighty wind and filled the disciples in the upper room. Indeed and infact on the day of Pentecost the disciples experienced a new beginning in their walk with God Almighty.
The presence of God which is underlined by the coming down of the holy spirit is the fullness of joy. Jubilee whose numerology is 50 also means the fullness of joy.
Hence forth the coming down of the Torah plus the holy spirit 50 days after the Passover( in the old testament) and the ascension of Jesus Christ (in the new testament) respectively made sure that the praises of God never depart the mouth of those who believe.
In addition the Torah is a gift from God that posits us in a place of constant thanksgiving and praise unto the Lord our God.
As a result of the Torah we are graced with divine direction, instruction, and guidance leading us to victory, glory and honour. Undoubtedly the impressive uniqueness for the life of us is sealed by the gift of the Torah and the gift of the holy spirit from God Almighty towards us.
The difference that you hold against the grain and the rest of the pack is because you both posses the Torah and you are filled by the Holy spirit.
The Torah is hand written by the hand of God himself. The Torah is made up of 5 letters and 5 means the hand of God. Consequently the handwriting of God is written all over your life cause of your possession of the Torah.
The handwriting of God over your life defines the will of God over your life as much as the hand of God being in your life.
No weapon against your life will prosper cause the Torah has been handwritten over your life.
A valid life of holiness and righteous takes effect at the receiving of both the Torah and the Holy spirit. In Exodus 20:1-20 we find an intimate discourse between God and the Jewish nation.
In the aforementioned discourse God is unwrapping the Torah as an impressively unique divine gift.
A gift set apart from God to his chosen people the nation of Israeli.
From that aforementioned perceptive the Torah is a special gift from God to the nation of Israel.
And consequently to the rest of the world because it's literally defines and sharps the direction as much as the cultural and lifestyle of the Jewish community as well as the world at large.
From the Torah the Jewish community has been blessed and the fruits of the Jewish blessing have eventually blessed the world too.
Both the coming of the Torah and the Holy spirit are occasions for jubilee in the lives of the people of God.
This is so because a unique gift from God sparks joy in the life of any given individual.
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