Wednesday 19 July 2023

Not By Might Nor By Power But By The Spirit

 Zachariah 4:6

According to the Gemetria, when God created humankind every individual was assigned a number.

This  is the very reason as to why each individual is born on a unique day and time.

Both day and time are distinguished by numbers.

Indeed and in fact seasons are distinguished by a number as well.

The season of fulfilling and the establishing the promises of God over one’s life is distinguished by the number 7.

Number 7 is the number of divine fulfillment  and establishment plus accomplishment.

God created the universe in 7 days and established the promise of setting in motion the universe in 7 days.

The fulfillment and establishment of the promise to set in Motion the universe was not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of hosts.

The hosts of the Lord alludes to the record winning and conquering army of the Lord.

An army whose make up is a composition of angelic beings.

These Angelic beings that consist of the army of the Lord also known as the hosts of the Lord ; have never lost a battle and never failed at fulfilling a given assignment.

There is nothing that can ever stand in the way of the army of the Lord.

God dispatches his hosts every now and then the time of fulfilling the promise arrives.

And nothing under the sun can sabotage the assignment that God has instructed his hosts/his angelic army.

The numerical instruction and promise upon any given individual is underpinned by a unique number.

And the interpretation of a given number determines the instruction and promise of God over the life of an individual.

In that number resides the anchor for the life of you.

God ordained and instructed this season to be a season of fulfilling and establishing his promises for the life of you. 

The establishment and fulfillment of God’s promises over your life will be made possible not by might nor by power but by the spirit declares the Lord of Hosts.

The hosts of the  Lord are the armies of the Lord.

According to Universal principle , armies are designed and mandated to fight wars on behalf and in the interest of nations.

Armies fight wars on behalf of nations to protect the interests of a particular nation against those who threaten the interests of a nation.

Armies fight wars inorder to conquer and win  battles.

With the aim of bringing victory to their nations.

By way of crushing the threats of those that are considered enemies while protecting the interests of the nation that they fight for.

Whatever is threatening your life and disturbing your peace is going to be crushed and conquered by the army of the Lord God Almighty.

The promises of God are a blessed and Holy assurance.

It does not matter to how you feel or what people have said or even what you have gone through.

As long as God made a promise unto you, the promise will be fulfilled, established and accomplished.

Not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of Hosts.

There has never been a battle or a war that God has never won.

There has never been a threat that God has never conquered.

There has never been an enemy that the Lord of Hosts has never defeated.

Whatever and whoever is a threat, as much as an enemy and a troublemaker in your life ; the Lord of Hosts ( a great army) promises to conquer, to win and defeat all that was a threat to your life.

See, the army / the hosts of the Lord that are fighting on your behalf are not only angelic. 

But they are skilled beyond measure and well equipped.

They have an arsenal that is fundamentally out of this world.

They are skilled and efficient in a manner second to none.

It’s on record that hosts of the Lord have never suffered defeat.

Thus it’s imperative that you Rest In Peace knowing very well that the Hosts of the Lord are fighting for you.

They are fighting for you on divine instruction.

An instruction made way before the foundations of the earth.

An instruction that decrees that every promise made by God unto you shall be fulfilled and established.

This season is underlined by the number 7, and number 7 is sacred; it’s blessed and holy.

Essentially whatever threatens and brings trouble unto you shall be conquered and defeated because there is  a blessed and holy promise upon your life.

For a truth you have entered a season where God is going to defeat, conquer and win ur enemies and everything that threatens your destiny.

And with the aforementioned knowledge all you need to do is Rest In Peace.

Don’t worry for nothing, and be not anxious because victory , glory and honor is in sight.

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