Many times than not , God is described as powerful ; and as much as that is somewhat a kind gesture-its not necessarily accurate and true.
God is not simply powerful but God is Almighty.
Power is subject to the Almighty and the Almighty is objective in regards to power,
The Powerful speak , and after speaking they execute
On the other hand the Almighty first executes , accomplishes and then the Almighty speaks.
Powerful men speak of what they can accomplish within their individual capacities.
On the contrary the Almighty God speaks of what he has already accomplished.
God is Almighty because he speaks only that which he has already done.
God Almighty never speaks of anything he has not already established.
Once God Almighty reveals a word it’s because he has already achieved it or accomplished it.
In Genesis 29:35, Leah gave birth to a fourth son whom she named Judah -which means“ I will praise the Lord or rather praise the Lord”.
This is so because previously Leah gave birth for Jacob so as to get the praise of Jacob.
A kind of praise that she never got because Jacob had praise not for Leah but only praise for Racheal whom he loved.
However at the birth of Judah , Leah discovered a divine truth to praise God Almighty because once you praise God Almighty : people will praise you too.
People will praise you in awe, while you praise God Almighty not because of your incredible capacity but because of the goodness of God Almighty that will become evident in your life.
See, Leah did not realize it was time to praise God Almighty until he gave birth to Judah -the four child.
For upon giving birth to Judah, Leah begun to realize the goodness , the glory and the mercy of God Almighty upon her life.
This realization was more reinforced in the fact that ; Leah came to understand that he was not loved by Jacob but God Almighty gave her children yet Racheal-the one who was loved by Jacob conceived not.
This sort of goodness , favor and glory which God Almighty gave Leah caused and influenced Leah to praise the Lord.
Jacob favored not Leah but the favor of God Almighty gave Leah children which the favor of Jacob would not give Rachel.
Jacob had the power to love Racheal but no power to make her a mother.
However God Almighty had the might to favor and give Leah the gift of motherhood.
Thus the aforementioned further established the limited power of mankind in relationship to the might of God Almighty
Consequently praise is triggered by the goodness and the evidenced or tangible glory of God Almighty risen upon an individual.
In 2024 there is a cause to praise God.
As a result of the fact that the glory of God has risen upon your life, and the goodness of the Lord God Almighty has been bestowed on your life.
This glory and goodness of God bestowed on your life is in the fact that 2024 is a place and a season prepared for you by the very mighty hand of God.
God Almighty has prepared this place for you to sit in, fit in, to be perfect in, and to be comfortable in.
2024 is place void of threats , conflicts and pressure as much as a place free of blame.
The goodness and the glory of God that has been bestowed on ur life is peculiar.
Its peculiar by morphology because its the nith degree of uniquness , as well as the peak of uniqueness.
The experience of the nith degree of unique and the peak of uniqueness is beautiful beyond description.
Its beyond description because its unfamilar, unsimilar and incomparable.
In a nutshell the glory and the goodness of God Almighty that has bestowed on your life is second to none in beauty.
Everything is going to come into perfect alignment that even the stars / the angels in the stars will form a guard of honor and salute you.
The stars / angels will honor and salute you because of the glory and goodness of God bestowed on your life.
A kind of Goodness and glory that is beautiful beyond human description.
Henceforth your mind should think big but in an astronomical sense.
Astonomical thinking is the kind of thinking that is out of this world.
This beyond the capacity of your world.
What God Almighty has done for you in 2024 is astronomical.
Now and onwards ,the goodness and glory of God Almighty upon your life, transcends you from out of the world of your familarity , similarity and comparison.
The achievements of God in your life are out of this world-(astronomical).
Henceforth, your achievement are not familar and similar nor in relative comparison to your capacity.
People have known you to operate in a familar world but they are now to see you in a different world.
A world that does not only transcend borders but a world which transcends systems.
A world that transcends famlilarity, similarity and comparisons.
The glory of God Almighty and the goodness of God Almighty upon your life are beautiful beyond words.
In that, you do not come in close comparison to anyone.
Familar to none and your similarity has not been found.
Great strides you are registering but not from one geography to another geograpghy.
But from one world to another world of unfamilar, unsimilar and incomparable findings, conquests and experiences.
As a place that has been divinely prepared for you, 2024 is a place for you to sit, fit, perfect and be comfortable for you will be found blameless.
Because the glory and goodness of God upon your life has made all things perfect concerning your life.
In the world of perfection there is no blame.
In the world of sitting there is no little achievement but only great and mighty accomplishments as well as unusual achievements.
In the world where you fit in, it means that everything that was prepared for you, before the foundations of the earth has come into alignment with you.
It also means that everything that is commiserate with your destiny and purpose has come into your possesion.
In the world of comfort there is nothing missing.
In this season of 2024, everyone and all things that had the power to threathen you, intimidate you, stress you, pressure you; and to cause you fear have been put to rest and silenced by the Almighty God.
The power of those who have the capacity to speak words that would have triggered worry, and fear in your life has been nullified.
No more will they be able to threathen you, because their power has been rendered silent and ineffective when it comes to your life.
In this season your life is void of worry , fear and intimidation cause rejoicing and merry-making have taken over life.
You are sitting in, fitting in , perfect in , and comfortable in because nothing has the capacity to worry you and intimidate you while in your position and in your place.
All manner of errors have been taken out of your way by the Almighty God.
Thus nobody will be able to intimidate you or threathen you.
Those who are superior will have confidence and trust in you to be a trustworthy custodian,
No fear , no worry and no intimidation surrounds you because their power has been silenced.
But faith, joy, praise, and merrymaking surround you.
You can take these aforementioned words to the bank.
There is no cause , no reason and factor for you to fear, worry , to be intimadated, to be threatened, to be troubled and to be distressed ny anything.
This is so because nothing and nobody has the power to cause you to fear, to worry, to stress and to intimidate you because their power has been cut off by the Almighty God.
Thus you ought to sit in, fit in, perfect in and be comfortable in this season and in this place identified as 2024.
You are a winner, a victor and a champion.
Nations are coming your way; this you will hear, you will see, you will know and understand.
At this point in your life; there is a peculiar nature of grace that has been placed on your tongue.
Whatsoever you confess shall be established suddenly.
Think big and speak in astronomical terms.
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