Saturday 22 March 2014

The Essence

I wonder on whether you have ever been up against a crucible and a life frustrating ordeal as much as a life threatening event that endured for several periods of time?

Maybe you have been there or nor but just in case you have been through a struggle , like many of us who have been wrestling with some things in our lives and we did not know why everything seemed to be fighting our progress and movement to the next level of life.

If you have been thinking like i have been thinking may be the struggle that you have been enduring for an extended period of time is coming to an end pretty soon.

Yes, as  a matter  of fact your struggle is coming to an end because you feel that your spiritual and faith muscles  are gaining strength and more momentum while your struggles are all the more weakening and losing strength by the passing of each day.

You do not have money but you are not  resorting to cheap ways of getting it because you understand that soon or later you going to become an instant trillionaire by the grace of God.

You have  been through a lot but your faith is getting sharper and your hope as well as your expectations in God are getting stronger.

 You have every good reason to complain in the face of your struggle but none the less you have chosen to praise God.

 To be precise, you have lost too many material things but none of the things that you have lost have been able to drive you into a place of pity and chronic depression.

This is so because  your hopes of getting seven times better quantity and quality material wealth is at its all-time best height.

As we speak your survival is supported by bare essentials but your head is still flying up and your gaze  is still a definition of courage and utter confidence.

No wonder your struggles have lost  all hope of gaining victory over your life.

And their weak state should inform you that they are matching  out of your life.

As a matter of fact they have matched out of your life but the reason why you have not yet  realized it is based on the reason that what you have been enduring is similar to the struggle Jacob wrestled with in the book of Genesis 3:22.

It started as a struggle between a man but while Jacob was seeking redress and justification from the struggle, he found out that God was behind the human face of Jacob’s struggle and that he was not wrestling with a man but with God.

And this is so because everytime you seek God’s favor he gives you an instruction.

 Once you follow the instruction it drives you into a place of a lone where you are required  to trust God.
While you are trusting God he ushers you into a test by exposing  you to a struggle inorder to see whether your trust in God will outlast your struggles.
When God realizes that your faith, hope and trust in his capacity to favor and to bestow his goodness and greatness upon your life is unfailing, God then throws your balance out of place and replaces it with his balance.


 This is so because if you don’t fail to trust in God even amidst struggle, God will never fail to be faithful, merciful, gracious, loving, protective, and blissful to your life.

And as well as fulfilling everything he promised to achieve in your life.

As well as bringing you into the wealthy, healthy, and prosperous place that he only and alone prepared for you before the beginning of time.

Finally the struggle was so that you can be established on God’s supernatural capacity where you can never be defeated and where your enemies seek to make peace with you.

 I know this because immediately after Jacob wrestles with God, he meets Esau-a longtime enemy of his, And upon meeting Jacob, Esau immediately willing to make peace with Jacob.

When your enemies eventually desire to make peace with you it means that they are willing to agree with your destiny.

 Its here and now, that I want to inform you in the divine mandatory authority of Christ bestowed unto me by the spirit of God through Christ Jesus that from henceforth money will agree with your destiny, people will agree with your destiny, and all the natural resources that you need to achieve the plan of God upon the earth will agree with you.

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