Sunday 22 March 2015


Genesis: 31:54
Exodus 35:2

The Understudy of any given celebration and festival through the Hebraic Len is ultimately underlined by sacrifice. Conversely sacrifice through the Hebraic Len is triggered by the memory of what God has done for any given person.

Every now and then you remember what God did and it effectively impacts your daily life then the rationale for sacrifice is triggered.

One of the most celebrated days through the Hebraic Len is the day of Shabbat (Sabbath).

On the Shabbat we remember that God created the universe in six days and then rested on the seventh day.
Henceforth we are to do no self-service on Shabbat but rather we are to serve God with everything that we have got.

In not engaging in the act of self-service but rather in serving God we are actually sacrificing unto God.

On Shabbat we rest from our daily rigors of life and take up the service of God as a way of sacrificing and honoring God.

In other wards when we sacrifice unto God we are actually honoring God.

When we sacrifice or give up our own way to take up the way of the Lord we are actually honoring the Lord God Almighty, When we give up our word to take up the word of God we then honoring God, When we forsake our calling to hind to the call of God upon our life we actually honoring unto God.
Sacrifice produces honor.

Henceforth you can only be a man of honor only when you will live a life of sacrifice.

Every sacrifice demands an altar and every alter demands a sacrifice.

The essence of the altar is to burn the sacrifice, every sacrifice must be able to burn and when it burns it must be able to produce smoke.

Smoke is the evidence the there has been a sacrifice that has been laid upon the altar of God.
times than not the indication of the type of sacrifice that has been laid upon the alter of God is in the scent of the smoke that is produced from that which has been sacrificed, its residue lingers in the atmosphere as evidence that God has been honored upon the earth.

The bible declares that God inhabits the praise of those who seek his face hence the lingering of the residue of your sacrifice can best be evidenced in the smoke of the sacrifice because it is as praise unto him.

Essentially smoke doesn’t have a scent of its own until something that has the propensity to burn is exposed to fire.

Well the alter of God demands a sacrifice because they is ever a fire upon the altar of God ready to burn anything laid upon it inform of a sacrifice.

A sacrifice becomes sacrifice unto God after it burns upon the altar of God and goes up in the atmosphere inform of a smoke that God inhabits as praise.

In the event that God inhabits your praise he makes sure a blessing comes down on him that just praised him by way of sacrifice.

In 2014 the blessing of God’s goodness came upon me after I sacrificed an amount of money upon the altar of God entitles Robert Kayanja ministries.

Henceforth every ministry of God is an alter of God with a burning fire in it ready to burn your sacrifice to God in order to smoke towards God as praise that God can inhabit in order to shower blessings down unto you.

If sacrifice is to do away with what is impossible to do away with in normal circumstance then to live sacrificial is to live by the grace of God Almighty.

There is an automatic promise from God to honor anyone who offers a sacrifice unto God Almighty.

In Johan 1:15-16 immediately after the storm stopped upon threatening Johan into the raging sea the sailors sacrificed unto God after they  were awestruck by the Lord’s power and they vowed to serve him.

Conversely sacrificing unto God is tantamount to serving God.           

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