Tuesday 30 June 2015

In the Image of God

Genesis 4:15

When God and his contemporaries (the son, and the Holy Spirit) gave birth to the concept of creating mankind in the image of God everything seemed easy until they were interfaced with a dilemma.

 The dilemma they interfaced was based on the realization and the understanding that it was impossible for mankind to be in the image of God without having the phenomenon of free- will being instituted with in mankind’s ability to function as an existence in the image of God.

Free-will is mankind’s propensity to act upon his spiritual, mental, and physical existence.

Henceforth with this degree of understanding, mankind becomes an inactive existence without freewill.

In another place you would fundamentally explain that with the obliteration of free- will mankind is only but a passive existence.

Without the phenomenon of free-will mankind can dream, desire, envision and hope but cannot be able to act upon his dreams, aspirations, desires, visions, hopes and passions.

And when mankind can’t act upon his cognitive capacity then it’s all for nothing and void of progression.

God understood that the complex city of instituting free-will within the functionality of mankind in order for him to become a creature in the image of God was of such that free-will is uncontrollably powerful for mankind to handle and to subdue.

God thus discovered that if they were anything that was going to destroy mankind faster than his divine-decision then it was to be the free-will that he was to give mankind in order for mankind to be a creature fully made in the image of God.

Free-will instituted in mankind becomes an element of self-destruction.

Man has no power over his own free-will but free-will has power over man.

 So God figured that for a creature to  be in his image it fundamentally must have free-will and in order to control this self destructive free-will within mankind all God needed to do was to establish a regulation mechanism that would at least regulate mankind’s free-will so that it does not destroy mankind  before God’s designated time-frame.

As a regulation mechanism God had to expose Mankind to his perfect will as a safe-guard from free-will’s ability to destroy mankind or rather lead man on the path of self destruction.

When your free-will is acting upon your emotionalism then you walking down the path of self-destruction, however you won’t realize it till you come full circle to the end f your life, on the other hand, when your free-will is acting upon the voice of God, and the word of God then you walking down the path of life even though you won’t appreciate it till you come full circle to the end of everything concerning your material life.

 The relationship between Cain and Abel is in the fact that they both share the same blood.

While the difference between Cain and Abel is in the fact that Abel is able to engage his free-will with the word and the voice of God, Plus allowing no other element of influence apart from the word of God over his free-will.

Cain on the other hand is different to the extent that the only influence over his free-will is his deeply rooted in emotionalism.

Abel is able to thrive in a theocratic environment because everything he sets out to accomplish is influenced, motivated, and driven by the word of God and the voice of the same.

 However Cain is unable to thrive in a theocratic environment because everything he sets out to accomplish is influenced by his emotionalism and because of the aforementioned he is eventually banished out of God’s presence.

 The thing that guarantees one’s ability to thrive in a theocratic environment is the favor and the unique blessing of God that comes upon an individual like Abel who has devoted himself towards having a free-will that is motivated and influenced by the perfect-will of God.

Without having a free-will that is motivated by the will of God only guarantees God’s watchful eyes over you but no favor and blessings are guaranteed or warranted.

 It’s impossible to master or control free-will with our emotionalism.

We can only subdue free-will by allowing the will of God to influence our free-will.

When God tells Cain to be careful in making sure that the sin that is crouching at the door and eager to control him does not master him, in order for him to commit sin, but even after the aforementioned warning of God towards Cain, there was no way for Cain to subdue the sin that was crouching at the door because sin is deeply rooted in the individual whose free-will is dominated by their emotionalism.

In other words, in order to control sin and master it, an individual’s free-will must be dominated by the will of God, because it’s the will of God with the innate capacity to master sin.

In killing Abel, Cain demonstrated with intense clarity that his free-will has been subdued by sin-nature.
God warned Cain but Cain did not heed to the warnings of God.

Thus in order for Cain to avert sin all he had to do was to do the right thing for God told Cain ,”if you  had only done the right thing then you would have been accepted and you would not be mad at Abel because I accepted him.”

The right thing ultimately comes down to submitting one’s free-will to the will of God.

Sometimes when you do not know the right thing all you have to do is ask God’s direction, guidance.

And whatever direction he God gives, follow it, because in following it you would have demonstrated that that favor and the blessings of God are upon you because your free will is submitted to the will of God.

 Thus the only way God was able to accept Abel’s offering is embedded in the fact that Abel asked God the kind of offering to offer unto him, and God gave Abel direction which directions Abel followed in executing and then he was blessed , favored and accepted of God.

So Cain was bitter because of the favor of God which inundated towards the life of his brother Abel, because he did not ask God for directions as regards the kind of offering to give unto God and eventually be blessed.

In offering to God, Cain only acted upon his emotionalism because his free-will was submissive to his emotionalism and he missed God

It’s impossible to be in the image of God fully if your free-will is not submitted to the will of God

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