Tuesday 22 November 2016

God Has the Final Say

Proverbs 18:21
Revelations 1:8
Revelations 22:13
Isaiah 54:17

In order for any word to be said it has got to pass via the tongue because the tongue posses God-given authority, capacity, propensity, and ability to establish every word that passes upon it.

To reinforce this truth, the bible declares, and stipulates that the power of establishing and undoing that which has been established is in the tongue, or rather the power of life and death is in the tongue.

In the beginning or rather in the first moments of universal creation God said, "Let there be light, and there was light."

Obviously without an inkling of a doubt what God said was established because God said let there be light by the way of his tongue.

Conversely, when God created man (male, and female) he created him in his own image, God posses a tongue and so does the man he created in his image.

The first word ever to be established upon the face of the earth was established by the tongue of God, and because God is the alpha, and the omega-the beginning and the end, then just like he established the first word by his tongue so will he establish the last word by his tongue.

Every man (male and female) that was created and established by God upon the face of the earth was established with possibilities in God.

Possibilities to achieve the will, cause, and purposes of God as much as possibilities to achieve greatness, in fact every authentic and legitimate possibility in the life of any given man is not a possibility that can be found in anything else but in God.

As a man created and established upon the face of the earth by the tongue and hand of God your possibilities are not in any man but they are in God, the alpha and the omega-the beginning and the end.

It really does not matter what people do or do not do for you because your possibilities are not in people but your possibilities are in God-the alpha, and the omega- the beginning, and the end.

Before God established you, God established your possibilities upon the face of the earth so that by the time you come to walk across the face of the earth you will be just walking through your possibilities as they were set in motion by the tongue and hand of God even before you came upon the face of the earth.

In the spirit of emphasis allow me to tell you that before you got upon the face of the earth God already had prepared your possibilities by his tongue and his hand.

So there is absolutely nothing that men can say or do to alter the possibilities of God for life of you.

The tongue of a man has the power to establish what comes through it, but if there is anything the tongue of a man cannot establish it is that which goes against the will, and mandate established by the tongue of God and the hand of God for your life.

God established it by his tongue and his hand that you will be wealthy, healthy, and have a long life hence there is no tongue or hand of man that can alter that which the tongue and hand of God has established.

No tongue or hand of man can establish anything to alter that which God has already established for your life because God is the alpha and the omega-the beginning, and the end, and nothing that his tongue, and hand has established for you can be altered, and undermined.

Whether you help me out of my problems or you do not help me out of the same, am surely bound to get out of my situation, and circumstances because my possibilities are not in you(a man) but my possibilities are in God, the alpha , and the omega-the beginning, and end.

Poverty, disease, shame and average is not my lot or my portion because when God established me with his tongue, and with his hand, God made sure that by the time I arrive upon the earth wealth, health, prosperity, victory, honor, and glory will be awaiting for me to walk thereof by, and by.

My path is a path of victory, glory, and honor, and whether that upsets, and offends you it does not matter because you really cannot do anything about it.

There is nothing that you can do or say to alter my possibilities in God because whatever God has established by his tongue and hand nobody can frustrate.

Indeed and in fact, God has the final say or rather God has the final word concerning your life because in the for instance God had the first say and the first word concerning your life.

The first word that God said concerning your life is definitely the last and final word concerning your life.

The first word God said and spoke over your was said and spoken in the canyons of eternity but even though God's first word over your life was said and spoken in the canyons of eternity it’s the supposed to play out and function within the perimeters of time.

When a word is spoken over your life by God in the canyons of eternity is has power within it and by it no other power under the sun can be able to alter the word of eternity.

God Almighty spoke victory, glory, and honor over your life in the canyons of eternity and no human tongue can stop you from walking in victory, glory, and honor.

God Almighty spoke wealth, health and prosperity over your life in the canyons of eternity and no human tongue can stop you from walking in wealth, health and prosperity as well as a long life.

God has the last say over your life because he had the first say over your life.

Hence if men are going to use their tongues concerning your life then their tongues should be repeating, and emphasizing what God said over your life from the canyons of eternity.

And if men use their tongues in the perimeters of time to say that which God said not concerning your life from the canyons of eternity then everything that men are saying about your life is nothing but a lie and it shall not stand in your life.

What men say about your life shall not stand as long as it’s not in alignment with what God spoke over your life.

In saying all they have to say you should understand it’s not final because men don’t have the last and final say concerning your life because the final verdict, the final word and the last say concerning your life is with God, the alpha and the omega-the beginning and the end.

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