Tuesday 24 January 2017


1Corinthians 2:14
John 4:24

To be spiritual is to function and operate one's life based upon the principles of the word of God.

In addition, to be spiritual is to act in line with the special and the sacred.

The special is that which is uniquely personal and different.

The sacred is that which is holy, pure and secret.

The voice of God that delivers the word of God is special in that the voice of God is uniquely personal and different from all other voices to be heard.

On the other hand, the word of God that is delivered by the voice of God is pure, holy and secret.

Through the word God set in motion the world and everything in it thereof.

Without the word of God and the voice of God to establish the thought of God then there is no concept of spirituality.

Every now and then God speaks his word then the will of God is established thereof and there is nothing that can uproot it thereof.

Indeed and in fact there is no devil,and no man with the ability to uproot the word of God spoken over your life.

To walk and enjoy the benefits of the spoken word of God over your life then all you have to do is to function and operate your life upon the word of the Lord God.

According to the great Bishop Eddie Long founder of New Birth ministries in Atlanta Georgia, “it’s impossible to influence the world without being spiritual.”

Without a doubt you are created by God and born of man for the purpose of influencing the times of your day and it’s utterly impossible to influence the times of your day without being spiritual.

Without operating and functioning a life upon the principles of the word of God and the voice of God then you can't impact the world around you.

To change and to shape the universe, all you need to do is to act upon the voice and the word of God.

Indeed and in fact the universe yields and submits to the voice and word of God thus whenever you echo the voice of God and act upon the word of God then the universe has got no option but to submit accordingly.

The word of God is spirit and truth and the voice of God echoes the spirit of God and the Truth of God.

Hence to be spiritual is to be personally unique and different.

The spiritual heeds to the voice of God which voice speaks hope a midst hopelessness.

The spiritual heeds to the voice of God which speaks of help a midst the hurtful events and experiences of life.

The spiritual heeds to the voice of God that speaks of victory a midst discouragement.

The spiritual heeds to the voice of God that consistently speaks of victory, glory and honor.

There is no situation that is able to overcome the spiritual for the spiritual always wins, the spiritual always overcomes and the spiritual always conquers.

In the book of second 1Peter 2:9, the spiritual are part and parcel of a people known as defined as a chosen generation royal priesthood, and peculiar people.

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