Sunday 22 March 2020


Exodus 3:1-22
Matthew 4:1-11

In preparation for the will of God to be made manifest through the one God has called, chosen and anointed, they has got to be a process to be endured called consecration.

Many times than not consecration has been erroneous perceived as an event but it far be it from an event but rather a process.

Moses endured the wilderness for 40yrs tending the sheep of his father in law Jethro but all this time God was taking him through the process of consecration.

And the reason why Moses had to endure 40yrs of Consecration in the wilderness was so that God would prepare him to deliver the children of Israel out of the bondage they were suffering in Egypt.

It had to take 40yrs of consecration because Moses had spent 40yrs in Egypt as a first class citizen and it needed 40yrs to flash all the corruption of Egypt out of the disposition and out of the spirit of Moses.

So that he can be used of God to carry out a mission designed of God to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage.

In analyzing and considering the different stages or rather the different circumstances in which God takes us through the process of consecration you will find out that these stages and circumstances surrounding the process of consecration are not conducive to natural existence.

According to theologians and historians Moses spent 40yrs in the wilderness with only but a few bare essentials to survive on.

Bare essentials that were not actually conducive to natural existence.

One of the most important lessons to be learnt in the process of consecration is that God trains us to overcome nature and the things that nature throws in our way.

This is crucial because consecration prepares us to be used of God so as to overcome nature and to subject nature to the will of God in a given space and in a given period of time.

It took Jesus Christ 40 days and nights of fasting to be able to endure the process of consecration and when he returned from the process of consecration, he was able to subject the will of nature to the will of God Almighty.

In the process of consecration sometimes it gets lonely and really dark and once it gets dark separation occurs and when separation occurs then graduation comes into your life.

At the graduation stage of consecration the quality of your life drastically takes on a new form.

The choices that you make begin to seem foreign and unique to the former choices that you made before the process of consecration.

When Jesus went to be baptized by John the Baptist he came from his father’s carpentry shop but immediately after being baptized he went to the wilderness to endure the process of consecration and immediately the process was done Jesus did not go back to his father’s carpentry shop but he went in a different direction as he was led by the spirit of God.

Ultimately consecration is a process that is designed by God to change the very map of your life and indeed the direction of your life as much as the routine of your life.

In the process of consecration self-reflection and divine reflection embrace each other so that a new ideology comes to form into your life.

Without forgetting that consecration is also occasion for purity,cleansing and holiness.

In the era of corona virus people resorted to social distancing but in actual sense it was God drawing the globe to himself since the worship centers of that day were drawing masses to churches for the idea of collecting funds so that the leaders of those worship center may enrich themselves all the more.

The focus was never on God but on accumulation of material possessions hence when social distancing was the only effective measure to curb corona virus throngs of people in the population of the world were perpetually forced into a period of self –reflection and divine reflection where the focus was only on God and not material possession.

Those that were marketing healing as a tool to draw masses to their self-founded worship centers were left with nothing to market because there before the world was a global pandemic that they would not claim to heal and hence they were forced to close their worship centers.

Thus God proving that he alone has power and in order to draw global attention to his very essence all he need is a pandemic of global proportion so as to perpetually set the world into a season of consecration that the world was hitherto not prepared for.

This is vital and critical because in the aftermath of this global pandemic called corona virus God will show off his glory in the world like never before cause the period of consecration ushered in by the pandemic would have purified and cleansed the world in preparation for the glory of God like never before.

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