Tuesday 21 April 2020


Malachi 3:10
Daniel 4:17

Lots of people seem to attain so much accolades, honour and applause that it kind of get a control over their lives.

And once prominence and the desire to stay relevant gets the best of them then they arrive at a place where they are willing to do anything inorder to get some sort of attention that leads to public approval.

And once the aforementioned gets to a crescendo then the culprits tend to become victims of the God Complex.

Through out history many kings , opinion leaders, religious leaders, community leaders and other types of institutional leaders suffered from the God Complex.

The God Complex is when an individual attains great power and authority that it gets him too impressed with their position.

However many times than not when some one is suffering from the God Complex then they sometimes need to be reminded that God alone is truly sovereign.

In Daniel 4 we find a man by the names Nebuchadnezzar who was a victim of the God Complex and he had to be reminded that God alone is truly sovereign the hard way.

Nebuchadnezzar was a narcissistic leader who literally conquered the world at the age of 17yrs.

He was the sort of person that you would refer to as the best description of "one in a life-time kind of a guy.

And one day he gets a dream that no one would attempt to intereprete except Daniel.

He narrates the events of the dream to Daniel for interpretation and in Daniel 4:17 he notes that while in the dream -" The decision is announced by messengers,the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on the earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people"

Upon that verdict Nebuchadnezzar's dream is ended and ready for interpretation by Daniel.

Its important to note that before there was ever a Nebuchadnezzar there was a Pharoah and both of these men of history were victims of the God Complex.

And as a result were able to make historical choices and decisions that gave the world the false impression that they were some gods of sort.

Ofcourse they were mere men and just mortals who needed to be remained that God alone is sovereign.

At this moment in time our world is interfaced with a dilemma with no solution of any kind because no man has a solution.

The dilemma that our world is wrestling with at present is much akin to the intricate complexity that mind boggled Nebuchadnezzar upon receiving a dream whose interpretation was outrightly rare.

Hence due to this dilemma we are forced to acknowledge that even those that have posited themselves to be of so much power and authority have no power to deal with the biggest problem of the world at present.

And because no one can stand up to the biggest problem of our present existence then we agree that it's only God who can do it.

Only God can raise the dead and defeat death at its best form.

No man has the ability to outshine the power of God.

Malachi 3:10 declares" Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house.Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty , " and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that there will not room enough to store it."

In critical analysis the purpose of the declaration in Malachi 3:10 seems to be aimed at creating a food bank.

A food bank is place where stocks of food, typically basic provisions and non-perishable items are supplied free of charge to people in need of have difficulty purchasing enough to avoid hunger.

some food banks operate on the front line model giving out food directly to the hungry.

With the entire world on lock down many if not millions of people globally are at the brinks of starvation because they can't afford basic provisions.

And sadly the organisations that are mandated to collect the tithe that they have been collecting with the biblical aim of making sure that they create food banks to supply to the needy are missing on the frontlines.

They missing on the frontlines even though millions of people globally are struggling with starvation.

The leaders of these organizations are suffering the God Complex drunk with so much power and authority that a spanner needs to be thrown into their wheels so as to recall that the LORD Almighty is sovereign over all kingdoms.

And that even though they have accumulated so much power and authority they just mere mortals.

Mere mortals that need to be remained by God through a global dilemma that they can't solve that it's time to honour God and submit to God cause no one can compare to the power of his glory.


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