Tuesday, 31 December 2024

2025 -God said Enough

 Matthew 11:12

The moment God set out to create the world: the creation process of the world was supposed to be unending.

However, because God knew he was to create mankind whose goal was to complete  a specific assignment on the earth.

There was no point in making sure that the creation process comes not to an end.

Thus God said to the process of creation “Enough”.

Dai Daled Yud-is a Hebrew statement that translates to mean ,” I am the one who said to my world Enough”.

Can you imagine that if God had not said to the creation process that it was enough, one would go to the barley field and not only harvest wheat but already made bread.

Man would have been left with no assignment on the earth to the displeasure of God Almighty.

God takes pleasure in the work man does upon the earth inorder to fulfill his mandate.

Hebrew 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

And that those that are righteous shall live by faith and not sight.

Everything that you desire in God has already been established in your life.

God has already done enough for you to dwell upon the earth in victory, glory and honor.

The only work you supposed to undertake inorder to see the victory   Glory and honor of God in your life is by walking by faith.

Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Once God speaks a word recieve it and believe it.

The works of God upon the earth  triggers faith.

Faith is about believing the word of God.

Believing God is called the Aplication of intentionality.

As a believer in what God has revealed as his establisjed truth we need to be imtentional about enforcing that which has been revealed.

By receiving and believing the word of God You are doing the assignment of God the he gave you upon the earth.

The struggles and challenges of your world may have been unending but the Lord says Enough.

Enough of the challenges and enough of the struggles that been enduring  a long time in your life.

Enough of the sickness and the pain that has persisted long in your life.

Enough of the long waited dream fulfillment in your life.

Enough of the tyranny and the dictatorship that has been killing dreams and aspirations of young men and women in the land.

Enough of having to wait for the promise to be fulfilled because the time for manifestation is here and now.

You have waited for so long but God says enough .

2025 is the time when the waiting is over and now is the time to recieve and believe that promise is being fulfilled and it’s coming to pass.

2025 makes a moment of saying “Enough” of the tears because you have cried enough.

And now it’s the time for dancing because the Bible says , That tears may endure for a night but joys comes I the morning.

2024 has been tearful but 2025 wil be joyful.

Enough of the time that you have gone with out food because this time you feed to your satisfaction.

And when you eat you will eat well and desirably.

Enough of the poor living standard because this time your standard of living will go to the next level.

All that you have to do as an assignment in God is to recieve and believe.

Faith without works-the application of intentionality- is dead.

You must work the word of God and do as it says.

The kingdom of God has suffered violence but those who take it shall take by force.

It’s time to enforce the word of God in your life.

Nobody is going to make things happen for you easy.

You have got to put in the work and the effort.

If it means going an extra-mile then go do those extra miles.

If it means working overtime then work.

But it’s time to enforce the will of God for your life.

Again i say , when God set in motion the process of divine creation, the process was supposed to be unending.

There was never going to be an end to creation until God said enough to the process of creation.

This is so because God remember and recalled that mankind was the glory of divine creation.

God recalled and rememberred that mankind was the central character and the main star of the story of creation.

And if God had he not said enough to the process of divine creation .

Mankind would be without divine purpose amd assignment.

There is a situation and circumstance that God is speaking to and God is saying enough of that situation and circumstance.

Enough of that situation and circumstance because now is the time to meet your divine purpose, assignment and destiny.

Every struggle, suffering and situation that seemed unending in life has come to an end because God is saying enough.

Enough of the sickness, enough of the struggle, enough of the lack, enough of eveeything which does not give God the glory , victory and honor. In

Saturday, 30 December 2023

2024: Praise-( Sitting, Fitting,Perfecting, & Comforting

Many times than not , God is described as powerful ; and as much as that is somewhat a kind gesture-its not necessarily accurate and true.

God is not simply powerful but God is Almighty.

Power is subject to the Almighty and the Almighty  is objective in regards to power,

The Powerful speak , and after speaking they execute

On the  other hand the Almighty first executes , accomplishes and then the Almighty speaks.

Powerful men speak of what they can accomplish within their individual capacities.

On the contrary the Almighty God speaks of what he has already accomplished.

God is Almighty because he speaks only that which he has already done.

God Almighty never speaks of anything he has not already established.

Once God Almighty reveals a word it’s because he has already achieved it or accomplished it.

In Genesis 29:35, Leah gave birth to a fourth son whom she named Judah -which means“ I will praise the Lord or rather praise the Lord”.

This is so because previously Leah gave birth for Jacob so as to get the praise of Jacob. 

A kind of  praise that she never got because Jacob had praise not for Leah but only praise for Racheal whom he loved.

However at the birth of Judah , Leah discovered a divine truth to praise God Almighty because once you praise God Almighty : people will praise you too.

People will praise you in awe, while you praise God Almighty not because of your incredible capacity but because of the goodness of God Almighty that will become evident in your life.

See, Leah did not realize it was time to praise God Almighty until he gave birth to Judah -the four child.

For upon giving birth to Judah, Leah begun to realize the goodness , the glory and the mercy of God Almighty upon her life.

This realization was more reinforced in the fact that ; Leah came to understand that he was not loved by Jacob but God Almighty gave her children yet Racheal-the one who was loved by Jacob conceived not.

This sort of goodness , favor and glory which God Almighty gave Leah caused and influenced Leah to praise the Lord.

Jacob favored not Leah but the favor of God Almighty gave Leah children which the favor of Jacob would not give Rachel.

Jacob had the power to love Racheal but no power to make her a mother.

However God Almighty had the might to favor and give Leah the gift of motherhood.

Thus the aforementioned further established the limited power of mankind in relationship to the might of God Almighty 

Consequently praise is triggered by the goodness and the evidenced or tangible glory of God Almighty risen upon an individual.

In 2024 there is a cause to praise God.

As a result of the fact that the  glory of God has risen upon your life, and the goodness of the Lord God Almighty has been bestowed on your life.

This glory and goodness of God bestowed on your life is in the fact that 2024 is a place and a season prepared for you by the very mighty hand of God.

God Almighty has prepared this place for you to sit in, fit in, to be perfect in, and to be comfortable in.

2024 is place void of threats , conflicts and pressure as much as a place free of blame.

The goodness and the glory of God that has been bestowed on ur life is peculiar.

Its peculiar by morphology because its the nith degree of uniquness , as well as the peak of uniqueness.

The experience of the nith degree of unique and the peak of uniqueness is beautiful beyond description.

Its beyond description because its unfamilar, unsimilar and incomparable.

In a nutshell the glory and the goodness of God Almighty that has bestowed on your life is second to none in beauty.

Everything is going to come into perfect alignment that even the stars / the angels in the stars will form a guard of honor and salute you.

The stars / angels will honor and salute you because of the glory and goodness of God bestowed on your life.

A kind of Goodness and glory that is beautiful beyond human description.

Henceforth your mind should think big but in an astronomical sense.

Astonomical thinking is the kind of thinking that is out of this world.

This beyond the capacity of your world.

What God Almighty has done for you in 2024 is astronomical.

Now and onwards ,the goodness and  glory of God Almighty upon your life, transcends you from out of the world of your familarity , similarity and comparison.

The achievements of God in your life are out of this world-(astronomical).

Henceforth, your achievement are not familar and similar nor in relative comparison to your capacity.

People have known you to operate in a familar world but they are now to see you in a different world.

A world that does not only transcend borders but a world which transcends systems.

A world that transcends famlilarity, similarity and comparisons.

The glory of God Almighty and the goodness of God Almighty upon your life are beautiful beyond words.

In that, you do not come in close comparison to anyone. 

Familar to none and your similarity has not been found.

Great strides you are registering but not from one geography to another geograpghy.

But from one world to another world of unfamilar, unsimilar and incomparable findings, conquests and experiences.

As a place that has been divinely prepared for you, 2024 is a place for you to sit, fit, perfect and be comfortable for you will be found blameless.

Because the glory and goodness of God upon your life has made all things perfect concerning your life.

In the world of perfection there is no blame.

In the world of sitting there is no little achievement but only great and mighty accomplishments as well as unusual achievements.

In the world where you fit in, it means that everything that was prepared for you, before the foundations of the earth has come into alignment with you. 

It also means that everything that is commiserate with your destiny and purpose has come into your possesion.

In the world of comfort there is nothing missing.

In this season of 2024, everyone and all things that had the power to threathen you, intimidate you, stress you, pressure you; and to cause you fear have been put to rest and silenced by the Almighty God.

The power of those who have the capacity to speak words that would have triggered worry, and fear in your life has been nullified.

No more will they be able to threathen you, because their power has been rendered silent and ineffective when it comes to your life.

In this season your life is void of worry , fear and intimidation cause rejoicing and merry-making have taken over life.

You are sitting in, fitting in , perfect in , and comfortable in because nothing has the capacity to worry you and intimidate you while in your position and in your place.

All manner of errors have been taken out of your way by the Almighty God.

Thus nobody will be able to intimidate you or threathen you.

Those who are superior will have confidence and trust in you to be a trustworthy custodian,

No fear , no worry and no intimidation surrounds you because their power has been silenced.

But faith, joy, praise, and merrymaking surround you.

You can take these aforementioned words to the bank.

There is no cause , no reason and factor for you to fear, worry , to be intimadated, to be threatened, to be troubled and to be distressed ny anything.

This is so because nothing and nobody has the power to cause you to fear, to worry, to stress and to intimidate you because their power has been cut off by the Almighty God.

Thus you ought to sit in, fit in, perfect in and be comfortable in this season and in this place identified as 2024.

You are a winner, a victor and a champion.

Nations are coming your way; this you will hear, you will see, you will know and understand.

At this point in your life; there is a peculiar nature of grace that has been placed on your tongue.

Whatsoever you confess shall be established suddenly.

Think big and speak in astronomical terms.

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Overcoming The Burden of Guilt

Genesis 33

In anticipation of crossing the River Jordan after his long stay with Laban , the  burden of guilt upon the life of Jacob was in respect to the bad he did to Esau in the past.

Jacob connived with his mother to rob Esau of the blessings that was worth of him as a first born child.

Esau was never pleased of such a fraudulent act.

And by the mother’s advice Jacob left to go stay with his uncle-Laban in order to escape the wrath of Esau.

However, when it was time to leave Laban’s home, Jacob knew that In going back home he was predestined to face the wrath of Esau.

Thus the fear of the wrath of Esau gripped Jacob when it was time for him to cross the river Jordan.

He sent his family across the River Jordan ahead of himself; and he stayed behind out of fear in regards to what Esau would do to him.

While Jacob had stayed behind after his family had crossed the river Jordan, contemplating his next strategic move, an angel came and started wrestling with Jacob.

They wrestled from midnight to the break of dawn and they did not stop wrestling till Jacob was blessed by the angel.

The angel blessed Jacob by declaring,”You will nolonger be called Jacob but you will be called Israel from henceforth; because you have fought both God and man and you have overcome.”

In retrospect the purpose of the blessing was to reinforce Jacob into understanding that he will overcome his confrontation with Esau despite his past astrocities towards Esau.

Overcoming the wrath of Esau should never be an issue for Jacob because it’s on record that he has wrestled with both God and man and yet still Jacob has overcome.

Upon crossing the river Jordan, Jacob sent Massagers with gifts to offer unto Esau, inorder to measure Esau’s reaction.

This was vital because it would inform Jacob about the thoughts and the attitude of Esau towards Jacob.

In order to be prepared for whatever reaction that Esau possessed in his mind.

Jacob anticipated a conflict , a war and a diabolical wrath upon confronting Esau.

But God turned it around and the confrontation ended up being a peaceful and joyous reunion between two brothers.

In other wards God has the propensity to turn a situation of conflict into a peace making occasion.

And for that very reason you are about to receive favor from that which you thought would reject you.

The thing that you fear the most is about to be conquered by you because of the word of God over your life.

The name Jacob loosely means a conman. And the name Israel loosely translated a righteous nation.

So in the encounter with Esau,  Jacob is no longer  a conman with a track record of  cunningly taking Esau’s blessing but Jacob is Israel-a righteous nation chosen by the Almighty God.

So essentially the blessing that Jacob received from God after wrestling with the angel of God, was to take away the burden of guilt so as to face Esau burden free.

Once the burden of guilt was taken off Jacob, he was blessed to obtain favor from whose who would ordinarily accuse him of wrongdoing.

As much as those who would find it appropriate to persecute him with evidence.

In otherwards the blessing of God made Jacob come before Esau as a righteous nation that cannot be accused, persecuted and killed by conflict.

Even with evidence Esau would not reject Jacob nor fight him

 Because of the blessing of God upon Jacob.

A blessing that facilitates one to overcome persecution, accusations, criminality and conflict.

At this juncture, it does not matter what you have done to get by and by.

Some of the things you have done are criminal and unworthy as much as unpleasant to those above you and to those around you.

And you are in constant fear of the repercussions and the consequences that may come from those above you.

But don’t be afraid because the  mercy of God endures all things forever.

The grace of God is sufficient and more than enough.

By the blessing of God that consists of the mercy and grace of God you have been made free from the burden of guilt.

The next time you meet those above you and those in authority instead of being accused , rejected, and persecuted ; they will favor you, bless you, honor you, protect you, and celebrate you.

Jacob overcame the burden of guilt over his life after begetting a blessing from God.

A blessing called a righteous nation that overcomes all things.

And in his encounter with Esau, Jacob found favor in the eyes of Esau who would have accused, persecuted and killed Jacob with evidence.

Thus you will also find favor in the eyes of those who would have accused , persecuted and killed you for evil doing. 

This favor that you will find in the eyes of those that pose a threat to your destiny and purpose , will be by virtue of the blessing, and the anointing of a righteous nation that has come upon you.

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Not By Might Nor By Power But By The Spirit

 Zachariah 4:6

According to the Gemetria, when God created humankind every individual was assigned a number.

This  is the very reason as to why each individual is born on a unique day and time.

Both day and time are distinguished by numbers.

Indeed and in fact seasons are distinguished by a number as well.

The season of fulfilling and the establishing the promises of God over one’s life is distinguished by the number 7.

Number 7 is the number of divine fulfillment  and establishment plus accomplishment.

God created the universe in 7 days and established the promise of setting in motion the universe in 7 days.

The fulfillment and establishment of the promise to set in Motion the universe was not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of hosts.

The hosts of the Lord alludes to the record winning and conquering army of the Lord.

An army whose make up is a composition of angelic beings.

These Angelic beings that consist of the army of the Lord also known as the hosts of the Lord ; have never lost a battle and never failed at fulfilling a given assignment.

There is nothing that can ever stand in the way of the army of the Lord.

God dispatches his hosts every now and then the time of fulfilling the promise arrives.

And nothing under the sun can sabotage the assignment that God has instructed his hosts/his angelic army.

The numerical instruction and promise upon any given individual is underpinned by a unique number.

And the interpretation of a given number determines the instruction and promise of God over the life of an individual.

In that number resides the anchor for the life of you.

God ordained and instructed this season to be a season of fulfilling and establishing his promises for the life of you. 

The establishment and fulfillment of God’s promises over your life will be made possible not by might nor by power but by the spirit declares the Lord of Hosts.

The hosts of the  Lord are the armies of the Lord.

According to Universal principle , armies are designed and mandated to fight wars on behalf and in the interest of nations.

Armies fight wars on behalf of nations to protect the interests of a particular nation against those who threaten the interests of a nation.

Armies fight wars inorder to conquer and win  battles.

With the aim of bringing victory to their nations.

By way of crushing the threats of those that are considered enemies while protecting the interests of the nation that they fight for.

Whatever is threatening your life and disturbing your peace is going to be crushed and conquered by the army of the Lord God Almighty.

The promises of God are a blessed and Holy assurance.

It does not matter to how you feel or what people have said or even what you have gone through.

As long as God made a promise unto you, the promise will be fulfilled, established and accomplished.

Not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of Hosts.

There has never been a battle or a war that God has never won.

There has never been a threat that God has never conquered.

There has never been an enemy that the Lord of Hosts has never defeated.

Whatever and whoever is a threat, as much as an enemy and a troublemaker in your life ; the Lord of Hosts ( a great army) promises to conquer, to win and defeat all that was a threat to your life.

See, the army / the hosts of the Lord that are fighting on your behalf are not only angelic. 

But they are skilled beyond measure and well equipped.

They have an arsenal that is fundamentally out of this world.

They are skilled and efficient in a manner second to none.

It’s on record that hosts of the Lord have never suffered defeat.

Thus it’s imperative that you Rest In Peace knowing very well that the Hosts of the Lord are fighting for you.

They are fighting for you on divine instruction.

An instruction made way before the foundations of the earth.

An instruction that decrees that every promise made by God unto you shall be fulfilled and established.

This season is underlined by the number 7, and number 7 is sacred; it’s blessed and holy.

Essentially whatever threatens and brings trouble unto you shall be conquered and defeated because there is  a blessed and holy promise upon your life.

For a truth you have entered a season where God is going to defeat, conquer and win ur enemies and everything that threatens your destiny.

And with the aforementioned knowledge all you need to do is Rest In Peace.

Don’t worry for nothing, and be not anxious because victory , glory and honor is in sight.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Fulfillment of The Promise

Genesis 41

In the Bible, Joseph is famously dubbed as “The Dreamer”.

 This is so because while still in his father’s house -as a

Teenager-Joseph recieved divers dreams.

And by way of personal character , Joseph was never one to shy away from talking proudly about his dreams.

Indeed and in fact as he proudly spoke of his dreams most of his contemporaries got nerved by the very nature of his unique dreams. 

And for that reason he was sold into slavery by his own brothers so as to kill and frustrate the dreamer in Joseph.

It’s amazing that after being sold into slavery Joseph did not dream again.

The dreams in the case of Joseph are much akin to the promises of God unto Joseph.

While during his time as a slave in Egypt , Joseph worked in potipher’s house and the favor of God was visible for all to see upon his life.

He was mercilessly framed for a crime he did not commit and imprisoned.

But yet still while in prison, the favor of God was also visible over his life.

Even though the gift  of God upon his life was not visible.

Until two prison inmates (the cupbearer and the baker) were wrestling with dreams whose interpretation was unknown.

Then the gift of God upon the life of Joseph was stirred on the inside of him.

Joseph was a dreamer who was gifted with the interpretation of dreams.

However all the years he spent in Egypt the gift of Joseph was unknown until the cup bearer and the baker  needed an interpretation of their dreams.

The gift of God upon the life of any believer is designed to solve a problem that no body can solve besides God.

In his dream while he was a teenager Joseph was promised by God to be a prime minister and a leader of a great nation and that his brothers would bow before him.

But after being sold into slavery Joseph lived a life that was far from his promise.

And it all looked like an impossibility for his dream to come to pass.

Until we arrive in Genesis 41 - and here we see the promise of God made over the life of Joseph while he was a teenager being fulfilled.

It may have taken far long for the promises of God over your life to be fulfilled.

And you operating on a level far from the promises God gave you many years ago.

Nobody seems to even understand that the gift of God is rested on your life.

But God is not a man to lie, if God said it, God will do it.

The Bible decrees in 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all the promises in Him are Yes and in Him Amen to the Glory of God through us”.

Everything that God promised will be fulfilled.

As a matter of fact you have just entered into an arena and a realm, a season in which God is going to fulfill the promises He gave you many years ago.

This season is Genesis 41-and there is going to an experience of an abundant overflow of resources.

The resources that are getting ready to come to you , will be too many that you won’t be able to keep record of the same.

Money in huge quantities will come your way and you won’t  be able to keep up with its measure because it will be beyond measure.

God is fulfilling the promise he gave to you now.

Some of the promises God made to you in yester-years you have lost memory of cause the rigors of everyday life have erased the promise of God from your memory.

But God still remembers every promise he made for the life of you.

Some of the promises you will only recall after they have been fulfilled and come to Pass.

You will not lack, those who looked down on you are about to desire for a turning back of the times.

After realizing that they should have treated you better and not despise you.

There is getting ready to be a grand entry for you in places you thought you would never sit and be honored.

God still blesses and God truly fulfills his promises just as he said he will.

This is your testimony , and this your story of thanksgiving unto God.

The story of your life will bring nations unto God ; and it will bring nations to worship God on a level of intimacy that was hitherto unbeknownst.

Several people from different nations will come to you for both spiritual and physical nourishment and survival.

While amazed at the handiwork of God in your life.

Once the time of the fulfillment of the promise arrived, Joseph was summoned from the dungeon at the command of  Pharoah.

Pharaoh represents the highest authority in the land.

And the summoning of Joseph from the dungeon into the highest office in the land of Egypt is so that God can fulfill Joseph’s dream and promise.

 While also showing off to Pharoah  who God is unto Joseph.

In the very event where Joseph is working his gift out-which is in the interpretation of dreams-and underlining the interpretation thereof with wise counsel.

Importantly, while coming out of the dungeon, Joseph came out of the dungeon looking brand new.

Joseph was well shaved and adorned in new apparels.

A sign that was designed to mean that Joseph was being separated from his past.

At the occasion of the fulfillment of the promises of God over your life ; your past will be separated from you.

And those who knew you before the fulfillment of the promises of God over your life will not be able to identify with you.

Behold all things old have passed away and behold God is doing a new thing in your life, and it will be done quick and swiftly.

The fulfillment of the promises of God will bring you into a fat and a sleek place.

The personality for the life of you is going to be sleek and fat.

And no one will be able to tell how your life has turned drastically from ugly and lean to fat and sleek.

Because of the fulfillment of the promises of God over your life : you going to posses fat and sleek possessions.

And no one will be able to tell how you did it because it will be the mighty hand of God that will be at work in your life.

The faithfulness of God breeds fruitfulness.

In this season of your life get ready to be fruitful in the place that you was once fruitless.

Lastly the season of the promise of God being fulfilled in your life earmarks a divine breakthrough.

A breakthrough that makes you unstoppable and Un-delayed.

In order for the world to understand who God is unto you.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

A Titanic Epiphany: The Dead are not Dead

On whether he was speaking to himself or to his compatriots, It’s clear and certain as day light. 

On the 1st sept 1985, Robert Ballard-the discoverer of the Titanic wreckage made a stunning vow and declaration to the Titanic “we promise not to take anything from you but to give unto you uttermost respect”.

In a much more spiritual sense , Robert Ballard made a covenant and a vow with the Titanic wreckage.

A covenant and a vow which was to be later broken by a group of self seeking materialists in 1987.

These materialists formed a company called Titantic ventures which later become RMS Titanic whose director of underwater Research was French man Dr. Paul Henry Nargeolet. 

The purpose of the newly formed company known as Titanic ventures was to retrieve artifacts from the wreckage.

With the help of the French ocean research institute.

An ignorant and arrogant idea that was going against the initial covenant between the first discoverer of the Titanic-Robert Ballard- and the titanic wreckage itself.

It’s important here and now to understand that the Titanic wreckage is a graveyard in the truest sense.

Before Robert Ballard discovered the titanic wreckage; many explorers from history had attempted to discover the titanic wreckage and failed.

It’s possible that the living souls that are now patrons and stewards as well as custodians of the titanic wreckage gave passage to Robert Ballard due to his intention not to steal (take anything) from the titanic wreckage / graveyard.

His intentions paved way for his discovery by the aid of the dead souls of the titanic.

And consequently also aided his safe return in the event of telling the titanic wreckage story to the world.

Over the years between 1992 till 2018 several artifacts from the titanic wreckage have been retrieved. 

And the retrievals have been valued at 200m dollars.

And sold at different auction conferences between Europe and the United States of America.

In much recent years another stream of income for the materialists was born.

This stream of income was dubbed the titanic wreckage tourism exploration.

Coincidentally , Dr. Paul Henry Nargeolet the director of underwater research at RMS Titanic.

A company formed to take away (steal) from the titanic wreckage -was at the forefront of this under water tourism venture.

What are the thoughts/ the mood of the souls of the titanic wreckage?

This question can be answered by how one would feel when a covenant is broken by another party.

In a nutshell the souls of the titanic wreckage feel betrayed not by Robert Ballard but by the materialists who saw Robert Ballard ‘s discovery as motivation to take away from the titanic wreckage.

Yet the idea of taking away from the titanic wreckage was not appeasing to the souls of the titanic wreckage.

The dead are not dead because they continue to live in a soul like state even though dead in the material sense.

They have thoughts and moods with the ability to avenge an offense. 

The fateful implosion of the Titan submersible in 2023 upon which Dr. Paul Henry Nargeolet-the French pioneer of taking away from the titanic wreckage was on board. 

Just may be a revenge move by the living souls of the titanic wreckage.

Living souls that feel betrayed for being taken off their possessions on the titanic wreckage by the materialists of this day and time.

The North Atlantic deep waters are considered unforgiving and merciless but how forgiving are the souls patrolling the titanic wreckage at the seabed.

Of course if you make a pact with the souls of the dead and respect plus honor that pact : forgiveness is assured.

But once you compromise the pact then you will most certainly not be forgiven.

Preserving and conversing the remains of the dead is one of the avenues of showing respect and honor to the memory of those gone before us.

When you offer respect and honor to the souls of the dead then reciprocity is most definite.

And the reverse remains true.

Friday, 30 December 2022

2023- Talitha: The veil has been lifted


Luke 5:21-43

The angel of the Lord appeared unto me as in a dream.

The  physical make up of the angel of the Lord  seemed like that of baby and an adult at the same time.

Then i asked the angel of the Lord,: " what is this period ( season/time)?"

The angel answered and said, Talitha.

Specifically denoting and pointing to the break of dawn. 

A time when the dark veil cast upon the world is lifted up. 

Once the veil is lifted off the world, the world gets up and rises up to a new day.

A new day that is ever beautiful and shining in the glory and splendor of the Almighty God.

While the veil of darkness abounds no beauty and shine is visible. 

However the moment the veil is lifted then beauty and the shining glory of the Lord God almighty becomes all the more visible.

Whatever veil of darkness that had befell your life inorder to hide the great potential for the life you is being lifted up. 

So that your great potentials can be able to rise up and shine in their own unique beauty.

That which appeared as though it was average is going to appear gloriously, and beautiful because the time of its breakthrough has come.

There has been a unique beauty and glory upon your life hidden for far long.

But now is the time for it to be made visible .

This is so because the veil of darkness has been lifted off your life.

Indeed and infact,  we entering a period ( a time/ a season) where God is going to uncover his mighty wonders for us.

These mighty wonders have been kept veiled and hidden for a long time for us.

They have been hidden by the Lord for us so that they can be uncovered for us in this appointed time and season.

The appointed time for the unfolding of these mighty wonders hidden by God for us is now.

Its now because we have developed enough character to handle the glory of the Lord.

Some times ,if not all the time, there is need for character development inorder for us to handle the mighty wonders God has for us.

Without character whatever has the propensity to give you life may actually end up killing you.

So there has to be a case for character development inorder for us to be able to handle the mighty wonders God has for us.

In this period the whole world will realize how unique and beautiful your life has been established by the might hand of God.

Envy and jealousy Will not be near you but far from you.

This is so because envious and jealousy people will not be in a position to stand the shining and beautiful glory of the Lord upon your life.

The veiled mantle of God upon your life is being exposed in this period.

Just as Moses came up from the mountain after having a meeting with God.

And his countenance was seen to be shining with glory.

So will your life be seen to shine in the glory of the lord, because the mantle of God on your life has been exposed.

There is going to be an attraction of the impossible in your life as you come into this period.

Everything that seemed humanly impossible for you to accomplish will be accomplished.

And you will shudder and wonder till you remember that the veil has been lifted off your life.

Its impossible for you to remain obscure and invisible.

Because the light of the Lord God almighty has been cast upon your life.

There things that  existed in your life that you have never witnessed but you will see them now because they will be exposed.

This season is called a glorious season.

Darkness has passed away.

Light has come to pass.

The veil has been lifted and cast away for you to be able to see a new day.

A new day that God has prepared for you to witness his glorious splendor.

To experience his mighty works and glorify God for his greatness.

The angel of the lord said Talitha denoting the removal of the veil.

Denoting the breaking of dawn.

Denoting day break.

Denoting its time to get up and rise up.

Thus in this period you will not be confined to one place.

Your convictions will take you places that your never thought possible to go.

When Jesus was rising Jairus' daughter from the dead, he used the term "Talitha". 

And immediately upon the application of that word "Talitha", Jairus' daughter woke up from the dead.

There abilities and propensities that were laying deep on the inside of you and as though dead.

But you have just entered a season and a period in your life , when abilities and potentials that have been laying deep and seemingly dead on the inside of you are going to wake up from the dead. 

Some of these potentials and abilities are a great mystery to your conscience because you not firmly aware of them.

Yet they going to wake up from their deep slumber  and emerge out of you.

And once these deep laying potentials begin to flow out of your existence , goodness and mercy shall follow you.

Hence changing the map of your life.

Ideas that require immediate attention, support, and execution will be born out of the belly of your mind.

Many have thought of you long dead and buried.

However in this period of time and season you will be seen as one who has been risen from the dead.

Much akin to the daughter of Jairus.

Who had been thought dead until Jesus said unto to her Talitha Cumi (little girl get up) , she immediately resurrected from the dead.

Because Talitha denotes the break of dawn or the lifting of the dark veil which calls upon all men to rise up and get up from laxity, and from the mundane.

Undoubtedly in this period , time and season whatever burden has been keeping you in a state of the mundane has been lifted off you.

Thus you free to get up and rise up inorder to achieve and accomplish the extraordinary.

Nothing should be in a position to hold you back.

And because this so,  there should not be any reason for you not to go full throttle in the pursuit of everything extraordinary.

You have been kept in the secret place with the shadow of God playing the role of a dark cover over life.

And now the Lord God Almighty is removing the cover. 

Unveiling you so to speak. 

So that you can rise up and get up and bring forth the unique beauty of the Lord God almighty.

Talitha according to Jewish etyamology comes from the root word Talit.

And Talit denotes a small / little tent or dwelling.

 The same word Talit also is the term given to mean a prayer shawl/ veil.

In Jewish tradition a talit is a prayer cloth over one's head to signify the presence of God.

Each one of us has got a dose of the presence of God in our lives.

And by the presence  of God i mean the spirit of God.

And by the spirit of God i mean the breath of God.

This breath is on the inside of our being and its what keeps us alive.

However once you have been called by God then you will have to experience an awakening of the presence of God on your inside.

The moment this awakening occurs you will be as if you have been always dead but suddenly you become alive

When Jesus said unto Jairus' daughter the words 'Talitha Cumi":

 Jesus was not just merely speaking to Jairus' daughter but to the dose of divine presence in her inside.

So that it can be woken up from its deep slumber.

And indeed the dose of divine presence in Jairus' daughter woke up and she who was previously dead came back to life.

In times past they are things in you that you never knew existed.

But as you enter into another season new possibilities are going to wake up from you.

There is going to be a resurrection of that which was previously dead in your life.

Relationships that were no more are going to resurrect to your benefit.

Ambitions and opportunities that you had given up on are about to come knocking on doors.

Life for you is about to be victorious in the name of Jesus.

And all you have to do is to open the door and let them in.