Wednesday 13 November 2013

He is coming to Get Me

Genesis 1:26-30, 2 Kings 2:12

Every anointed entity requires someone who will stick with them not only when the seasons is good but even when seasons are bad.

If you know you have been anointed of God, you will have to appreciate the urgency of requiring someone around you who will stick with you even when you are broke, Someone who will stick with you even when people who do not know you all too well are up in your business without a clue about the truth about you.

Once you get anointed for the holy service of God you will need someone who will stick with you because they understand and fully grasp the power of God on your life from an experiential point of view.

In 2 Kings 2:12 Elisha would not walk away from Elijah even when Elijah was entreating him to do so simply because Elisha understood the power of God over Elijah’s life.

If you know you have been anointed of God you will need someone who will still desire your presence and the hearing of your voice and sound even when you are not producing anything good, someone who will desire your personality even when everything is breaking a way from your life.

Elijah went through Bethel-(the blessed place), and still Elisha was with him.

Elijah went through Jericho-(the cursed place) and still Elisha was with him.
Elijah went through the river Jordan-(the breaking point) and still Elisha was with him.

Elisha was with Elijah through it all because Elisha knew that the power of God on Elijah’s life did not weaken at the face of demeaning challenges of life but it only got all the more intense, relevant, and all the more powerful.

He understood that even though Elijah was going through what he was going through, whatever was on Elijah’s life was still desirable.

And once Elisha got it, it elevated his life to the next level.

Elisha knew that the Lord God of Elijah was coming to get him from whence he was to another level and another dimension of glory in God.

And at this juncture, there are some who have tallied for a long time on a certain level in God and yet God promised them a better a level and a standard of living that has not manifested yet.

And they wonder or rather you wonder how long you are going to tarry on this demeaning level.

My answer to you is of such that God is coming to get you from where your right now to the ninth level of his divine glory.
He is coming to get you and your life will never remain the same.

Many times than not, you keep on reminding yourself that God is not a liar he has not forgotten about you, he has not forsaken you.

He said he will left you up and you’re waiting for him to come get you.

You find yourself unable to move anymore steps forwards because you are waiting for God to come and get you from whence you are right now.

You are waiting for him to show you your next direction in life, and without a doubt I have come to believe by divine revelation that your next direction in life is on the ninth level.

God created man on the sixth day with power, authority, and dominion but its was all invisible till he formed the man from the dust of the earth into that shape of the numerical figure nine-which when translated it is a man with power, authority and dominion, in a morph-physical and tangible reality.

God will have me to tell you that your next level in life is going to be that level where your power, authority and dominion in God are going to be tangible and a physical reality, where you will be on top of great resources and in charge of tangible wealth (people and money).

Your next level is going to be a manifestation of the impossible.
 What is impossible to men will be made possible in your life by the power of God Almighty.

Some people they are looking at you and they think you are on the same level with them but you don’t belong here with them.

This level may be too big for them but its too small for you to live here.

 I BELONG SOME WHERE BIGGER AND BETTER and that’s on the level where God is over me and I am over everything else.

Elijah was taken up to another dimension of life by chariots of fire.

God is coming to elevate me up to another dimension of life by way of his divine revelation flowing with mercy and grace .Amen

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