Wednesday 7 August 2013

At The Brinks of an Explosion

One of the most marvelous philosopher central to the shaping and influencing of my philosophical approach towards the phenomenon of life is the Danish Christian philosopher by the names of Soren Kierkegaard.
Soren Kierkegaard was a Christian philosopher and theological commenter.

He was born on the 5th may 1813 and he passed on by the date of 11th November 1855.
H e is well noted in the annals of philosophy for writing such monumental books such either/or, and in this 800 page book soren Kierkegaard talks about a very interesting sect which he calls the “readers sect”.
A group of people who curve out a reputation for themselves rendered by a commitment to diligently read and pay attention to books, and after a short while they become writers and authors in their own given right.
On the other hand as well, I would want to suggest another sect that soren doesn’t describe but I describe as the ‘bleeders sect’.

A group of people who do not read and consequently are bleeding with rumors, and innuendos, and while in the frustration of their pursuit they turn around to blame somebody else for not doing enough for them.

They do not have contingency because they do not contribute to the construction and the progress of the society around them but they tear down the spirits of those doing something remarkable to uplift their community.

Soren Kierkegaard calls them the spectators of life, contributing nothing to the greater base of knowledge.

My prayer for all of you Gifted Tongues and young Africans is to join the ‘reader sect’ as soren Kierkegaard describes it and not the bleeders’ sect as I describe it.

In order for you to be prominent, superior, relevant towering figures in your own distinguished right.

 Africa is teetering is on the brinks of an academic and spiritual explosion of revolutionary measure.

An explosion of greatness and remarkable achievement by the grace of God Almighty, and at the forefront of this explosion is a movement of Gifted Tongues in the quest for Truth and Knowledge, So that this continent will be prominent, superior, and relevant as much as important.

The Battle of Gifted Tongues is not a movement of young African intellectual tourists but a movement of encylopedists who are not afraid to deal with the complexities of our specific day and time because we are action orientated revolutionaries changing the course of history and re-writing history.

This is the age of great achievers not the age of great anticipators.

Great achievers plan to work hard and they work hard-producing great fruits.
Great anticipators plan to work hard and instead of working they go partying with admirable passion.

Yet they planned to achieve great.

Authored By:

Po’ Auli
 Founder of the Battle of Gifted Tongues, Gifted Tongues Magazine, Agitators Awards, and

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