Saturday 31 December 2016

Jesus is Lord in Every Situation

Genesis 2:9
Genesis 2:15-17
Genesis 3:1-19
Luke 2:1-20

All creation was created by God Almighty for the purpose and goal as well as for the objective of reflecting the glory of God upon the earth.

However, according to the gemetria or rather the Hebraic numerical value the number six is symbolic of the glory of God.

God created the universe in six days for the purpose of reflecting his glory and to make it known.

However the pinnacle of God's glory was to be reflected by the creation of man hence the reason why man was created on the sixth day.

After creating man God instituted man in his presence to operate and function before God.

And for the purpose of carrying out his assignment effectively God gave man specific instructions, directives, and guidelines which were not supposed to be disobeyed.

God created the man with two brains the left brain and the right brain and in the Hebrew believe system the left brain is known as the Halakah while the right brain is known as Aggadah.

The right brain is inclined to the will and desires after the instruction, direction, and guidelines of God Almighty and to fulfill them thereof.

However the left brain is inclined to the will of the flesh, the will of man, and the will of the earth.

And because God understood the left brain will always be in conflict with the right brain he created man with both brains but he put the left brain to sleep so that man can only and effectively function in the Garden of Eden- the presence of God with only the right brain.

Therefore God told man that he can utilize unto himself everything in the Garden of Eden except but the tree that gives knowledge of that which is good and evil for if man eats of the fruits from that tree then he will surely die.

They were two trees that were strategically placed in the Garden of Eden the tree of life and the tree that gives knowledge of that which is good and evil.

The tree of life was symbolic of the right brain and the tree of knowledge of good and evil was symbolic of the left brain.

God told man that i have put life and death before you but chose life.

Essentially the aforementioned statement means that God instituted before man both the left brain and the right brain and then he put to rest the left as a precaution for man to chose and follow after the right brain for the left brain leads to death.

As time endured man disobeyed God when he ate the fruit from the tree that God forbid man from partaking thereof.

After eating the forbidden fruit that God forbid man the left brain was awakened and then man conceived the nature of sin and then he was banished out of God's divine presence.

God does not stay in a room where his will is being contested, argued, debated, conflicted, and undermined.

Conversely God can’t allow anyone in his presence that is in argument against his will.

Thus God banished man out of his presence because when man disobeyed God he was contesting, protesting, and arguing against the will and mandate of God.

And hence they were no way man was going to be effective in reflecting the highest degree of God glory upon the earth.

However God had a plan of restoring man from the fallen state to the glorious state and this plan was redemption whose commander in chief is Jesus Christ.

At the center of God's redemptive plan is his son Jesus Christ who was born in a manger to show the whole world that he is the lord in every situation.

Whether you sick, have no money, depressed and heartbroken Jesus is lord in every situation for the purpose of turning the situation around to reflect the glory of God his father.

The redemptive plan of God in the name of Jesus Christ is designed to bring and to restore man back to his original state before the act of eating the forbidden fruit.

Hence in believing Jesus we are restored back into the presence of God where our right brain is most operative in the event of reflecting the glory of God.

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