Thursday 8 December 2016

You’re Not the Least

Matthew 16:18
Judges 6:13

To be in a place of greatness and to be in a place that is considered least above else are both determined by your ground.

The term ground in this perspective simply means the place of your psychological and spiritual standing as much as your disposition.

The spiritual level and psychological level of any given individual is determined by their ground.

The ground of any given individual can be determined by their environment and the very people that they give themselves to.

The shape of your ground is fundamentally determined by the opinions of the people that you consider worthy of your honor, respect and submission.

The cultural and education background for the life of you largely has the propensity to determine the ground upon which your life is to function.

The knowledge that you attained in school, and the knowledge you attained in your father and mother's house as much as in the environment of your upbringing can all shape the ground upon which your life functions.

To go deeper and further, it’s important to understand the achievement that you make out of the knowledge that you have galvanized over time further consolidates the ground of your life's operation.

People consider you least depending on the ground upon which your life is found.

If the ground of your life is far be it from grand and the achievements of your life are far be it from marvelous then many times than not folk are going to treat you insignificant and unimportant.

However people consider you great depending on the ground upon which your life is found.

If the ground of your life is grand and the achievements of your life are marvelous then many times than not folk are going to treat you significant and important.

Sometimes your life is in transition and it may seem least but don’t be discouraged because when God is finished with you, your life will come out as pure gold.

Everyone who looks like gold is one considered to be of greatness.

According to the scripted promises of God Almighty we are in a time frame where the least are becoming great and the great are becoming least.

We are in a dispensation where the first are becoming last and the last are becoming first.

So if the world has been making you feel least, unimportant, and insignificant then its time for you to realize that the time is now for the least to be made great and the great to be made least.

It’s time for you to convince, and to persuade yourself about the fact that your opinions matter, your opinions matter because they hold substance and a flair of divine wisdom.

It’s not your problem that people think that your opinion does not matter.

This is so because we all realize that people have a real and drastic problem for thinking that the opinion of the anointed does not matter.

The opinions that came from your life are powerful, life-giving, and transforming and anointed nuggets that ought to be much coveted by everybody around you.

And if folk cannot handle your opinions then it’s indicative of the fact that they cannot stand your anointing let alone the God who anointed you.

Folk are offended by the choices that you have considered because your choices are anointed of God Almighty and they keep on wondering why God anointed you that much and entrusted you with brilliant choices even when you don’t look like much.

Among the least of this world you’re not a number because the thing that determines your greatness is your ground.

And your ground is not cultural, your ground is not social, your ground is not traditional, your ground is not educational but your ground is based upon the revelation of God.

The revelation of God is the light of the word of God that forms and shapes the ground of your existence.

The ground of your existence is shaped by the revelation of God which is also power of the anointing of God.

Jesus declared “upon this rock I will establish\build my church (the called out ones), and the gates of hell shall not overcome\prevail against it".

In this regard the rock is symbolic of the revelation of God, and the light of the same.

As long as the ground of your existence is shaped and formed by divine revelation then is simply means that your foundation is solid and unmovable as much as unshakeable.

It’s impossible for people to toss you up and about and push you over as long as the ground of your existence is shaped and formed by divine revelation.

People will go a long way in order to make you feel among the least but they wont succeed because your entire disposition is feed by divine revelation- the solid rock upon which your existence is grounded.

And as long as your life is grounded upon divine revelation you will not be overcome but you will overcome every agent sent from hell to undermine you, compromise you, and to put you down.

The gates of hell will not overcome you, and they will not prevail against you because you are not the least but you are the greatest and your greatness is shaped by the ground of your existence which is divine revelation.

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