Saturday 24 December 2016


Genesis 32:24
Proverbs 29:18
Hosea 4:6

Casual thinkers and observers throughout the ages have considered solitude less of a blessing even though great philosophers, theologians, and prognosticators have used solitude to shape, touch and impact the world.

Solitude is a great occasion and an awesome blessing because by solitude and in solitude men discover their existence and come to understand the meaning of their existence.

To understand the meaning of one's existence solitude is very much an essential tool because in solitude we conceive dreams that give our lives shape, form and substance as well as content.

In solitude we receive visions that formulate, and stipulate the future that can be and the future that will be.

For the Bible (proverbs 29:18) stipulates it in no uncertain terms that without a vision the people perish.

Indeed and in fact the bible (Hosea 4:6) further stipulates that "my people are destroyed for the lack of understanding/ knowledge".

Allow me to argue that 75% of the understanding that is required for us not to perish is applicable understanding which can best be discovered in solitude with the bible (the word of God) by the Holy Spirit.

In solitude we seek the presence of the highest God-the creator of our souls-and in solitude we have an encounter with the God of all might and power.

In solitude we dwell in the secret place of the highest God and abide in the shadow of the Almighty God, just like it is argued in Psalms 91.

In solitude we receive a revelation about God, and a revelation from God.

A revelation is partly defined as a divine vision of understanding knowledge and an inner spiritual grasping of the things that pertain to our life and destiny in accordance to the will of God for our lives.

In other words, its utterly impossible to perish and to be destroyed after you have received a divine vision of understanding knowledge from God that is supposed be applied in your life at all times.

In order to understand the meaning of our existence we need a divine vision of understanding from God concerning our lives.

God created us and only he can give meaning to our existence.

As a matter of fact, God give our lives meaning even before we ever got to operate upon the face of the earth but in order for us to come to full terms with that awesome fact we need to seek God and his righteous.

Much of seeking God, and his presence as much as his righteous is a personal endeavor that is largely played out in solitude, to encounter God is to encounter and to come face to face, and to terms with the understanding of the meaning of your very existence.

Hence solitude is the foundation and basis of understanding the meaning of our existence.

In Genesis 32:24 Jacob got up during the night hour, and took his two wives, his two servant wives, and his eleven sons and crossed the Jabbok River with them.

After taking them to the other side, he sent over all his possessions.

This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came, and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.

In the aforementioned text, Jacob's family goes ahead of him and he is left behind in solitude and while in solitude, a man comes and wrestles with him till the dawn began to break.

There is something to be said over here and that is that in solitude Jacob wrestled with God who came to him in the form, shape, substance, and content of a man.

He was left behind by his family who had gone before him and ahead of him but by the time he was out of solitude and done wrestling with God in the form of a mysterious man Jacob was further ahead of those who had gone before him in terms of vision, an social stature.

Its here and now that God will have me to bring this truth to your understanding that while you were seeking God's face and presence, they are many who are not as accomplished as you that have gone ahead of you.

And right now you feel that your life is far behind in both in your social status and financial status in comparison to the life that your peers operating in their understanding have been able to achieve for themselves.

While you were in solitude seeking the face and the righteousness of God your contemporaries were building their finances strong, getting married and giving birth to children and right now they seem to be standing far and immensely ahead of you.

However you have come to a place in your life as of now where the God whose face you sought after in solitude and wrestled with in solitude is turning your life around and he is tipping the scales and turning tables in your life.

Indeed and in fact your life is about to go ahead of everybody who seemed far and ahead of you.

Your life has been behind but now you going to find yourself ahead.

Those who thought that they left you for dead are about to hear you in places that they lest expect you and after they hear your name in the place they lest expect you then they will regret as to why they never treated you better.

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